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Silent Bob

Drunken Deities Royalty
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Everything posted by Silent Bob

  1. Tell that to Gore Verbinski. Or Chris Nolan. In fact summer blockbusters seem to be getting longer and longer every year. I don't mind, at least we get more movie for our 11 bucks. I think the dvd version has the extended opening (in the arctic with the Captain America "cameo") added back in but I don't know if there are any other additions.
  2. Downey is signed to a four film contract (three Iron Mans and an Avengers) but there are ways to get out of it if necessary. These contracts are pricey so Marvel might have only been able to afford to sign the star. Or they could have tried to get Howard to sign onto one but he negotiated out of it. Or he did sign one and still negotiated out of it. Either way, those contracts aren't always as set in stone as you'd think. I'd rather they had been able to get Howard back but if the guy's holding out for even more money, screw it. It was "Next time" by the way. Not next time for him.
  3. Yeah that's pretty cool. Can't wait to check it out myself next week. And speaking of the Incredible Hulk. Word is that he just may end up being the villain in the first Avenger movies (which, let's face it, is basically just an Ultimates movie now). From Splashpage MTV: I'd love to see the Hulk as the Avengers villain. Especially if they manage to maintain continuity with the film casts. Unfortunately, continuity is already slipping in the Marvel universe. Talks with Terrence Howard about returning to Iron Man 2 have fallen through due to "financial disagreements" (which basically means he wanted more money, I'm sure). Luckily they've already found a replacement and he's a good choice if you can ignore the fact that Rhodey looks like two different people in two different movies. The replacement? Don Cheadle.
  4. Yeah, everyone but Weaver and Moranis are planning to come back. Even Annie Potts is planning to come back, last I heard. And yeah, Murray has said it'd be cool to get a female Ghostbuster but that was just him hypothesizing, the script is out of his hands. Since his recent divorce, Murray looks like he's determined to get back to working a lot again like he used to. Of the big four, he seems the most excited about another Ghostbusters right now.
  5. Finally read the most recent trade for this. I dunno what's been going on with it since that but...holy fuck, I don't know why I keep reading this book, it's too painful.
  6. Gonna have to agree to disagree on that one. In its original attempt to keep Two Face a secret in Dark Knight, WB never really released any publicity photos of the character. This cool one just got released. I knew there was a lot of cgi work done on him but I didn't realize just how much of it was completely digital.
  7. The difference is, Batman and Daredevil will go on. There's never been a Spirit movie (not counting the crappy TV movie back in the 80s) and if this one sucks it may be a very very long time before there ever is again. Most people don't even know what The Spirit is and after December they're going to think it's...that. Eisner deserved better.
  8. New Spirit Trailer - It's a better trailer than the last two, but it still confirms what we already knew. Gabriel Macht = good. Everything else = bad. And the dialogue = atrociously bad. ("Is every damn woman in this damn hellhole out of their damn mind?" I almost expected Randy Quaid to pop up and say "Yeah, where can I get some damn bait.")
  9. I'd buy that for a dollar. And I'm not even reading the book.
  10. HAHA, that is awesome, man. Jess got me one of those for Christmas a few years back. I still like to imagine to look on the poor old woman's face at Things Remembered when she got that message request.
  11. Blood Simple was their first film and it's still hands-down one of their best. My favorite is Miller's Crossing because I just can't get enough of that old-fashioned film noir/gangster stuff. Plus, any movie that makes Albert Finney a badass is gold in my book.
  12. I'll be honest... yeah. I'd totally go there. At least it would take a little bit of the sting off a Republican win in November. I've never had executive branch fantasies before. Now this thread absolutely needs more Mary Louise Parker. Mmm...legs... And did someone want more Sandra Bullock? Because Sandra is always welcome around these parts. Now how about some Mariska Hargitay? Or Melora Hardin? Or, of course, Marisa Tomei. Go rent Before The Devil Knows Your Dead. Seriously. Do it right now. I'll wait.
  13. The number isn't on it, but trust me, this was issue 50.
  14. Wait... Underrated? The Coen Brothers? Seriously? If anything they're overrated. Don't get me wrong, I think they're great filmmakers too, but usually every time I hear someone talking about the Coen Brothers, they're one step away from putting them on donkeys and parading them around Jerusalem.
  15. C'mon, man, we'd all like to see Preacher on the screen, but let's look at it realistically. Preacher would basically be the most controversial film/television series of all time. It contains material that is highly offensive to just about any group of people, not to mention being filled to the brim with horrifying graphic violence and ridiculously taboo sex acts. The controversy and protests that sank the box office dreams of The Last Temptation of Christ, Dogma, The Golden Compass, etc would be nothing compared to the outcry that would assault Preacher once word of its subject matter got out. The audience for this series may be big in the comics community but in the film and television community it's pretty small. A studio would have to be out of their mind to think this project would be bankable. It was a fun possibility while it lasted but did we really think we'd be seeing Arseface onscreen? Or the Last Scion throwing around his own shit? Or the Devil whipping the flesh from the Saint's back? Did we really think meat woman would actually be filmed, ever? It was never gonna happen.
  16. I don't think so. I really see him as just a mob boss who wears a tuxedo. He would only be called Penguin behind his back. If there was a scene where he pulled a knife hidden in an umbrella handle as a nod to the comics, I guess it'd be ok, but that's as far as I'd take it.
  17. I'm sticking with it my choice until a few years from now when Nolan releases real casting.
  18. Yeah I'd read that too. But then I also read this on IMDb: On the other hand, I don't think "TheStoneReport.com" exists so yours is more likely correct. The studios haven't asked anyone about it yet. Chris Nolan still has final say on the script, the story, and the casting. Hoffman is just on the studio's wishlist.
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