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so, when baytor's right, he's right.



yeah, so zombie movies are the trend, but this spanish one does it right - took baytor's recoomendation and watcheed it tonight with LL, sen & Eli, and everyone agreed it was one of the best in a while, just really well-done. The wiki says both a sequel and inevitable american version are forthcoming; here's to both holding up.


Totally worth a download viewing. Scary shit with believable characters. again, Baytor says all of this better.

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Yeeeeah... this is the flick John and I were pimpin'. Glad you finally caught it. Heh, heh.


aw shit, i never got the name of it from you, or just didnt remember....fuck, wish i wouldve back then.

panch, i got cannibal holocaust if you wanna see it.

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Yeah... have fun with that one, Cannibal Holocaust is a good movie but shiiiiit, I was all somber and messed up for a good 15 hours following.


I swear this movie wouldn't be half as good as it is if not for those last 20 minutes in the penthouse. I swear, that freaked my shit out like you would not believe.

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