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Drunken Deputies
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Everything posted by Keth

  1. So watched this last night. It definitely deserves it's own thread. It's ridiculous, hilarious, unsettling and over the top. One of the most fun movies I've watched in awhile. And when I say hilarious, I don't mean like how The Wickerman is funny. It's legitimately great, and the director takes full advantage of the Cage Madness. It's just a fucking awesome movie.
  2. I'm finishing that up now and it's the funniest goddamn movie in years! Absolutely love it.
  3. Listened to a podcast recently called Off Panel. Specifically an episode interviewing Skottie Young. It was pretty inspiring and reassuring knowing one of my favorite artists is as awesome as you would think he is. Worth a listen. http://sktchd.com/podcast/off-panel-12-a-whole-new-world-with-skottie-young/
  4. As long as they don't make games specifically for it, then I'll happily ignore it just as I do the PS4pro.
  5. How have you never seen An American Werewolf in London!? Its essential viewing! Videodrome weird, fun Cronenberg goodness. Cronos is Guillermo Del Toros first{?} movie and definitely worth watching. Youll either love or hate Funny Games. But I cant actually recommend it. That said I was in the love it camp. You're Next is Halloween meets Home Alone. Super fun movie. I loved Don't Breathe, but it has its detractors. Drag Me To Hell has a big fan base, butit never clicked with me. Great ending though. Everything else is a toss up\best left for someone else to vouch for. Drag Me To Hell has a big fan base, butit never clicked with me. Great ending though.
  6. Maybe Kevin Feige is about to Macguyver this into something watchable.
  7. Hopefully a blessing though to give Sony a kick in the ass to just fucking let Marvel handle it.
  8. Gimme gimme gimme This will be a good palette cleanser after Venom.
  9. https://www.theguardian.com/books/2018/oct/01/judge-dredd-co-creator-carlos-ezquerra-dies-aged-70 Damn. Dredd is getting bumped up on my stuff to read. Between this and Glenn Fabry's lung cancer announcement, it's a tough week in comics.
  10. Got a few things here that put me in a creature drawing mood.
  11. Nice, I've got a youtube playlist I'll throw up later. I need some new shit to add to it since it's still small. Good thread!
  12. Shin Godzilla. Fucking horror show. Seriously it's quite creepy. I loved it.
  13. Check out Lone Survivor! It's creepy as hell. Basically a 2D silent hill. It's got a great atmosphere. Should be able to get it on the cheap.
  14. Thinking about replaying Dead Space before RDR later on. Need to get another PS3 controller though...
  15. There's gonna be one reason, and one reason only to see this....
  16. This was a damn fine movie. Quantum/Cosmic horror done right. And fucking beautifully shot. It looks like it was shot on an Iphone, but Macguyvered the hell out of the cinematography amd made it beautiful. On Netflix now. Please watch.
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