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Everything posted by Jables

  1. Mate, Clint knows how to fight dirty. Fuckin' boyscout too.
  2. I think i found the grrl to break my "never gotten good head rule".
  3. Head's really smartin'. Wish I'd retained some drunkenness for posting.
  4. I'ma bite the bullet and ask. Where the fuck did the masthead for the Forum Pubs come from? The whol drunkfoundation.com thing?
  5. Btw, I'm from the country & I've never heard of a Kangaroo Mouse. I think Walt Disney's having a lend of you.
  6. 'Kay, did anyone else who just read that last post wonder about Cassidy the Irish Vampire getting a symbiote? Makes so sense huh?
  7. WHERE THE FUCK DID CLETUS GO?! I know the carnage Symbiote was taken back by Venom, but what the fuck happened to Cletus Cassidy?
  8. Dunno if you've already mentioned it Irish, but apparently 'Dissassembled' was simply the tip of a greater shit berg moving toward the original roster, encompassing 'New Avengers an' all'... That last cover was dog's bollocks.
  9. Yeah Jude Law an' Colin Farrel Baybee!!
  10. So very burnt. If i manage to sleep tonight, it'll only be to wake up to excruciating agony tomorrow...
  11. Boooyeah! Enjoy you're working day bitches, I'm off to the beach!!! One o'the best beaches in the world I might add...
  12. Time for a bowl of virgin Crunchy Nut
  13. How's it goin' cobber? It's too fucking hot to be in the city today. Either a large body of water or a.c that'll freeze kittens are the order of the day.
  14. A horse is a horse of course of course, and noone can talk to a horse of course. That is of course unless the horse is the famous Mr Ed. Go right to the source and ask the horse, he'll give you the answer that you endorse. He's always on a steady course, TALK TO MR ED! People go yakkity-yak and speak, and waste the time of day, But Mr Ed will never speak unless he has something to say. A horse is a horse of course of course, and noone can talk to a horse of course. YOU NEVER HEARD OF A TALKING HORSE?? Well listen to this: I AM MR ED.
  15. I relly wish someone id reply to something. Is there such a thing as alcaholic second wind? i was chatting to isa, then she left them a paased out fir an hour now shrs gone and i'm shityy tyoing againd. prolly fatigue.
  16. Oh yeah, Irish. That looks like my mum. seriously
  17. i hurt like fuckerry and i still didn't get laid, but my first time cooking eggs went pretty charmingly...
  18. wages of sin I feel like the worst kind of recycled dhiarretic shit from a lebanese he-she in king's cross.
  19. ... I really sshoulda brought all my shit here anstead of inseminating the rest hondondeos with my drnken rambling. now i've gotta find a new user nae and start again...
  20. Too many words, but the pictures with words on 'em look pretty damn boss. I haven't pickedanything up since the wrap up with Black Widow 'cause I wasn't really sure where to from the 'Kingpin of Hell's Kitchen' thing. Words would prolly clarify, but way too many too early.
  21. GGGrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!Can't get onta AIM to chat with... Certain parties.
  22. YEEEHAHH!!!! Off to Noosa on my only day off! Burnt nipples and footy on the beach. This is what it's aall about...
  23. Man, i passed volume two onto this EXCEEDINGLY hot chick proffessing to be into comics an' the bitch abused me for exposing her to something so horrible. And i still haven't gotten my book back. God she's hot though.
  24. I need a train from Toowoomba to Woolongong and the New South Wales transport system is not cooperating in the slightest!!!
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