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Posts posted by Jables

  1. My kid has food anxiety and eats from a list of about four things. 


    What this means is that any variation of those foods, whether cosmetic or nutritional is unpalatable and she's not having a bar of it if it's anywhere near her dinner.


    We found a way around this using what's called a 'safe' plate, from which she's not obliged to partake, but we make it as engaging and interesting as possible for her so when she's feeling brave she can try something she'd previously written off based on a bad experience or completely figmentary complaint( because again, she's three and the sum total of all the knowledge she's accrued with her tools up to this point).


    Find your safe plate, and learn to love art for the first time*.



    Statement reflective of general artist boycotts, not Kanye's MAGA affiliation.[

  2. So lately my gaming time has been dedicated to exploring vr content(as mentioned elsewhere I bought in on the Morpheus/PSVR). 


    It's a very mixed bag and I'm finding frame rate and movement drastically affect the common complaint of motion sickness. I can spend days playing thumper though.  I've been keen on picking it up since it's switch release but I'm so glad I waited because holy shit that game is amazing in vr.  


    Another phenomenal title is super hot.  It's a unique concept and mechanic(and one that if you play long enough messes with your real world perception- like when I went through my katamari phase and would start balling the dinner setting up while waiting for my meal) and I can't recommend even the non vr version enough.  The vr version is genuinely next level though.  


    Likewise with doom vfr,  it looks great and plays just as well as the regular release,  after you get used to the teleporting mechanic over traditional movement. 


    I've played some town building Sims too(shout out to Dino frontier for being the best among them)  but given all the extra environmental stuff needing to be rendered they're understandably short.  I'm starting to see tower defense and rogue likes pop up on the store too which makes me happy. The store does it's part by doing regular sales and specials too.  


    Ultimately I've bought in because just like the old single issue vs trades dilemma in comics,  I want to see the tech evolved and explored rather than just waiting another ten years for someone to take another crack.


  3. So I finally got to check this out the other night courtesy of sexyhat, bloody unreal nostalgia trip!  There's familiar content but new challenges.  If I were an optimist I'd submit this is what every reboot/ .5 sequel should aim to be! 


    Also worth noting: Scott imported the JP & US versions in addition to buying the AU for the variant Genesis covers.  JP is crazy cool.

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  4. That's why I love the switch.  It's such microtransactional fun.  You can just pop in and out of shit with a spare minute.  


    I too have star Dew valley but bring honest it's too complex for the reward for me.  I guess I'm just not an agricultural guy.  I'd give an incisor for a solid colour matching game like gems of war though. 


    Hey what's your friend code?  ( :lush:)

  5. Man I waited to play the last doom on switch- by which I mean I slept on the game until I had the switch and it made sense to buy on that platform for convenience-and having finished it immediately rebought the vr version,  which is also a tonne of fun. 


    It's a shame the first wolfenstein didn't get ported to switch too because I happily would have kept up the momentum playing on the go through 1 & 2 but ah well. 

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  6. Given that Disney is already snapping back all the good content on Netflix I'll be getting on that for sure. Plus for the kids I guess.  W/e


    Currently I use Netflix and Stan(its an AU composite of Hulu and Amazon, based on content offered).  Stan is my favorite because it has a lot more local content but the search function is a real pain in the dick. 



  7. I agree about the eggshell thing and previously had put it down to my own inability to communicate effectively.  then Panch posted.


    What admin are asking of existing and new members is perfectly reasonable.  Whether this is your first time on hondos or returning from old,  we absolutely want to have a moral equator.  What that calls of you though,  admin,  is meeting in the middle and not high roading at every chance like Panch up there. 


    I'm not talking shit,  just asking for true balance as advertised. 

  8. :lush: I know I'm late on the pick up here but I love that the 'theme song' captures like no comic to TV adaption ever has,  the point of a cover. 


    It's such an vital part of the comic experience and Fabry & Ennis' collaboration on those covers saw every character get their moment, and I think the show translates that perfectly. 


    Opener/late season 3 spoilers

    special shout out to that salvation red herring,  I waited all season for sheriff Jesse to get a fucking dream sequence.  Duke cameo was perfect though

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  9. Yeah this sounds weird coming from me,  but the lecturer just comes across like an SJW straw man. Hollow chariciture, even. 


    I wanna see more of his Bronson & Alex Jones characters though. 


    And I actually thought Erran Morrad was Lebanese but you're probably right. 



  10. first issue of Ed Piskor's X-men Grand design: Second Genesis dropped last week and it's pretty great. Keeps up the momentum of the first two issues/ part and has some crazy-fun moments from X-history I never knew about!

    Best part is he shows his research/source material in the back of each issue. I've picked up the window box variants for each #1 so far as a keepsake for Til, but the regular covers are great as well.


    Image result for x-men grand design second genesis window box

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  11. Hopefully. Even at this point, though having not seen AHS Cult, I can still say with confidence that Seasons 1 & 3 leave everything else in the dust. 


    Roanoke gets a special mention for not predictably using rape as a shock trigger, and based on a mystery I'm rather fond of, but everything else has been pretty shit IMO.

  12. What a fun idea.


    1. Windjammers

    2. Arabian Magic(think middle eastern Golden Axe)

    3. any of the Raidens

    4. Soul Calibur

    5. TMNT arcade 

    6. Mortal Kombat 3(if there's an arcade version of Ultimate, and I wanna say there is, that one)

    7. Donkey Kong

    8. Rampage

    9. X-men Arcade



    My list is comprised solely of games that can be operated in a generic cab, if I had limitless resources and an unchecked obsession with recovering my childhood I'd have Outrun in the proper case, Time Crisis 2 and Daytona. Oh and you're goddamned right House of the Dead. 

  13. 13 minutes ago, Mr. Hakujin said:

    ^Yes! This please. More Luke & Danny crime fighting duo action.

    As for spoiler comment...


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    I thought there was something akin to Luke going more criminal in the comic history for his character. Although now that you mention Shadowland, how fucking cool would it be if the third season of

    Jessica Jones, DD, & Luke Cage all intertwined in a Shadowland-esque crossover?!?!? I mean, why not? Netflix is one of the few places a crossover like this could occur. For example, you watch S3E13 of DD, then go over to S3E2, of Luke Cage, and then finish the arc off with S3E4 of JJ. Maybe even throw in some Iron Fist S2. Maybe. (I' still not sure I'll watch S2.) Anyway, just my two fanboy cents on the subject.



    Purely re spoilered section and any potential crossover- If it was on CW and released weekly and concurrently, sure. But the schedules for these things mean that the story would flow like Arrested Development when it tried to by clever with the character eps. So maybe not great.


    I'm just talking about combining arguably the two weakest properties on the Netflix queue right now(aside from the Defenders of course).

  14. Man I'm surprised more folks aren't tlking about this season! I thought it was great and it made me immediately want to go back and rewatch 1(truth be told because I miss Cottonmouth).


    Bushmaster was such a great villain but I feel like the series arc ended at ep 9 with a logical, if downer conclusion. Then of course because it's a twelve ep order they do three more. I did appreciate the insight into the Stokes/McIver history though, and I second Haku's submission that Alfre Woodard is a phenomenal actress. She's a lady Nic Cage IMO.


    I like that Luke has appropriated Daredevil's Shadowland, effectively at the end of S2, but I'll be surprised if we see it in effect past ep one of S3


    How cool would it be to combine Luke & Danny's shows moving forward(alternate between current events tying into their respective arcs), freeing up a slot for another show?

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