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Silent Bob

Drunken Deities Royalty
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Everything posted by Silent Bob

  1. What are you kidding? The whole ending is loose ends.
  2. I...I think it was an actual fight scene.
  3. Awesome brushed metal, except now we're back to stealing someone else's design again.
  4. That is...remarkably...awful. And I was expecting awful but it still surprised me by its awfulness. I still say they got a great guy to play the Spirit but everything else about the film so far (except that first shot, that really is pure Eisner) is awful.
  5. We do need something with a little more edge, yes, but Jax's new ones are a step in the right direction. They're big, they're bold, they're a cohesive design, they can actually be worn on tshirts in public, and they don't look like something that someone made in MSPaint.
  6. Yeah it was, but it couldn't have gone any other way really without it becoming a completely different movie ( ). I think it was handled as well as it could be. In retrospect, I actually like Harvey's fate, but the Joker's end could have been handled simply .
  7. I don't care how bad an idea it is, I'll be there. The chemistry of all the actors in the Lethal Weapons film has consistently been so good, watching those sequels is like sitting down and bullshitting with friends. With explosions,
  8. Nah, the ending rocked. But then, I might just be blinded by the lack of microwave of emitter.
  9. But it's already a gay movie!
  10. No, sorry, it was just you two. Actually, in the back of my head, I did know there was a "Beak" in the XMen universe, but since the one in the movie doesn't have bird-like features and has electrical powers instead of flight, I assumed it was an all-new character.
  11. So one really cool thing has come out of Frank Miller's Spirit movie - Lionsgate's marketing department has reached out to art schools across the country to help design posters for the film. This first one was introduced at comicon and comes from the Art Institute of California-San Diego. God, for once I wish I was still in school... :(
  12. Considering I tend to stay out of Fight Club and Politics, a much more civil board than you do. I agree with FDB. I like to think we have (or at least can) grow beyond "drinks and whores".
  13. So, uh, who here is still serious about wanting a new logo? And if so, is this the wrong crowd to ask for a little class...or if not class, at least not crude?
  14. You're right, that's the perfect logo for everyone who doesn't like having "whores" on their tshirt...
  15. There is. Though none of them are by Gaiman or Kubert so they're not worth it, I imagine.
  16. I can't wait for Half Blood Prince, but to me this trailer is basically just (in deep movie announcer guy voice) "COMING THIS FALL...A MOVIE...WITH A LITTLE KID...WHO IS CREEPY". Great film, I'm sure, but lousy trailer. Order of the Phoenix's trailer had me drooling. This one, not so much.
  17. Man, I wouldn't want to be. You'll either end up with half a face, attacked by dementors or chased by EV-ERY-ONE!
  18. I just wonder if he's going to realize he's in a movie. Originally, I thought Beak was made just for the movie but apparently not. I'm pretty sure that's the basic premise for the next film too.
  19. Tell me you have the uncut version. Only show the uncut version.
  20. Pretty sure. That looked like Ryan Reynolds to me.
  21. Yes. Yes it was. And Deadpool, too, if you looked closely. Also the Blob and did anyone else think they saw Emma Frost, or was that someone else?
  22. Yeah, Burton's been quoted as saying the Killing Joke is his favorite comic book (despite, when insulting Kevin Smith, saying that he won't read comic books) but there's nothing of The Killing Joke in the cartoonish, campy Joker that he put into his movie. The Dark Knight and (yes I'll say it again) Return of the Joker are the closest we've gotten to having that Joker on screen.
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