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The 7 Commandments All Video Games Should Obey


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The 7 Commandments


I'm not 100% with all of em, but there's some great calls - for instance? i know people bitch when the game clocks in short (like Heavenly Sword did) but you know what? Metal Gear Solid 3, Shadow of the Colossus, so many greats are less than 10 hours, and i remember them fondly for not making me #$%@in backtrack constantly just to pad the length.


I too tire of horrible "escort" missions and space marines in general. anyway, INB4BAYTOR - all that half-life talk might not please him.

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I too tire of horrible "escort" missions and space marines in general. anyway, INB4BAYTOR - all that half-life talk might not please him.


Yes curse Half-Life for actually having game play, are they seriously complaining about the length of Episode 2? I beat that in an afternoon. And the crow bar is THE SHIT (we'll ignore the fact that you actually get a crowbar AFTER you get a gun in Half-Life 2)


I agree with pretty much everything else there, though the repetitive gameplay of God of War was switched up fairly regularly and the games only really got tedious when you played on Hard and God modes. (Also they played that horrific clip from Final Fantasy X I knew that would be their example. It had good voice acting, just not from the two title characters.)


On an unrelated note: Heh

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Well yeah it was but what else were you gonna do? Walk down a street? It was lacking in originality from the Half-Life 2 proper, but its problems were it was just another 4 or so hours tacked onto the end of the original game, not a new episode or anything. I mean I guess they could've just made it a Doom clone but I think their only downfall was they didn't try anything new, not that the formula was broken.

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Well yeah it was but what else were you gonna do? Walk down a street? It was lacking in originality from the Half-Life 2 proper, but its problems were it was just another 4 or so hours tacked onto the end of the original game, not a new episode or anything. I mean I guess they could've just made it a Doom clone but I think their only downfall was they didn't try anything new, not that the formula was broken.


eh, true enough. i trudged through it, but episode 2 quickly shut my smarmy mouth.

people swear by the story of X/X2, and it wasnt bad but again, it felt like they threw much of the voice acting at Auron, some on Lulu & co and went "shit, we need a protagonist."

i didnt feel that way with XII, solid voice acting all around, my favorite being Balthier.

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