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Drunken Deities Royalty
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Everything posted by BigChiefSlapaho

  1. So? Learned it or nay? I'll be posting the beginning of Metallica - One later.
  2. RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPE! I'm not calling for help, I'm begging for a participant!
  3. They're all good choices... but I'm partial to her new role in Ally McBeal... she looks so freakin' sexy, and gets to take advantage of the men drooling all over her... Go Ricci!
  4. Here's another shocker... Remember that God-awful show, Party of Five? Where the only good reason to watch was to see Jennifer Love Hewitt's boobies? Well, remember that little girl who played the younger sister? A little dorky, a little lanky, but still pretty in a way? Check her now... Lacey Chabert for dat ass... God bless America. (Jennifer who?) You can catch a glimpse of her finished product in Not Another Teen Movie.
  5. I think Ricci would've been my second choice... that girl is amazing. Now... where the hell did that Dushku chick crawl out of? She's so freaking hot! I... think... my... boxers... are shrinking!
  6. I can't believe that noone on this board has opinions on this. I mean, geez, it's not like I titled this "Yummiful Celebrities" or something... At least Junker should have an opinion or two.
  7. Just a curious thread. Wanted to know which actor / actress completely rocks your world. If you would meet this person face to face, you would regress to baby talk and pass out from the excitement. My pick? My all-time favorite hot-as-hell actress, Alyssa Milano. Not the greatest pic, I'll find another one.
  8. Go here to see if you've contracted the Worm.
  9. Klez Worm Article states that the Klez worm has topped out as the most actively infecting worm in PC history. Over 7% of worldwide computers have contracted the worm. Not truly that harmful, but it does expose files to the public from private servers. Check it out.
  10. PCWorld.com posted some funny e-mail screw ups this week. Some were pretty entertaining. Post your own if you have one to share. Death of a Salesman "A very successful salesman at our networking company had a large e-mail address book filled with his best customers, including some very important and conservative government contacts. With a single click, he accidentally sent a file chock-full of his favorite pornographic cartoons and jokes to everyone on his special customer list. His subject line: 'Special deals for my best customers!' Needless to say, he's cutting deals for another company these days." Slip Into Something Comfortable "An editor at my magazine was discussing with an office pal via e-mail what to wear for her big romantic date with the new boyfriend. Unfortunately, she inadvertently copied everyone in the office about her dilemma. She got fashion advice ('Wear the silk teddy with the explosive bolts!') for weeks afterward." Big Brother Is Reading "Two jobs are better than one--if you can work on the second job while at the first. That's what my former boss, an event planner for a nonprofit, did to pad her already fat salary. She blithely organized a seminar for job number two using the e-mail system at job number one. To cover her absences from job number one, she invented a serious illness for her saintly mother, who just happened to be at death's door the day the seminar took place. Our heroine, however, never made it to her mom's bedside--her boss checked the e-mail server and read a few random messages. Our plucky heroine is now pulling down unemployment." Secrets From the Spreadsheet "A helpful HR person at my company sent an employee phone extension list to everyone at our company. But the spreadsheet had hidden columns that were easily unhidden to reveal everyone's pay, bonuses, and stock options--including senior management's. Luckily, she had a new job lined up." The Deadly Reply All Button (Part One) "The insurance company I work for maintains an internal mailing list devoted to one of our customers. One day, one of our sales reps sent an e-mail to everyone in my group asking about a policy we were selling. I replied that we could easily convince the customer to buy it--even though the customer didn't need it. Unfortunately, I clicked Reply All. Hiding in that massive list was the customer's e-mail address. We didn't make the sale." The Deadly Reply All Button (Part Two) "A woman was in torment over a busted romance. She wrote a lengthy, detailed message to a girlfriend, adding that her ex-boyfriend preferred men to women. But instead of hitting Reply to a previous message from her girlfriend, she hit Reply All. Her screed was sent to dozens of people she didn't even know (including me), plus the aforementioned ex and his new boyfriend. As if that weren't bad enough, she did this two more times in quick succession! I finally wrote to her and told her about her addressing problem." Third Time's a Charm "I received an e-mail from an assistant at a competing consulting firm, CC'd to the firm's entire e-mail address book. What a piece of luck. Now I know who all of their employees, associates, and many of their clients are. Attached was a proposal to one of their clients, so even better: Now I know how much they charge. Several hours later, I received another e-mail from the assistant, again CC'd to everyone, with a revised proposal. The next day, I received a third e-mail from the assistant: 'Please ignore the previous e-mails.'" Happy Trails "A troublesome employee in my department sent me an e-mail saying he wouldn't make it in to work because of a sudden death in the family. He said that he would be flying out to the East Coast for a few days. He'd been less than honest with me in the past, so he attached an airline itinerary as proof. Except the itinerary showed his destination to be Hawaii! When he came back, I innocently asked, 'How was Hawaii?' 'Wonderful,' came the reply, followed by 'Oh $#@%@$%!' He very quickly found a new job and left the company." P.S. Your Cat Is Dead "I've been using e-mail since the days of MCI Mail. I've suffered through flaky service, flame wars, e-mail rants from customers, and yes, stupid e-mails I never should have sent. But I never expected e-mail to pierce my heart. "I met her at a company picnic, we traded stories about our repressed childhoods, and we soon became a couple. On a Sunday six months later, I proposed and she accepted. On a Thursday four days later, she broke up with me--via e-mail. She sat four cubicles down the hall from me. "I now insist that women reject me in person. It saves Internet bandwidth." There'll Always Be an England A word of warning: Be careful whom you challenge publicly--humiliation could be just an e-mail away. That's what "Galen" discovered when he sent an e-mail filled with conspiracy theories about a flight simulation game and PC Pilot, a U.K.-based magazine that reviewed the game. The magazine's managing editor shot back the following reply for all to see: "Dear Galen: "Thanks for your mail. We've taken a look at your Web site and our general conclusion was that you are about as mad as one can get and still remain at liberty. The best advice we can give you is not to read our dangerous magazine. We are a front for a number of prescribed organisations, as you have correctly guessed, and our paper is impregnated with dangerous chemicals that take away your manhood.... "See you in the interrogation chamber. "Dermot Stapleton, Managing Editor"
  11. Insanity Test Funny link. Try it out.
  12. I want you to be free Don't worry about me And just like the movies We'll play out our last scene You won't cry, I won't scream - Alien Ant Farm, Movies
  13. E - "alright Yahve...look, I have -15 resistance to fire. And everyone in that freakin' room is a fire lord. I won't be able to last in there." Y - "Come on man, just hit them & leech your life back. You'll be ok, lesgo!" E - "dammit..." ::Lil_Chiefy the Paladin & SuperSmashBros the Barbarian enter the lair of Mephisto. Both take 2 steps forward. All of a sudden, 23 flaming meteors begin to sound their ominous fall towards them. Chiefy turns & runs like a bitch.:: E - "Crapcrapcrapcrapcr-" ::BANG:: ::Not realizing he was running directly into Mephisto's face, Meph quickly turns his lvl75 barbarian mercenary into goo:: E - "That's another $50K to res that faggit! Why's he alwa-" ::BANG:: ::The meteors finally hit their target, and turn Lil_Chiefy's lvl78 ass into baked alaska. Yahve watches his comrade fall, once again, and begins to think that chopping on Mephisto's rear isn't such a great idea:: Y - "Oh crap..." ::The Flame Lords come out of the shadows and begin to roast SuperSmashBro with 18 FireWalls. Not knowing which way to run, SSB quickly assumes the Obi-Wan position as his body explodes:: E - "That wasn't much fun man."
  14. First section and last two are all arpegiations... no chords... just string by string, should help you get technique & build mind over matter. Rest is power chords & occasional vibratos... Isn't that bad... download the song tho!
  15. Ok I'm going to try this...top string is high-E, bottom is low-E. When i write (h#) that means hold that many counts. Tabs in a vertical line are chords... duh. A note in {} means vibrato Def Leppard - Love Bites This is the verse section. Repeats alot ---------------------------------- --1(h3)------------6---5(h1)------ -2--------3(h3)---5---5---------0 0--------0-------5---5---------3- --------1-------3-------------3-- -----------------------------1---- They do this once b/w the first 2 verses, Power chords: ---------------------- ---------------------- then back to top 7--------------------- 7----------3---------- 5(h3)-----3----------- -----------1(h3)------ " I don't want to touch..." ------------------------------- ------------------------------- repeat 2x, then go to chorus 8------------------------------ 8------6-----------3-----8-------- 6(h3)-6-----------3-----8-------- -------4(h2)-{3}-1(h3)-6(h2)-{4} Chorus "Love bites!" -------------- -------------- each chord hold count 1. -------------- repeat 3X, last time quiet 10--6--3--8-- 10--6--3--8-- 8---4--1--6-- Chorus riff on little e & b (during part above) -10-{11}(h1)- 8-10-11-10-8--- 8--8----------ditto, ditto, -----------------11 break riff starting on little e --------1-0----- 3-3---------1--- repeats like 8 times ----2-2-------2-
  16. Still deciding if I'm going to just post them or upload a written page, which would be much quicker... Time to read the FAQ
  17. Well... went back to the 80's tonight. Re-learned some Journey & Def Leppard - Love Bites... I'll post that one... very interesting stuff!
  18. She really doesn't know... She doesn't know what she does to me. She gives me that look and my world crumbles. Maybe it was my fault. Maybe it was bound to happen. Maybe I'll see her again someday.
  19. Fucking John Malcovich Girl, Penetrated A Gangbang on 34th Street
  20. Heard this coming back from Fat Kats last night at 3am. Lisa "Left-Eye" Lopes from TLC, the one that raps & set her man's house on fire in the 90's, was killed yesterday in a car crash in Honduras. CNN has an article a/b her, I haven't found that much today on the situation. Say goodbye...
  21. Definitely, I agree w/ Junker 100%. I personally didn't find the nudity to be anything outrageous. Of course I've seen Mexican / Spanish foreign films before so I knew what was coming from that aspect. In all honestly, the characters were Mexican but the movie was done in a Euro-Spanish style. I liked it alot, very funny, yet very insightful on the Mexican way of life. If you pay attention to the narratives that takeover every once and a while, you'll see the gap b/w the rich & powerful people and the poor & indian people. Touching. It's not knowing Spanish that's important. If you don't know Mexican-style spanish, that's the problem. Trust me, the jokes were a little funnier for me. Also making some foreign film reccommendations: Jamon, Jamon by Almodovar.... actually, rent everything by Almodovar... good stuff La Belle Epoc - funny as hell
  22. Also found... 3DMindscape. Checkout their links on the right.
  23. That NERD album is really good. I had listened to about 1/2 when I posted at first, and now I finished the rest... Good stuff. Not often you can listen to an album the whole way through.
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