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Love Actually...


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now here's an excuse to use the lovey dovey smirk...


and I beat HB to this...


SO as you must assume, we recently got to see Love Actually over the break and simply had to review it... well cause.. there's simply nothing else to review at the moment and I'm terribly bored of the Michael Jackson special on VH1...


Well, it came out to be such the "feel good movie of the year" that we were hoping for after seeing all these action/horror/whatever films I'm getting too desensitized to...


Borders on cheesy but relieves itself with being hilarious (the cast is great by the way). And obviously, it has its many moments in the 'love' light that you couldn't help but to choke up to... ones that most in the audience could really reminisce with on some level.. or least hope to in the future... I'd reccomend it if you're a silent romantic (which I am, and believe everyone else is least partially deep inside..)


If not that, well.. then... go for the some of the hot cast. (i'm tellin ya, some were pretty hot.. ;)


chick flick? yes. but a good one. I'll add on to some more after what HB comments...




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If not that, well.. then... go for the some of the hot cast. (i'm tellin ya, some were pretty hot.. ;)

Mmm, Keira Knightley. Almost worth the admission price right there.


I've actually been wanting to see this because 1) I am a romantic sap, and 2) I think the idea of Hugh Grant playing the British Prime Minister and Billy Bob Thorton playing the US President is friggin' hilarious.

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if you don't like this movie, you have no heart


in the beginning monologue i couldn't help gettin choked up, a moving movie.. for anybody who's in romantic or has been in love at least once, and i don't necissarily mean in love in the conventional way.. any sort of love, towards a child, a friend, parent, etc.


yea there weren't any "full house cheesy" moments, really funny, good, holiday movie... one of my top picks for '03 next to kill bill

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