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The 9/11 Comic


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After 9-11 happened, I was still home and as I visited places in South St. I noticed these drawings in many stores I would enter of crying super heroes looking onto ground zero as they couldnt do anything (firefighters trying to pick up captain America to go help as he bursts in tears, spider man on a roof top looking down without a mask, etc.)

This comic is called HEROES and It doesnt actually portait Marvels superheroes butreal heroes like policemen firefighters, etc who help to save lives that day.

I believe the only way to get it now is through like ebay or something wack like that. I can find oter comics to get on my computer but this one does anyone happen to have it or read it?

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I never did get to read it but I heard good things and I've seen some of the art for it. I especially liked Quesada's piece in it (from the sigs, it looks like it was colored by Isanove and inked by...McFarlane?!)




There were quite a few other tribute comics out as well. I never got to read Marvel's A Moment of Silence either, but I read DC's tribute book and thought it was pretty moving.

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Yeah, i had bought a few copies of it, Marvel's was amazing, and that is indeed Mcfarlane work. THere's a number of great pieces, i recall being fond of Gaiman's "Song for the lost".


DC put out 2 such books, as did Alternative Press, but theirs were mainly stories about the experiences of the writers and artists themselvs, with the exception of great pieces by Alan Moore & some. Marvel's was all oversized art with a few things written on it.....all amazing.


Moment of Silence was good, too, still wish more people had seen 411.

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