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Mr. Hakujin

Sr. Hondonian
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Everything posted by Mr. Hakujin

  1. Why is my genius always overlooked? I swear it's a conspiracy.
  2. Hmm...just listened to a random 3 of the Hannah Fury songs. It sounded like what I could only imagine would be the internal soundtrack to the goth stripper at a low-end middle-American strip club or Diablo Cody. Not for me at all.
  3. alarm clock face and suspicious eyed roof are win
  4. This is not the greatest gif ever created (dude eating the pizzone--that is a Pizza Hut Pizzone he's holding, right?--could be wearing a 3 wolf moon shirt for starters...), but it's pretty fuckin' close.
  5. you totally blew your wad w/ the faucet pic. everything else from now on can only hope to be at best a faint shadow of its awesomeness.
  6. Huh, wah, eyes? Ah, OK, I see 'em now.
  7. Wow, I completely forgot about that! You know you may be right w/ the karma thing. While Jax is right about his parts in some other good movies since then (Glory, Election) and some flawed yet entertaining ones (Wellville, Cable Guy) he's never ever come close the the success or overall high quality of a film role as he did in Ferris. But I don't think he's crawling into bed w/ SJP; she's likely his beard...
  8. Ya know, I wish I could tell you I never thought it would end this way, but I always knew it would: falling to my death, dressed as Abe Lincoln, holding a big purple dildo.
  9. That's good stuff. I was into trying to get all the original issues back in the early 2000s, so I've got only parts of some of the mini-series. I really need to go back into the depths of my longboxes and find out what I'm missing so I can buy the TPBs You know, you're not the first person I've heard that from. Which is why I've yet to bother picking it up. Maybe when I'm retired and have nothing to do but lay in a hammock all day I can start from the start.
  10. ^^My Japanese is rusty, but I think it's lyrics to the Black Eyed Peas song "Boom Boom Pow."
  11. Fuck the casting (but Gina Torres is spot on for Michonne), the best news outta this is Frank Darabont is adapting it. Epic win!
  12. OMFG WE CAN BEE TWINZZ!11!!1 This one is just ridiculously catchy:
  13. ^^i've never seen it either. always looked kinda chee-z to me. but the trailer for the sequel was pretty killer.
  14. G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra B- To be fair, I’ve two conflicting viewpoints on this film. One is that of the adult film-goer who’s seen more than his fair share of cinema and can look at this film as a summer action film. The other viewpoint is that of the nine-year-old boy who had a room full of G.I. Joe toys and watched the cartoon show everyday after school back in the 80s. I’ll give reviews for both viewpoints. For the non Joe fans: If you’re not a fan or have no prior knowledge of the 1980s G.I. Joe franchise, chances are this is a movie you can skip in the theaters. A few great action sequences aside, it’ll likely be a film that has more cons than pros for you. If you're going into this film for just a straight up good action flick you'll likely be disappointed with the horrible acting, spastic editing, overly clichéd moments, and mediocre directing. A “C” grade film at best. For the Joe Fans: As a longtime fan I walked out of G.I. Joe feeling like the film had some really great parts, but as a whole it didn't reach its full potential. The main element that turned me off as a long time Joe fan was the way Storm Shadow & Snake Eyes were handled. They had what I'm sure were pretty spectacular sword fights, but I couldn't tell because of all the ridiculous close ups and jump cuts! Plus the two brief flashbacks handling their history together were just plain awful. Surprisingly the Baroness character turned out to be the most interesting part of the film. She was a much more fully realized character than her animated counterpart and she was perhaps the most sympathetic and well rounded character in the entire film. I thought the plot of the film was actually pretty good. They made a really plausible prequel for the 80s cartoon show. Well, as plausible as one can get for an 80s cartoon show. As the title implies, this film is all about how Cobra is formed. And it does a fairly decent job of explaining why so many capable people followed the weak and almost inept leader of Cobra in the cartoon show as well as how the iconic characters of Destro, Zartan, Baroness, Storm Shadow, Dr. Mindbender, and Cobra Commander all came together. Also for fanboys wondering about the absent Cobra logo, towards the very end of the film we get a brief underwater glimpse of it. Speaking of the ending, this will likely be a BIG controversy for Joe fans and geeks in general. I won’t go into spoiler territory here, but I will say it’s basically a combination of the endings of Star Wars Episodes I & IV. No, seriously. My friends and I were having a blast pointing out all the “lifted” shots and similar moments between the films. Personally I thought it was fun and meant to be kind of obvious (because it really is obvious), a geeky bit of cross-pollinating cinema if you will. However, I can understand how some fans will take this as a “rip-off” and be angered they paid to see a G.I. Joe movie but got a bootlegged version of a Star Wars ending instead. The film was obviously set up as the first in a franchise and there is room for improvement as they add some more classic Joe characters and hopefully get a better director to helm the franchise. The 80s nostalgia driven fan in me gives this flawed yet fun attempt at realizing a beloved childhood cartoon as live-action cinema a grade of B+. Funny People C+ Director Judd Apatow seems to be slowly trying to make a niche for himself as a guy who can masterfully mesh the heartfelt and emotionally poignant comedy of a “chick flick” with the raunchiness and acerbically tinged comedy of a “guy movie.” This film is not so much a step forward in that direction as it is an excuse for him to get his family and friends in a movie that tries, emphasis on “tries,” to point out the importance of family. Adam Sandler co-stars w/ Seth Rogen in “what-if” scenarios of their own lives. Sandler plays a version of himself that never got married and had kids, but instead went the route of movie-star bachelor. Rogen plays a version of himself that went out to Hollywood and started as a stand-up rather than a comedic actor. Both characters are flawed and in some cases downright unlikable, but neither is ever fully developed and shown as a whole person. The film seems to want to point out that most, if not all, comedians (funny people) are somehow deeply flawed, but it doesn’t do so in a way that the audience can really connect with the characters and rarely in a way in which they can laugh with or at them—not such a good thing in a movie with “funny” in the title. Harry Potter & the Half Blood Prince B- Hogwarts has become Snogwarts. The screenwriter & director chose to put way too much emphasis on the fact all of the beloved characters we met as children are now hormonally active teenagers and as a result the action and suspense from the book has been almost completely gutted from the film, especially in the ending. This is the weakest of the HP films so far, but for hardcore fans, as always, any HP film is one worth seeing. And for the casual fans my advice to you on this film is that a better use of your time (The film is 2 ½ hours long!) & money would be to buy the book and start reading.
  15. You were wearing your irony pants when you wrote that, right? Cuz that made about as much sense as baytor's criticisms of no Dutch. Seriously though, if you're counting writing credits you've got to include The Great Outdoors, Home Alone (and I'd say 2 & 3 as well but I lost my irony pants), Opportunity Knocks, and most importantly National Lampoon's Vacation.
  16. Nice! Children of Men is probably my favorite of the 3. Excellent bonus features on the DVD as well.
  17. Shakira's She Wolf video. I never knew doing the robot could be so hot.
  18. Last night got an odd urge to re-watch the interrogation scene in Dark Knight then ended up watching the whole thing. The awesomeness covered me like a warm blanket and I didn't want it to stop so I watched Batman Begins as well. Tonight I watched Harry Potter 6 at the theater. Complete meh.
  19. If the film FUNNY PEOPLE is half as funny as this 3 part documentary then it might surpass the comedy juggernaut which is HANGOVER at the box office... Raaaaaaaandy - Part 1 (Funny People) from Aziz Ansari "I think he's just kind of a cool lookin' dude. He looks like Hercules."
  20. Bought this one today at my local shop for $7. The pic isn't 100% accurate as the chain comes around in front of the bike and doesn't stay in the air like that. Also, tons of SDCC toy pics here: http://www.mwctoys.com/sdcc2009/sdcc2009_main.htm My fave is the 1:1 helmetless Vader. I'm sure you could hire a guy to come to your house and pose in this makeup for an hour a week for the next 20 years for less money than this will cost:
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