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  • 1 year later...

I hope there's a 'making-of' featurette for this thing. It looks absolutely fucking amazing. I was nearly moved to tears when I first saw that first trailer - this latest trailer hit me hard too. Just absolutely - beautiful.


But - XBOX exclusive. Up until now - I was convinced to go PS4. Still kinda am.


It sez 'XBOX ONE and Windows 10' - is Windows 10 the same as STEAM? Is STEAM a separate thing from Windows 10?


Do games typically run better on a console or STEAM / Windows 10? My impression is always go for the console version.

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If it's Xbox One and Windows 10 - it's typically going to be on the Windows Store instead of Steam. Microsoft is working more and more towards linking the windows store to their console marketplace, essentially trying to create their own version of steam and that's why you are seeing things like the ability to buy something on the console marketplace (gears4) but can download and play the PC version once you buy it.


Your final question is a big point of contention when it comes to the pc/console "war". Say for instance, Destiny 2. Sure, playing it on a console means it's been optimized for stability on said console, however it is restricted to 30 FPS out of the box. The PC version will allow you unlock your frame rate, increase graphical fidelity and have an overall higher "quality of life" experience.

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Yeah, fuck it - I'm just gonna buy me a solid pc n' dedicate it to gaming. Long overdue. No way I'm missing this.


I got one 'tower' totally dedicated to editing / animation - which I never go online with. Super-paranoid about getting a virus or something that just...bricks it - and a tiny-ass laptop where I do my online 'surfing' n' Hondo-ing. (Still haven't made the leap to Hondo'ing on my smartphone) My tiny laptop / notebook could never handle a video game...least I don't think.


A bud has been pushing me into getting on STEAM for awhile now - but this looks like the game that's gonna push me over the edge into pc gaming. The ability to alter frame rates n' graphics - when I get closer to a 'purchase' - I'll be checking back for 'graphic card(?) recommends. I know enough to know that's a big part of the 'awesome-ness' equation - but know so little to be able to even name one...or know what defines...good.


Gonna wait n' see how the Windows 10 vs STEAM routes turn out. This shit is happening.

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Well, there's something going on in the world of gaming that's changing the landscape, that that's that people are finally stepping up and trying to compete with steam. Other have tried and failed like Origin but we now have tencent out of China (who is a fucking megaforce in the gaming world) and now MS is starting to push their store.


It'll be a bit before they can fully compete with steam, but there is a possibility for a new steam-like platform just around the corner.

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I really really hate to say it - but Nintendo seems to be dropping the ball, big time.


The amount of games that miss that console are increasingly becoming unacceptable to me.




Curious - this game is XBOX exclusive, but will also show up on STEAM. Are there 'PS4 exclusives' that also simultaneously get released on STEAM?

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Eh, I don't know if it's going to end up on STEAM. Usually when Microsoft says "Xbox and PC" they mean "Windows Store" Which is its own platform that does not interact with steam. If they have a majority of control over this title, that's what you will expect from it.


Sony exclusives are exactly that - exclusive to the console. Now other games like No Mans Sky, they helped FUND and got a nice set of Bonuses from said deal, but it was allowed to come to PC. Sony actually helps fun a lot of indy titles with the only expectation that they get to be released on the playstation first.

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yeah, they seem done making games i'd be interested in & their customer service is apparently still butt, but you can't beat steam for prices most times, at least during holiday sales. between them & GOG i don't really want for more services.

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