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Rogue One

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  • 3 weeks later...

Saw it over the weekend, kept hearing "best since empire" thrown around. I don't know where I would fit it in terms of love just yet but I will say I went in and got an amazing non-jedi-centric SW film which ultimately was what I wanted from it. Hopefully this encourages them to want to make more non-jedi-centric films in said universe.

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Ok so before I get all Negative Nancy, here are the things I liked.



-The characters. Aside from the two leads, the supporting cast were some of the best, if not THE best Star Wars characters ever. Donnie yen was fucking awesome and Kaytoo (the robot played by Alan "the highlight of everything" Tudyk) was the best droid ever.


-The story itself was good. I liked the backstory on the Death Star and who designed it and the motivations surrounding it.


-The action was pretty great with some awesome character moments (Donnie Yen again.)


-I liked the villain alot more than I thought I would. He was just purely motivated by greed and for being a dick, and it was somewhat endearing. He was just a great asshole bad guy.



As much fanservice it was, Darth Vader's scenes were badass. He made a punny remark at one point and his attack on the escaping ships was something I want a whole movie of.



As for things I was less fond of.


-I didn't like the two main leads. Jyn Erso was fine and gave a good performance, but she was boring as hell. Diego Luna was even worse with zero backstory, only there to be the guy who says "The rebels aren't much better than the empire, but we ARE better." Everything kinda died when they were onscreen.


-Baytor was right about the music. At first I thought I could just let it go. It's got to sound like Star Wars right? But as the movie went on the more I just wish they let them do their own thing with the music. Michael Giaccino does some great stuff, so it was disappointing to hear what just sounded like a bunch of ripoffs of John Williams.


-It was a bit too long. Too much padding in the middle with the rebels


-The ending.


I know I know, that sounds fucking stupid, but hear me out.



We all knew how it was gonna end, but come the fuck on. They couldn't have thrown us a curveball, something a little less lazy than "Everyone Dies"? I thought this was an amazing jumping off point to give some of these fantastic characters their own stories. Just because we haven't heard of them in the other films doesn't mean that Kaytoo, Donnie Yen and his Gatling Laser buddy couldn't find a way to survive and go on more adventures. I don't have a problem with killing likable characters usually. But they couldn't give us just one unexpected little thing at the end. It just became to fucking predictable and convenient to kill everyone off in one swoop, and it makes me even less interested in the future of these spinoffs, especially something like the Han Solo movie. And that already sounded like a bad idea to begin with.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Just got back from seeing this - I thought it was really good. It was a Star Wars story - that's what it was...and it was awesome.




LOL - out of the entire movie, the only thing I didn't like...was the Ponda Baba and Dr. Evazan cameo. LOL - I have no complaints about anything else - it was like in the Force Awakens: in-your-face chess game cameo, in-your-face Luke training ball cameo...I rolled my eyes, but thankfully, the movie didn't slip for me again.


Everything else was great. The star of the movie is the 3rd Act / as soon as they land on that tropical planet. I mean, TIE fighters vs X-Wings, Rebels vs Stormtroopers...fucking glorious in 3D. Fuck, there was so many moments in that movie that slapped me w/ a huge grin on my face.


Vader's rampage at the end? It went from Disney Star Wars iconography - to straight-up horror! Holy shit - THANK YOU!


I'm so glad no one survived this - I started to feel extremely relieved when the main cast started to drop off - which were all fantastic, I thought everyone was perfectly cast. Great cast - glad no dumb sequel...loose-string thing at the end. A one-off tale - totally in the vein of an EU tale...'here's a Star Wars story'. You can tell the people who made this - gave a shit. The little things that only Star Wars geeks would pick up on were everywhere...'specially in FX. Vader's castle?! WHAAAAAA...?! LOL - they actually inserted Rebel pilots from the first Assault on the Death Star? LOL - like, are you serious? LOL - I was so geekin' out over little things - the movie really was a sublime experience.


This movie felt like it was for the fans - and it was greatness.


I only hope that when the data is analyzed, a weakness can be found - it's not over yet...



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Yeah - a lot of the enjoyment assumes familiarity w/ the universe.




W/out context - that ending can be like, huh? A lot of the moments can be kinda flat...but - I've seen that 1977 film...was it Star Wars(?) a few times, it really did feel like it was aimed at an audience who have seen that little film before and liked it...not sure how big that audience is. I actually enjoyed the movie more than I did TFA - it was cool, but I was really disappointed when I walked outta that one. I stayed all the way through the credits w/ Rogue One.


It felt like an EU tale - 'if you know and like the Star Wars universe - here's a Star Wars story.' I loved how it strengthened the mythos - revolving around the 'design flaw' of the Death Star was brilliant - it was what I expected w/ the Prequels: an adding to and strengthening of the Original Trilogy...but...3 movies to set up Anakin having a bad dream? mine.gif


It was shot n' cut so well - all the actors were great...no one stood out to me as being miscast. I've read complaints about the characters being 'undeveloped', but who didn't feel sad when the robot was killed? LOL They were all charming - I think the flick did it's job of getting audiences invested in the characters - even w/out saying where they all grew up...or giving them deep character arcs.



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TFA was way too much of a retread for my liking.




I felt totally cheated n' bummed when Luke appeared at the end...for mere seconds. Totally my fault, tho - I expected this:




It wasn't bad by any means - but, as I've expressed a thousand times before: I was disappointed at the unoriginality and uber-'safeness'...wanna talk undeveloped - look at Rey's character...the main character(?) LOL - c'mon. The Force allowed this 'no-backstory character' to simply 'know mind tricks' and 'saber skills on par w/ a Sith'...? mine.gif Guess I'll hafta wait till the sequel to understand - and for Disney to finish deciding on where they're taking all this.




Rogue One really had a dour tone - but I liked that it took it there - it showed that Star Wars can go to different places moving forward - and that it doesn't all have to focus on lightsabers and Jedi...which, I'm sure the Han Solo flick is really gonna drive home.


I think they chose this story first 'cuz it's the safest - this venture was brilliant. Showed something different while holding the hand of the familiar...and not trying to launch a new franchise / sell a shit-ton of toys.


Really fun and great as its own thing. I hope they make tons of these Star Wars Stories.


I would like to see an Obi-Wan solo film - w/ Ewan returning. I think I've read a blurb somewhere that said he was totally down and had been approached for something like that. When I first heard the notion of a Yoda solo film - I thought it was absolutely insane and shameless...but, it could turn out to be it's own...unique, artsy thing. I'm interested in the potential of what these one-offs can be. Rogue One did not fail.







Edited by Little Nemo McFly
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I don't disagree with some of these points, but I just had so much fun with TFA that I didn't really care with the re-tread-ness. Just watching the events unfold, with those familiar characters, was absolute bliss to me. Rogue One gave me more of the universe I love so much, but by the end, made me realize that it was just a small piece of a hidden puzzle.



The ending bummed me out :(



Still, I want to see every story they have to tell. No matter how unnecessary or blasphemous. It's the universe I truly care about.

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Yet they are doing Han Solo next...


I'm with you man, I just think they are playIng it a little too safe. Give us something crazy! I wanna see the Old Republic stuff! Maybe a Darth Maul solo flick. It's still new territory so I have hope.

Edited by Axels
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I was just coming in to post that clip, Nemo. I had to *ugh* read the comments sections to figure out who they were actually spoofing--a channel called Collider, apparently. That's why Not-Jay-or-Mike guy's head kept purposefully hitting (or...colliding​, if you will) with the TIE Fighter.

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^ Yeah - their 4th 'Rogue One Sux' vid. blink.png LOL - I also had no idea who they were spoofing - a lot of their 'bonus vids' seem more like 'retort vids': direct responses to opinions challenged. At this point - it seems more like they're just trolling. (shrugs) I hope they see the irony in that I have to watch an ad when I click on RLM vids and that they sell their own line of RLM merch.


Still - I've been following since that first Phantom Menace review. I really love their style, sense of humor n' genuine skill / insight...even tho their jelly leaks, sometimes. LOL - they absolutely eviscerated Ghostbusters. Their channel is going to explode when Episode 8 hits.


You can tell when someone's a real Star Wars fan - when they love / hate it so much.



Re: Future Star Wars Stories: Even tho, we know how it ends - and therefore: a stupid movie - I'd love to see a Boba Fett flick that ends w/ this shot.



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Noooo. No no no. If they want to keep it A-List, do Vader (Vader Vader, not Anakin Vader). A Force Unleashed movie would be cool. Hell I'd even like to see a Yoda solo flick, as annoying as that wpuld fet. Anything but Boba Fett. God he is the most overrated character in the history of fandom. I'm sorry, but if we get a Fett movie, the opening shot better be his hand busting out of the pit, otherwise it's just a huge waste of time.

Edited by Axels
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