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Sr. Hondonian
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Everything posted by Losifer

  1. Workin' on some Flava Flave footage here...man, this guy's so not approachable:
  2. Man, yeah. This is pretty one-sided. Just gimmi 'till next month. I'll prolly have me PS3 by then. Soon everyone will get sick of my PS3 ramblings.
  3. Two days straight with no werk. I think that I'm definitely getting pick up by you on Friday. Remember, lunch is on me.

  4. Oh Man...i remember watching this. A classic. Trivia: This show actually brings back two very popular voice actresses (seiyu) together again. Ebichu is voiced by the same lady who voiced Sailor Moon. Ebichu's owner is voiced by the lady who voiced Sailor Mars.
  5. Wow, So now EA came back to drop some games on the MAC. It's been a...what....20 year absence of EA games. If i remember correctly, EA had put the nails on the coffin of the Mac gaming community back in the 80's. Well, its nice to see them going back to the crypt to check up that cadaver. OH and Kudos to id software for their upcoming support on the Mac Platform too (then again, they've always been cool with the mac).
  6. Man, been so long...Anywho, GUITAR HERO 1 & 2: Trying to penetrate that Hard Mode. I'm in, but not deep enough. Its a long way to go from where I'm at. I'm finally getting down that fifth fret, but man its a pain for some songs. GUILTY GEAR XX: ACCENT CORE: Because the new Street Fighter isnt out yet.
  7. FAKK!!! I'm so bored at werk...i should have spread my werk across the month. The shit I tell myself... Just do it all on Day One, you might have important shit to do later, Carlos... Last time i do that. U____U'
  8. On the note of ST in 1080p. Take a look at the slideshow. This thing is making me shit my pants. Man, i cant wait for this thing!!!
  9. Losifer


    Awesome! This ninja needed some love. OK...I just had to put my 2 cents on Hiryu. First off...why does everyone say that the NES Strider sucked? Man..i rented this game from my video store as a kid and i didn't return it till i beat it. i was hooked on finding all this crap to upgrade Hiryu. Besides the NES version did more for Strider story-wise too. If you wanna know what goes on in the manga done my Moto Kikaku, the NES version is the closest you're gonna get. As for him being in Namco x Capcom, yeah, he's duking it out with Strider Hien (See Strider 2 for details) throughout the game. Oh and as a side note, if you're a fan of either company, Namco x Capcom should be tried out. Its got a very convoluted story, but at least the game and interaction with all these different characters is great. Back to Strider...umm yeah, I wish there was a Strider 3. I kept hoping to see it on the PS2 since the Xbox was getting Ninja Gaiden. But hey, maybe we'll get to see him this console generation. I mean c'mon, when aren't ninjas in demand.
  10. This is Ugly Betty: This is a show based on a Columbian 'tele-novela' called Betty La Fea (Ugly Betty). And for some reason, i watch this show...
  11. As much as I liked my DC, the PS2 line-up did it for me (much like how the PSOne line-up did it for me over the N64). Some of my favorite games are only on the PS2 (like DMC, FF series, etc.) so i never bothered to even deal with the Xbox...sorry Halo...overhyped.
  12. Hmm...i think ur right...long haired nerdy brunette latina with glasses...thats definitely up my alley. Touche Sis...u know me too well.
  13. Hiro is da man! But now im all curious about the cheerleader getting back that quarterback...ooooh
  14. I'm hooked on Ugly Betty and I don't know why...
  15. Ahhh...MST. As you know, those good old days are gone. But there is a rebirth on the horizon, how u may ask? Check out: http://www.rifftrax.com/ Yes ladies and gentlemen, Mike Nelson returns with a few old friends to rip today's movies apart. Sample some of the rifftrax and purchase your favorites (watch the X-men sample. Hilarious.). See new ones coming soon. It may not be MST, but this is the closest its gonna get for now and it ain't half-bad.
  16. Hey Nick, I gave you Part 2, but I already have Part 3 waiting....
  17. OHHHhhh...did i say 'fanboy'? My mistake. I meant fan-howactuallybuysgoodCapcomgames-boy...yeah...i missed that minor detail there. well, it wasnt bad, but i was busy with Street Fighter games at the time...i did beat it though...i heard 3 on the Xbox sucked ass...it was like Dinos in the future and in space...wasnt sure...didnt care. Now Dino Stalker...thats was a piece of shit.
  18. Twas a joke..'sides, my list of bought games is pretty one sided. Most are Capcom (80%)...few Konami. But mostly Capcom (did i mention '80%'...im a fanboy).
  19. Ahh...i remember those days when i tried making peace with games. Has it really been a decade...wow...how time flies. I remember those days of PSone disc swapping. So...can this list include games I wrote the names on by hand or just those i dropped munny for?
  20. FPS Creator - MAN...i cant get off this thing...its keeping me from working on my skool stuff...here's a screen of the one test level i did:
  21. Yeah, FPS Creator is a PC title. Its pretty cool shit, but i wont have the time to really fuck with it 'till December. If you are into DDR, yeah try Dance Factory...you wont have music videos and stuff, but at least you can create little avatars that dance with you...in a versus match, they fight whoever ur playing against. As for Disgaea, well, theres tons of shit to do (side quests and stuff)...i think thats why that person u mentioned isnt done yet. But yeah its a badass game. Check this shit, another user-made screen from FPS Creator: I actually downloaded a level some dude did the day he got the software...it wasnt great, but it shows what you can do with very little time. http://files.filefront.com/Shrine_Arenazip...;/fileinfo.html
  22. Disgaea 2 - Haven't been in it too much (like an hour or so), but like its predecessor, IT ROCKS! If any of you liked FF Tactics at all, the Disgaea series in (IMO) the next best thing. Its got some pretty-out-there summons and spells. The story is entertaning (check out the anime too), and the gameplay is just badass. My favorite Tactics game this generation so far. Dance Factory - Alright, you gotta be into DDR for this one. Basically, the thing about this game is that you can actually put in your own music CDs and it will create the arrows for you. That way you dont have to put up with all that euro-trash you find in the DDR series. This is a geeky-ass game right here... FPS Creator - OK. I do the whole 3D thing in skool. So i like making models and animations and such. But the coding sucks ass (although im getting the hang of it). But this 'game' gets rid of at least 95% of all coding. The only time you 'code', ur pretty much guided and that's only when you are doing custom stuff. This game (actually its an editor more than anything) comes with tons of presets..not the greatest of quality, but you have COMPLETE control over your level making. It has a full physics system, multi-player, you can import(say u made something in UT2004, u can put it in this game). I really cant go into detail without writing a page or two about it, but trust me. If you like FPS games...you HAVE to give this a try. Its the easiest way to make your own. Best of all, you can actually sell your game and not have to pay the company a dime. I do have to point out that the games graphics are not limited to what you see in the presets...you can make your games look pretty nice...just not very next-gen. But if you really try, ur games could end up looking like this: ok. Im out.
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