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Hondos Hondos: The New Lyrics Game

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Alright I have a new game for all the peoples! First some history (for context).


In 1960's, the FBI opened an investigation on the allegedly obscene lyrics to the Kingsmen version of the Richard Berry song, Louie Louie. It lasted 31 months and yielded a 140 page report essentially concluding that the lyrics are complete incomprehensible.




Now, here's the new game. Download and listen to



and try to decipher the lyrics, and in one week from this post, the Hondonian with the best transcription wins. Submissions will be judged as follows: A line is defined as beginning and ending with a pause, however slight. A completely correct line gets you ten point, a line that is mostly right but has one word wrong is five points. Any lines less accurate than that get zero points.


You are free to post lyrics in the thread if you have no problem with other Hondonians using it. If you are being competetive and what to win, you can send me submissions via PM.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Alright I have a new game for all the peoples! First some history (for context).


In 1960's, the FBI opened an investigation on the allegedly obscene lyrics to the Kingsmen version of the Richard Berry song, Louie Louie. It lasted 31 months and yielded a 140 page report essentially concluding that the lyrics are complete incomprehensible.




Now, here's the new game. Download and listen to



and try to decipher the lyrics, and in one week from this post, the Hondonian with the best transcription wins. Submissions will be judged as follows: A line is defined as beginning and ending with a pause, however slight. A completely correct line gets you ten point, a line that is mostly right but has one word wrong is five points. Any lines less accurate than that get zero points.


You are free to post lyrics in the thread if you have no problem with other Hondonians using it. If you are being competetive and what to win, you can send me submissions via PM.




alive alivey

oh ohhh the adiples

i i i i i say adiples

oh ohohoh say got a foe

i i i i i i

find a girl that looks like lottie

she gus-e-uh uh uh uh sick

she gos uh ih a go-ha-us

the legs in the car, got 'em for ya

ah drivin' drivin'

uh uh ih ih i ah u-hu

yih yih yeah-u-uh saw drivin' drivin'

oh dear say gal-vuh-zah

i roh di ah say rev a like-ah

yih-ih tall gull hill-uh-guh-zay

i grew a shaw-uh shawl-gu-lay

a fuggle in a vision dry vi hick

i go gima young guh billions of zits

a bickle of zih

oh ohhh si a volkswagen

i i ih uh say dig is a hih

ooooh ih ah as vodown

do eh burl sih gus-i-gubuh

uh uh uh lawn say scrope along

egg is a wicka si ba-ah-ih-uh

uh is a luke-ah say gutch a gutch-ey

uh testes testes

yeah still,may-a ow good time

i i i i i uh say-uh testel test-ih yeah zero tigaluh tig uh tiglah

i i i i uh oh, hi so gis a veinn so ber-er-kamp

las goss


that's it i think, pretty much word for word

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You got one line exactly correct ("Oh Testes Testes"). Nothing else was what I would consider even close. Both your screen name and Lottie's are in the lyrics, but not in lines you identified them in, so that's something to look for during future listens.

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