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Mr. Hakujin

Sr. Hondonian
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Everything posted by Mr. Hakujin

  1. ^^ Well, Bedtime Stories was written, directed, and produced by the usual Sandler crew of cohorts--so he and his buds got a BIG payday from the film. Plus I don't think QT was willing to give Rob Schneider a cameo in IB...
  2. I Love You, Man B+ Don’t let the title fool you, this is a very couple-friendly film and at its core it is essentially about relationships in general and not just those Platonic bonds formed between men. The last scene is a bit of a chore to sit through since you know how it’s all going to turn out and the film is HEAVY on the Rush music, but it has a plethora of great characters that deliver solid laughs throughout the film. Big Stan C+ The film went straight to DVD, but don’t let that dissuade you because Big Stan does have some memorable comedic moments. The premise is a real estate con-man gets caught and learns kung-fu so as to not get ass-raped in prison. I almost gave it a higher grade, but unfortunately it falls apart in the third act and really needed better choreographed fight scenes. However, it delivers plenty of solid scenes and is definitely worth a look as a rental. Bedtime Stories C Adam Sandler does a family comedy for Disney. Plot holes and predictable scene outcomes can be forgiven, but the lack of actual comedy in this family comedy makes it easily skipable for anyone over the age of 10. Bolt B I love the premise: a TV dog in the dark he’s on a TV show and must go cross-country to get back “home.” However, the film relies on action and “special effects” a bit too much, which is kinda lame in an all CGI animated film. It just didn’t translate. I can’t help but wonder how the film would’ve turned out if it had been put entirely in Pixar’s hands. Young Frankenstein A- When the parody of a classic becomes a classic itself you know it has to be good. To truly appreciate all of the setups one should really see the original Frankenstein and Bride of Frankenstein starring Boris Karloff. The single disc DVD is an excellent print & surprisingly full of extras. The comedy may be a bit corny by today’s standards and there is some sexual humor, but it’s all double entendre and innuendo—not nearly as racy or vulgar as some of Brooks’ other films. Wilder & Brooks’ love for the source material shows in every frame and even the hardest cynics will find themselves swept away into this zany world of the young “Fronk-en-steen.”
  3. These last two arcs were stretched WAAAAY thin. The whole G-Men arc was obvious as to where it was going and would've been a tight 3 issue arc. Definitely looking forward to the origins of the "Boys." The lead character, Wee Hughie, looks an awful lot like Pegg. You could also say Hughie might act a bit like Pegg's Shaun of the Dead character if he was thrown intot he world of corrupt Superheroes rather than a world o' zombies.
  4. I couldn't get the first 8-12 issues of this series fast enough, but I've been away from this book for a while. The 7 Heavenly Cities arc (I think that was what it was called) got a bit stale for me and I haven't picked it up in a long while.
  5. *cringes* But you should be. I don't know how you stuck w/ SMALLVILLE so long. I was there for the first 3 or 4 seasons, but had to drop it form my viewing schedule.
  6. Combining quotes from FALILV w/ Wedding Crashers will not get you any slack on your tween obsession. And funny you should mention "twilight," further evidence you've got tweener TV on the mind. And you know the only thing you'll be talking about at your b-day party is who you think will win the next American Idol and which is dreamier, "Creek" Pacey or "Fringe" Pacey. Ooh, what time does the next episode of of The Hills come on so I can not Tivo it?
  7. That is a classic post. Well played.
  8. Says the man w/ the complete Dawson's Creek on DVD.
  9. DVD cornucopia: 10,000 BC C Think Dances With Wolves meets Star Gate meets Apocalypto. But unlike any of those three films this tale of a mammoth hunter’s journey to rescue his one true love doesn’t have their action, drama, or engaging characters. How To Lose Friends & Alienate People C- How does Simon Pegg follow up his role in the crap film Run Fatboy Run? With an equally crap role in this film! At least he’s being consistent. Simon, The 90s punk-ska band Reel Big Fish called and dedicated their song “Sell Out” to you. They also said when you’re done with Star Trek go back to making films with the fat guy from Shaun of the Dead. Ladyhawke B- My girlfriend recently filled in some gaps of my 1980s “classic” film knowledge, so I repaid the favor. As a kid I remember loving this film because it had an awesome battle with knights at the end and the Bishop was the bad guy (which at the time blew my mind because I was a by the book Catholic schoolboy). I’ll be honest, after Peter Jackson and others re-invented the look and scale of the fantasy genre on film over the past ten years, Ladyhawke doesn’t hold up as well as it did through my rose-colored glasses of nostalgia. However, any fan of the 80s and/or fantasy films, should get a kick out of the awesomely cheesy 80s score by The Alan Parson’s Project, Matthew Broderick’s performance as basically Ferris Bueller in medieval France, Rutger Hauer as a kick ass black knight, and the unbelievably gorgeous Michelle Pfeiffer as the titular character. Punisher: War Zone C I think the best compliment I can pay this third attempt at a film based on the death dealing Marvel vigilante is: it wasn’t as bad as I expected. Thin on plot and even thinner on characterization, this film did have a lot of people being killed, sorry, “punished” in a lot of different ways. If that sort of film violence is your thing then this film is likely worth a look. Oh, and Wayne Knight as Microchip was a nice (if not underused) touch for us comic geeks. Redbelt B This film feels like writer & director David Mamet took a jiu-jitsu class and decided to make a movie about it. Heavy on the philosophy behind the fighting style, the film attempts to examine the difference between being a jiu-jitsu fighter and a jiu-jitsu competitor. The film has a great cast and an interesting viewpoint on the popular world of mixed martial arts fighting; however, it gets weak in the third act and ends in a great scene yet it somehow left me feeling shortchanged on resolutions to some key plot points. The Rocker C Drummer Dwight Shrute, um, I mean Rainn Wilson, becomes the Pete Best of 1980s metal when he's kicked out of his band right before they blow up into the world’s biggest band. Twenty years later he helps his nephew’s emo band break big through the contradictory nature of his childish behavior yet sage-like guidance. A disappointingly mediocre comedy. Valkyrie B- Hitler was one tough bastard to kill, just ask Tom Cruise. The suspense was good but a bit uneven, thus making for some lulls. Also, the trailer misled me in to believing the film would have more action. Director Bryan Singer is straightforward in his style and while this film isn’t exceptional, it certainly is admirable in its effort at drawing attention to these men and their historical attempt.
  10. I wouldn't doubt it. They put blood sweat & tears into that show on a Cartoon network budget. So you know they ain't no millionaires. Personally I'm hoping for at least 1 more kick ass season. I'll get S3 on DVD in a few months when it goes on sale for half price like S2 did--fucking pissed me off when I paid $17 and it went on sale for $9.99 around Christmas.
  11. Baytor brings up a good point: what happened to the "World War Hulk" Hulk? I can never keep up with all the psyche changes: is it HULK or Banner/Hulk w/ Banner in control or Banner/Hulk w/ Hulk in control or an amalgamation of the two? Hakujin confused.
  12. Well, he's "somebody." I'm sticking w/ the series. I liked the dual stories w/ dual artists. I hope they go back to it. Cho drawing all the Marvel hotties pounding on Rulk was a pretty good back-up story--too bad it had no real resolution. Fucking Jeph Loeb! Come on!
  13. "Picture if you took Harry Callahan, John Rambo, Jason Bourne, and Jack Bauer and combined them into one single person. Well Liam Neeson would descend from the rafters and fucking kill that person." Brilliant line! A bit harsh on Valkyrie though; I didn't think it was THAT bad. I need to put my review up. I've been slacking on them lately...
  14. In Theaters Duplicity B- I loved all 3 Ocean’s films; I love caper films. Duplicity does have a caper and a few interesting twists, but the film lacks the whimsical energy I loved so much in the Ocean’s trilogy. It’s more of a meditation on how can two people who lie for a living learn to trust or truly love someone. And the best part about a caper flick is the payoff at the end. This caper ends with more of a fizzle than a bang. Clive Owen & Julia Roberts are fun to watch on screen and Paul Giamatti makes a memorable appearance playing the CEO you love to hate. File this clunky caper under: valiant effort. On DVD: The Last Dragon B+ Apparently this film is an 80s cult favorite, but my girlfriend only just introduced me to it this weekend. This is the tongue-in-cheek tale of Leroy Greene (aka Bruce Leroy) as he searches for “the glow” and his battle against his arch nemesis Sho’nuff (aka the Shogun of Harlem). What the film’s fight scenes lack in choreography it more than makes up for in its many laugh out loud moments. File under so bad it’s classic.
  15. Wolverine v3 Issue 71 Another fucking fantastic installment in the Old Man Logan arc! My favorite part was the death of I think Logan may have to pop the claws next ish.
  16. Those were awesome! Last season was definitely weak compared to S1 & S2. And it looks like there'll be 22 episodes this season. The previous seasons were only 12/13 episodes long.
  17. That video took me on a rollercoaster of emotions. At first I was all like wha then I was like huh and now I'm singing "You are a pirate!" I have a mod'd X-Box my friend did for me back in '04. I still haven't played all the games on it. I'm too chicken to crack open my Wii and mod it myself. I spent too long waiting to get mine to crack it open and eff wid it. Besides, I've had Metroid Prime & LEGO Indiana Jones for my Wii since Christmas, but haven't opened either yet. Wasting all my free time on movies/TV and on teh Internets.
  18. Ah, these types of threads both excite and infuriate me. Here's mine "for now." * Opening credits: Voodoo Lady - Ween * Waking up: Minnie the Moocher - Cab Calloway * Average day: The Good Life - Weezer * First date: 1234 - Feist * Falling in love: Everybody Needs Somebody to Love – Blues Brothers * Love scene: Stellar - Incubus * Fight scene: No Shelter - RATM * Breaking up: 11am – Incubus (I broke up w/ her) Black – Pearl Jam (she broke up w/ me) * Getting back together: Suck My Kiss - RHCP * Secret love: Are You That Somebody - Aaliyah * Life's okay: 99 Problems – Jay Z * Mental breakdown: 19th Nervous Breakdown – Rolling Stones * Driving: Have Love Will Travel - The Sonics * Learning a lesson: Let It Be – The Beatles * Deep thought: Star Wars (OST) – John Williams * Flashback: Walk This Way - Run DMC * Partying: Groove Armada – I See You Baby * Happy dance: Weapon of Choice – Fatboy Slim * Regreting: La Valse D'Amelie – Yann Tiersen * Long night alone: Take 5 – Dave Bruebeck * Death scene: Fond Farewell To A Friend - Elliot Smith * Closing credits: We’ll Never See The Likes of You Again – Flogging Molly
  19. Yeah, I a gree that's a definite possibility about DC. However, I think Kirkman expects readers to think the DC story mullethead is spouting is bogus. So Kirkman knows readers know it's likely bogus and in order to surprise us it will likely hence therefore be in other words unbogus. That is unless he knows we know that we know it won't be bogus then flips the script and in fact DOES make it bogus! My head hurts. Um, zomm-bee stampede! Whoo!!!
  20. Re: Issue #59 Aww shit--it's a zomm-bee stampede, y'all! I got a not so good feeling someone is a gonna git bit next issue. Sorry, all the Rebel Flag talk in politics has my inner redneck seeping to the top.
  21. Back in '02 I was all about me some Utada Hikaru! I disagree about her not having "any" solid albums though. Deep River is a great album. It was the first album of hers I bought, and by far her best. Although I do agree her greatest hits CD would be a better purchase for casual/new fans, especially considering import prices. Exodus, her English "crossover" album was fail though. Maybe 2 or 3 decent songs on the whole thing. Ultra Blue was meh. And I've yet to hear her last album, Heart Station--which if anyone knows of a good quality torrent I'd be obliged for linkage. She's got a new all English album called This Is The One in the works. However, based on the single called "Come Back To me," it sounds like fans can expect another Exodus rather than Deep River.
  22. Watchmen A- This film based on the acclaimed comic book by Alan Moore & Dave Gibbons is set in a world slightly skewed from our own. What if superheroes had existed since the early 20th century? How would that skew our own history—the Vietnam War for instance? The bulk of Watchmen is set in the 1980s. The USA & Russia are on the brink of nuclear war. Superheroes were outlawed during President Nixon’s 3rd term in office and now someone is killing off the retired heroes. The film uses flashbacks to give history on each of the Watchmen and they are all certainly interesting. Purists will likely have complaints about deviations from the source material, but they should be few as Wathcmen has to be one of the most faithful adaptations of a comic book ever realized on screen. My biggest problem with the film is the same problem I had with the comic book—the ending. Watchmen is a well paced, violent, adult (male and female nudity is prominent), comic book film that uses extraordinary characters and situations to explore the most basic aspects of humanity.
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