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Blargh - The Random Thread


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Much like Lou Bega had girls all over the place; I got a kid in Paris, I got a kid in Rome, I even got a kid in the Vatican Dome. They answer to the names of Al, Zach and Samuel.


Say, do chicks dig single dads? Like Adam Sandler in "Big Daddy" or whatever..or do they get scared off, afraid that they'll be next to get banged up by the Vader?


See, now Tangent Man'd appreciate the last two posts. Random? Random like a fox! So, in lieu of this shocking turn of events I'd like to congratulate IC on his picture of Balki. "Perfect Strangers" was always one of my favorite shows and when I'm offa work I like to stay up all hours watching it before my other favorite shows "Head of the Class" (not the Billy Connoley years as much) and the pimpngest of all sitcoms after "Three's Company" - "Family Ties".


That one where Malary was getting molestered* by her folks pal was on a few weeks ago, and I must say it was rather unsetteling...


On a lighter note Alex P. Keaton is a phat pimp.


*that's a south park thang, not a spelling mistake :D

Edited by 2track
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So I wake up feeling like shit, but conscientiously decide to go to my morning lecture anyway. I drag myself out of bed, rush to campus with minutes to spare, and realise that the room has been changed and the lecture is elsewhere. I go find out where, then go to the building, only to wander around a maze of rooms not knowing where the hell they've hidden 'C13'. Finally, I decide that this morning was an omen of sorts, clearly telling me not to go to my lecture. So instead of learning about transcendental philosophical arguments, I'm here in the computer room checking out the forum. Bah.

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Ever had a day when you just werent good at parking?

I mean, for such a big ass truck, i think im pretty good at it, but over by anime hurricane earlier, i think i took up like 3 and a half spaces. If someone woulda called me out on it & said "asshole!", im thinkin i prolly woulda agreed with em.

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2Track...why is it when i go to click on "show details by last click" on the active users list, youre always "viewing board index"? Never posting, never reading, just viewing index...how is it you post so much and I never catch you? It it your IP? Are you Batman?

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I've recently realized that there is a huge difference between knowing someone your entire life and knowing someone your entire existence These people who fall into the latter category are part of your makeup, part of what defines you. You may have met them when you were 6, and you may meet them when your 60, but they're important. And what's more important is remembering that nothing you can do can make them go away. There is an inexplicable link...so it's best to try and get along. :D

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I'd answer IC's question about me viewing the index, but alas the Joker just broke out of Arkham Asylum and...er I mean...sometimes when I log on I notice that "Three's Company" or something is on so I put down the aul laptop and watch Jack Tripper get into all sorts a crazy mishaps. Damn I love that show. Anyways...random shizzle...



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Planet GameCube have today reported that Michael Damiani, the fastest Ocarina Of Time player in the world (6:45.17) has now raced through A Link To The Past (1:57.15). He says he has ambitions to hold the world record in every game in the Zelda series, and we say good luck Michael Damiani!


Holy shit! Fanboy/otaku, yes, certainly, but he's dedicated.

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My first thought was, he lied in every word

That hoary cripple, with malicious eye

Askance to watch the working of his lie

On mine, and mouth scarce able to afford

Supression of the glee, that pursed and scored

It's edge, at one more victim gained thereby



---Robert Browning

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I just fucking realised that I have work in 8 hours. And I have to be up in 6. Stoopid being tired but not being bothered to go to bed...I blame all the soda I drank earlier...


Times like these I wish I were getting laid. Then I'd be able to fall straight asleep :pimp:


God I love that smilie...



and hey I just noticed the code for it :pig:


Kudos IC


Fuck that was a random post within a random post. I must be getting tired. That being said I'm still posting inane banter.


Well at least I can start my new -


Irish Slag Word of the Day;


Banjaxed (adj.) - Broken, ruined; can also mean tired; e.g. "Fuck! Me Car is banjaxed."

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Netscape, i understand, but Sqworm? Konqueror? Are you guys makin these browsers up?

And 17 hits from the guy with Windows 3.2...dammit man, just tell me who you are, im a fan of that kind of persistance! Youve managed to give microsoft the bird since the late 80's or so, and you'd prolly be here on DOS if the interent would let ya! God bless you man. :pimp::pig:

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