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The Slingers
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Everything posted by APANCHALYPSE NOW

  1. Of course it does... you're into the darkies!
  2. They can just adapt the anime! That's all the live action you need right there!
  3. Only COOL people like ME can be drinking buddies with 2Track! Pictures coming soon!
  4. Yes... No myspace! Myspace... is... the Devil!
  5. Ok... now we know who's NOT gonna be there! So who can we expect? ANYONE cool?
  6. I say we make a treasue hunt out of it! I'll take a picture with Spidey, kick 'im in the junk and run! When you find Spidey on the floor ask him where I went and he'll say... "he said something about George Perez and bukakke"! And there's you next clue! It'll be fun for 2T to find us!!
  7. Yeah, I got 'em too! Oh and sorry no blowjobs this year fellas... I heard SB isn't gonna have a booth this year...
  8. 2Track, you son-of-a-bitch, you better come to this shit! I got a surprize for ya, man!
  9. Here's a suggestion for ya! Update the member list JACKASS!!
  10. I got a baaaad feeling about this con..., but in a GOOD way!
  11. I'm surprized that "IT" didn't make it up there! I watch that shit now and can't sleep for 5, 10 minutes! JK! That shit did scare me though as a kid! Oh and how is Carnival of Souls, 2T? There's a trailer for that movie on all my old zombie flick DVDs! Just curious (but not like THAT)...
  12. The Nick, get me that CD ASAP if you can, man! I'm prolly gonna go an get that 7th and 8th volume this week, cause I gotta get back into that shit soon! It's driving me crazy that I'm not updated on this title! Man, if I ever fulfill my dream of becoming a movie director, I'm gonna direct the Berserk live action!
  13. If there was ever a Hondonian that I wanted to take my anal virginity it is you 2T! You are a pure gentleman! Gentlemen think of others and gentlemen give reach-arounds!
  14. I'm gonna have to go with Mallrats! I know, I know... it's probably the least popular of bunch, but I just love that movie! You have to admit that Jason Lee is the shit in that flick! Plus Stan Lee... come on, which movie did ya think I was gonna pick?
  15. It's a cold day in hell when the Crap Shack has a subforum...
  16. It's official folks... Panchy will be in the building on Sat! I'm going up there Sat morning though! We all gotta hang out (and get kicked out) together!
  17. With all the sellin' out I've done lately, I don't think that I deserve an invitation! Man, I want this to happen SOOOOOO bad!!
  18. I have (almost) all the issues and I'm still gonna have to get that hardcover!!
  19. Yeah, Chewie's in the Marvel Universe now (... oh that Bendis)! What the hell ever happened to that faction of S.H.I.E.L.D. that I liked from Astonishing, S.W.O.R.D.? Supposedly they were the "Intergalactic Department" of S.H.I.E.L.D.! I guess they'll make thier comeback during "Annailation" (that cosmic event that's also supposed to start this year)! I haven't been reading lately so I'm outta the loop...
  20. I continue on my quest of good zombie flicks and was excited when a new one came out recently! "Undead"... simple, straight to the point, lets get this splaterfest started!! FUCKIN' AWFUL!!! I blame Skeeter!! Ausie flick with the stupidest story I ever fuckin' seen! Here's a rundown: Little town in Australia gets hit by metor shower, gas turns people to zombies, zombies eat remaining people! Awsome so far!! Then: Infected people start to be abducted by aliens and cured and returned when infection has run it's course! WHAT?! Crap, crap, crap!! Give me a zombie or an alien movie, but not both together! Once again, I blame Skeeter!!
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