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I saw this a couple days ago and it was fucking awesome. I'm hooked to the soundtrack like I was hooked to the Garden State soundtrack when that came out (Loose Lips by Kimya Dawson in particular).


The movie has fucking hilarious dialogue and all the actors are exceptional, even Jennifer Garner as a standard uptight yuppie, and especially Ellen Page in the title role. My biggest complaint is that there wasn't nearly enough Michael Cera, but there's a reason in the story he can't be used very much. This movie has more quotable dialogue than any movie I can remember in recent memory.


Go see it, seriously. It's in wide release.



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Michael Cera's (Bleeker) line about how he knows Juno wasn't just sleeping with him because she was bored because "Blair Witch Project was on Starz and you really wanted to watch it but let's make out instead, la la la" was my favorite line.


Juno's friend, Leah, was pretty funny too. "Maybe it's a food baby, did you have a big lunch?"


Also "Babies want to be borned" made me laugh every time.

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this movie was touching as hell. there was a lot of sniffling toward the end of the movie. aside from the great dialogue, it was nice to see characters and situations that seemed real and not so quirky that they were unrelatable. i loved when her step-mom told off the ultrasound tech. that was awesome. i don't know about you guys but when kertins and i saw it last night, everyone in the audience clapped at the end which i thought was really cool because a lot of people in the theater didn't seem to know what the movie was about going in and weren't sure if it was going to be a good movie or not (especially the menfolk). in conclusion, more former strippers should write screenplays.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So maybe this deserves it's own thread for discussion, but Juno did pretty well with the Oscar noms


Oscar Nominees


It got Best Picture, Best Leading Actress and Best Original Screenplay. Sounds like the same thing that happened with Little Miss Sunshine last year, bring in a token artsy comedy to show that they aren't prejudice against comedy.

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So maybe this deserves it's own thread for discussion, but Juno did pretty well with the Oscar noms


Oscar Nominees


It got Best Picture, Best Leading Actress and Best Original Screenplay. Sounds like the same thing that happened with Little Miss Sunshine last year, bring in a token artsy comedy to show that they aren't prejudice against comedy.


Nope, just horror, action, fantasy, science fiction, and noir.

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  • 4 weeks later...
i suppose some cleverness just can't be contained by common decency and movie etiquette.


On a complete tangent(though I really wanna see Juno), saw Jumper on the weekend and Nearly got into a punch-up with two drunk frenchmen spent the whole movie being tools(at Alana's insistence of course).

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The house of Garret is divided on this one: I say it was a bloody great idea/story that got too confused trying to check off conventional plot tie-ins like the need for supporting characters, Alana reckons the whole thing was crap and was completely perplexed that Hayden Christianson played a brooding loner-type that mumbles a lot.


ANd Alana at first insisted I say something, but then regreted it when I overdid it a little and ranted at 'em for a full couple of minutes and they got all surly.

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