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Everything posted by Maldron

  1. Seriously, a gif with a hashtag in it? The fuck is the point of that hashtag, brah?
  2. Wait. There's a degrassi meets reaper show about to be cancelled and nobody fucking told me? I hate you all for this injustice.
  3. Oh shit, my scores! Nonononononono
  4. http://music.djcutman.com/album/wiiu-grooves
  5. River Song's gonna be fucking shit up on NCIS this week. I know this because I watch NCIS.
  6. Don't you be fuckin' with Mara Wilson, son.
  7. Scott's been on a tear lately, you can find a new one every month or so.
  8. Yessss, my brotherhood of bros expands.
  9. He's rebooting it. Way to bury the lead.
  10. You could always do that Game of Thrones tie-in they advertised with it. I honestly don't see much of a reason for the "second-screen experience," but considering the proliferation of livetweets for tv shows I'm clearly not in touch with 'MERICUH. Game Tie-ins for optional accessories are often few, far between, or pathetic. Whether the Kinect hearing you curse at Fifa Refs or the fact that there's barely even ten games that utilize Wii Motion + despite its prowess as a control method, late-game feature additions often are that "Why not" and not a system seller. I haven't heard much of smart glass since its announcement, though. I could be crazy wrong. It seems like the Xbox has a LOT more streaming options than the other two. I don't honestly know how many secondary apps can be found, but the only primary apps i see on PS3 are netflix, hulu, and amazon VOD, which are the same three on the Wiiuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Stupid goddamn name, makes people think it's just another low-res wii and not a new console. Half my customers think it's just another handheld console. Nintendo REALLY has to up their advertising. Not the point of this converation, though. It looks like it ain't TV proper anyway, which is a boner on my part but I still like the aggregated ideal. Hopefully Nintendo will see a way to add these other streaming services into itself, but it's all hypothetical. I found the idea novel enough to invest, and my need for HD MonHun Rayman and Bayonetta 2 pushed me over the edge. I want to love nintendo again. I really do. They're trying, which is just lovely.
  11. Don't have any care for any of the microsoft exclusives so I've never explored what the xbox could do. Seems as though it can aggregate streaming but not basic TV, if I extrapolate Thrizzle's utterances properly. Seems he can select a program and find the cheapest way to watch it also, which is a comparable feature. If he can then have it launch the appropriate program and begin streaming from that setup, so much the better. I don't know that universal remotes can turn on video game systems. I don't know see why they can't, but I'm positive I can't use a universal remote as a game controller once i've switched things over. The new PSN Store is pissing me off because it's no longer available with remote play over the Vita, meaning I can't queue downloads remotely the one way they used to let me anymore. I'm sure it'll get fixed, but it's down to zero from one option and it's infinitely inferior to universal phone access.
  12. ZombiU is the only new game catering to the hardcore gamer right now. The rest are primarily ports. It won't be until Rayman Legends that the hardcore gamer will look at the Wii U as a destination of sorts for games, and it'll be even still longer until that library of exclusives grows to get their attention. They got mine with Bayonetta 2, and they got it again with Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, but i'm known for being impulsive. However, my main desire was to have an entertainment hub. I just now programmed my pad in less than five buttons to turn my tv on and off, adjust the volume of the tv, and to turn on and surf my directv receiver as well. I can control TV, and then change the input to my goddamn wii u, with the wii u controller itself. When Tvii launches in december, they've promised to have it arranged so that i can consolidate my TV and Streaming under a single source with added social networking features.
  13. ZombiU and Nintendoland, Razor's Edge should come in the mail.
  14. Same ID. Up and running. Added Guns.
  15. Yeah yeah. You guys can do whatever you want. Just lemme know when you hit your thirties so we can do dungeons together, or if you're going to be coming back for the huge fucking world event that's gonna start this weekend that you're probably too underleveled to do. They upleveled folks for the last one, at least. I'm distracted by Layton anyway. And then Ragnarok, two assassin's creeds, my backlog, the wii u this weekend, and persona four next tuesday. Need to stop spending my goddamn money. EDIT: Oh, and decorum would demand for me saying I should put "finishing interview" up in that whatsis.
  16. Knowing the antagonist works for tv.
  17. Basically, Johnny B's the point man for the conspirators Oliver's gunning for. Doubt he's the head, but he's the pointman. Not sure they've given a name yet.
  18. I Think he means grey's anatomy, but his brain refused to let him know he knew that.
  19. Sabrina went terrible so fast. She didn't survive the transition to college near as well as Boy Meets World's cast did, in part because the humor was the same set of stupid jokes she made in high school. Didn't care nearly as much for Sabrina/Harvey as I did all of the corey/topenga relationship conflicts. I always felt Boy Meets World wanted to handle a range of topics maturely with humor thrown in, and by and large they did that. It's probably many parts nostalgia, but I can still watch episodes without being disappointed in myself.
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