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Everything posted by Maldron

  1. I don't know what to do with myself in a post-demonoid world. Save me, Logan. Or is that just a crack at my trophy card background? It's a kpop rhythm game but half the songs are in english. or unvocalized. You racist.
  2. Can they really be customers when they're taking everything you've got and shutting down your business without offering a dime?
  3. More like the dominant memes. Because this is still metal gear, bro. *brofist* Oh. Also the music is goddamn amazing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=In0v46Z6xbQ
  4. Gonna finish up the vr before trying for s ranks.
  5. Pretty sure the wiiu had similar pricing on its amazon games prior to announcements.
  6. SEVERAL WEEKS LATER. If you're a fan of boss fights, in any way, this game is superb. I can't stress enough the way that each of the bosses you fight makes certain not only that you know what your abilities are, but that you're thinking of ways to use them to great effect. The final few boss fights in particular are some of the most memorable in my gaming career, as is the game's first boss fight against that asshole Metal Gear Ray. After MGS2's RayWaves, it was just satisfying to butcher the shit out of one. The basic enemies are less memorable, overall, but they're fodder. You nick them up and then you cut them in half for their juicy electrolyte spines, and once you learn to swiftly cut through them without taking a hit. Overall, though, at least in my time through the game, precision control in dealing damage wasn't my main goal, wheras being aware of enemy movements and how free my attacking made me played a huge part in DmC, something made even more clear during my time with the Virgil DLC. If you're a fan of action hack'n slash you really need to give this title a go. If you're a fan of the ideas of metal gear but not the long-winded cutsenes, there's a bit of that here too. If you are, though, you're still in luck! In fact, there's (what feels like) a full two to three hours of completely optional dialogue available through codecs going over everything from the financial impacts of a russian oil pipeline on small-town finances to the ethical dilemma of turning off one's capacity for emotional connections to other people and what it would mean for humanity should such measures become widespread. I recommend playing this game. Because fuck yea platinum games and fuck yea boss battles.
  7. Maldron


    North deadpool is best deadpool.
  8. Maldron


    I dunno. That marketing really makes it look like they're trying to market to deadpool fans, not gamers.
  9. Dear Nick: Tactical Challenge Six is a whore that even I can't bed. Sincerely, Mal
  10. Wii u version reserved.
  11. The animation does distract, but the content still had a Chance to win me over. And it didnt.
  12. Can't attach the trophies to my US SEN account, not gonna do it. :p
  13. http://www.ps3trophies.org/game/phantasy-star-online-2/trophies/ Love it whenever a trophy set does that with the tiles.
  14. I never wanted for resources in Dead Space 3. Never once. There were methods to farm infinite materials in that game, and EA said "we ain't gonna patch that." Microtransactions are all about exploiting lazy idiots with excess cash, and i haven't encountered a model yet that begged for my money. When I think microtransactions in the current gen, I think resources in Dead Space 3, and battle packs in Mass Effect 3's co-op. Both EA games, both offering access to the same items through normal play, or through your wallet if you didn't want to spend a couple of hours playing the damn game to get the same result. There were people who bitched that they played for days and didn't see what they wanted, AND there were people bitching that they paid hundreds of dollars to the same end. It's all about putting a price on the temptation of a shortcut, which I'm fine with.
  15. If their money is where their mouth is, where is your money?
  16. One of the tech demos that impressed me was an on-console million object physics render, where they spawned a million blue balls in a flat plane and they all hit the environment below and reacted naturally. I do believe a lot of the hype on how well the graphics will work. More news from press follow ups - it can play used games, killzone is a launch title, and the third witcher will be on a sony console, despite its microsoft history.
  17. I'm not gonna let you ruin my happy, man. It ain't gonna happen. There's no guarantee you'll have to rebuy it, either. Frankly, the promise of what Gaikai's offering in terms of demoing products more than makes up for not being able to play castle crashers.
  18. The Dev was on Gametrailers TV following the conference, and said that it wasn't even a mission - it was just a general open world sidequest that you can happen upon. I'm also sorta inferring that the person trying to hack ya at the end is another player, which could be interesting, potentially.
  19. it isn't digital media that's getting in the way, it's the cell. It's the same way the emotion engine got in the way of PS2 BC - it made no logistical sense to have an entire console chipset solely for that use, from either a financial or logistical perspective. But it's impossible to cover all bases. I've got PC games that I can't use on my shelf. I'll never know how Jewels of the Oracle ends, even now that I"m smart enough to find a goddamn FAQ to solve the puzzles. Technology moves forward at a pace that occasionally makes the older efforts obsolete. And either you find workarounds, or you don't, and either it's worth it to you, or it isn't. The thing they did right with PS3 was having BC at launch and then having it phase out around the same time the PS2 offerings were being overtaken by those on the PS3. The buffer, this time, appears to be that games are being released on both PS3 and PS4, which will allow people time to think on their move to a new system. I don't have my PS2 plugged in, but I do have it stored in a central location, with my other old consoles, to be retrieved easily if the mood strikes me.
  20. "Keeping your PS3 is a shit answer" sounds weird from a guy looking to find cables to hook up a Nintendo to a flatscreen and/or seeking out a super old TV to gain access without the need for conversion.
  21. you don't have to get rid of your PS3.
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