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Everything posted by Jables

  1. Man, how can ANY song live up to being overplayed? I know it was a judgemental call, but it's not a radio thing, it's every piece of crap waving this album like a banner because they think it makes them deep. Really it's like the church, to be honest. I stated tho, that I understand the difference between Artist & Audience, so I don't hate on the album so much as the people that listen to it & create said negative association. Aside from that, I went thru that album extensively, so it's like any other album that's been my favourite at any time... Tho Their cover of The Man who Sold the World? Never gonna be replaced.
  2. Another In Utero here, too. Bleach is easily a close second though. Thing with Unplugged is here, every bogan, wigga, or other piece-of-shit sub-culture that shits itself from the backyards playing home to soo many garden-hose abortions(but sadly, not enough) has a copy, and they think it makes them spiritual. I try not to hold that against the album tho. Wow... I AM in a bituva mood tonight...
  3. Juust picked up my Ultimate Spiderman #75, yeah. Not bad but it'd best be worth the wait, or Bendis is gonna have blood on his hands. Y: The Last Man, I just finished reading. And I'm pretty titilated thus far. That Kilina's one hot Tamale...
  4. Fuck the rules! Most fun I ever have is scavenging around op-shops and shite lookin' for parts for the various old consoles i usedta own. I been trynna get my nes going but to no avail. I've blown the mofo out all I can, any ideas?
  5. Ooohhh prrretty... Thing is, the Absolute format shits me to tears. Size meaning I have to readjust my bookshelves just to accommadate the one huge fuckin' book(well two if I buy the Absolute Authority, but it never really dazzled me). Then there's the price...
  6. man, I wish new books'd hurry up an' arrive...
  7. See, Dante. Maybe me separating you from THAT in every Monkey Paw IS a good thing...
  8. well i finally finished Identity Crisis, but that don't matter, what i wanna know is should i try'n collect Secret war? is it worth it? 'cause the books asre all down at the shop, it's just the first couple of issues aren't running cheap, so i wanna make sure this is primo bendis before i blow that kinda dosh
  9. yeah the last one, i think it was scum in the city or something? that was the I hate it here one-shut and that other one too i remember seeing the dillon page and it looked awesome, the last book of the main story is One more time.
  10. but it' fake. like sincere women or good stiasfiying sex folloewd by stimulating conversation,. s'alright. i prefer my superman straight hto where the fuck is iron man issue 2?
  11. Bituva bump, but I'm surprised this book didn't get some attention after Hunter S.'s trajic passing... Tho I've been toying with the thought: Lookit the very last couple of pages of the last issue, and then Hunter's end. Kinda creepy, no?
  12. You'n me both mate, you'n me both. Come to that tho, it'll prolly be me doing those things with your daughter... Congratumulations on 400 pages, Blargh.
  13. Nah, Kang's younger self has already turned up in Young Avengers, so that'd be a repeat. I'm thinking Electro-magnetic manipulation is just the beginning of his abilities. Drawing the correlation between Manchu & Doom based strictly on name would be a total letdown. What other big-villians haven't we seen for a while that could've fathered a kid? And is possibly dead(Victor said his mum didn't wanna lose him like his dad). Should we take this to a Runaways thread?
  14. Who's your money on paternity-wise, mate? I reckon Magneto'd be WAY too obvious a choice. And Doom's already sired a bastard issue(sort of). I love how on the cover, there's the Marvel U's "Greatest Evils" and Dr. Octopus. Fuckin' hilarious...
  15. Tell us something we don't know... Dont forget Y: The Last Man, either. Anyways, I gots Ultimate Secret #1: One may think a relatively 'outside-the-square' writer like Ellis might've taken a chill pill since writing for Marvel. No such animal tho. It may not be a homicidal Outlaw Journalist(*sign of cross* we miss you Spider) but the first issue of the second Volume of the Ultimate Galactus Trilogy does NOT disappoint. The tech is off the scale cool, and Steve McNiven's rendering of Ultimate Capt. Marvel is TIGHT!! Marvel Knights Spiderman #12 The big pay-off. The brawl for it all. The final Showdown. Aunt May's life hangs in the balance as Osbourn & Parker duke it out, until a Government-brainwashed Dr Octopus turns up to assasinate Norman. Anyone know who's picking up writing duties on this title next? Astonishing X-men #9 Fleshing out the angry Danger room story some more. I know the pencils are tight, and Whedon's prolly going somewhere with this, it's really just like when Cerebro became sentient & started hunting Muties down. Oh, except for the look of wonder on Wolverine's face when Collosus goes to work and he's like "Wow. Pete's really back." On the matter of Astonishing, did anyone else who read Runaways #2 recognise the leader of the X-men in the Future? I swear Brian K Vaughan is a walking reference point.
  16. There was a series? Those shogun assasin movies explain this one i saw that looked familiar but not... It was weird.
  17. THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I WAS THINKING FOR THE THIRD!!!!! Think about it, CGI'll bring in the benjamins on any summer blockbuster, and this way Spidey's rogues gallery gets a little more fleshed out(in ANY metropolitan city where a dorky little fuck can become a meta from an irradiated spider-bite AND bag the hottest redhead in Queens there'd be fuckin' supervillians poppin' up everywhere! and in the what, two three years between the Spidey flicks we're supposed to believe he didn't make ANY arch-nemises?), and the story'd be a banger if they throw in the classic 'Aunt may needs her heart medication but the Shocker or the Juggernaut is holding the Pharmacy hostage' sitch, and there's the 'With Great power...' sticky bun. Hell, even if they'd done some kinda supervillian flashback in Spidey 2... Anyways, did anyone else notice what an Uncle Ben Octavius was? I was watching Spidey 2 for like the zillionth time the other day & i realised his whole 'intelligence is a whatever' spiel is the same as Uncle Ben's "With great power" one. Nice touch i thought.
  18. What with all the complaints about the Russian Roulette that is 2nd-hand or antique carts, the quick & easy remedy would simply be bring out the classics for respective console on the GC. Have like a NES Volume with all the Mario Bros, outbreak, Link, all that. Then a Snes vol, then a 64 vol. Easy to play, and all the consoles wrapped into one. Taht said, I'd still pay upwards of US$100 for this batard system we're talking about. I'm sick the fuck of getting the grey & black flashes whenever i try to play TMNT or Double Dragon II on NES. Oh yeah Nick, I gotta mate that has a SNES emulator on his X-box & like 30 games or somethin'. Think I'ma haveta get one of those now...
  19. I'm just glad they released 'em on DVD. I was onto the books 1st, but there's a lot of'em, and they cost mooooney. I've read a few, and they're on my list.
  20. Maaaate. I'ma a happy chappy! They've just released the series on DVD. Picked up my fave today(Baby cart in Hades), can't wait to get the rest!!
  21. Maaan, supercult.com. Goth grrls and arty close-ups of their muffs. If there was ever a reason to be arrested for indecent exposure...(I'm at an internet cafe)
  22. Just finished up Ultimate X-Men, Nick. Where the fuck do you get off questioning Collosus' sexual preference? Ultimate Collosus is aaall about the pussy! Also read Exiles #62(i think):The wrap up of the AoA tie-in, and Holocaust & Sabetooth have replaced Beak & Sasquatch on the team(thank fuck Beak's gone) as they use Apocalypse's M'Kraan crystal & the team's Tallus to storm the Timekeeper's stronghold. Apparently things are never going to be the same again.
  23. Yeah, Ultimate Thor could still go either way, huh? I'm quite happy not to give'im the benefit of doubt tho. STRING THE HIPPY UP!!! I'm with Sibob on the carnage arc, tho. I'm a lil' worried about Lex Luthor: Man of Steel actually, more & more I've been noticing what a hit-&-miss writer Azzarello is...
  24. Aaahh. FINALLY!! Ultimates #4: Banner's outta sight & outta mind as we meet Ultimate Captain Britain(as well as captain Italy, captain Brazil, and captain Khazakstaaan. no joke) and Thor's origin is revealed. Trust me, it's worth the cover price for that alone... Ultimate Spiderman #74: Bendis is REALLY draggin' this one out(or I'm too impatient), but still no affirmative action yet. More o'that dialogue shit he's famous for as Harry tries to get his missus back & Petey ain't helpin' matters by crying lots and yelling @ Mary Jane. Sooner he has a breakdown & becomes Ultimate Yellowjacket the better! AoA gear is in, so I'll keep y'all posted.
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