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Drunken Deputies
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Everything posted by Keth

  1. Man Smash Bros. has some of the best remixes. This is my drawing playlist right now.
  2. So in the wake of the new Rules and Regulations discussions, I wanted to toss out the possibility of letting folks choose their own member titles again. But some good points were made that we all already kind of have our own little signature section for that. However, I kinda felt like using that space with admin having 100% control may result in a title being taken the wrong way causing So, with NZA's blessing, I'm putting this here for member title suggestions! This could bring back the Quotables and let people still have a little say in what their title says. As of right now though I've got nothing.
  3. I've been playing the fuck out of this game. Roguelike, Metroidvania with souls like elements sounds like the opposite of a good time for me, but this game is awesome. It's fluid as hell and crazy challenging, but not unfair. I'm not very good at it and still am having a good time. It encourages aggression and using every ability you have. If you don't you're fucked.
  4. Not to mention January sees REmake 2 and Kingdom Hearts 3 finally.
  5. Jesus Christ. 2018 was crazy in general, but yeah thats a nice list. Smash Bros, RDR and Spider-Man are must haves. I'd love to finally play a Dragon Quest game. Darksiders 3 is in November and thatll be a must have as well, depending on impressions with the new developers and all. Fallout 76 is a thing too I guess, but my interest in that has plummeted.
  6. Digging in to S3 now! S2 will be a tough act to follow, but 2 eps in and this one is really keeping up. David Thewlis is such a creepy villain. I just love the energy of this show. Really rivaling Better Call Saul as the best thing on tv.
  7. "I said get my charger, not RELEASE VILLAINS!"
  8. Ugh yes! The main thing keeping me going is its anthology format. I'm really enjoying it, but these cliffhangers aren't formatted for a weekly show. Release the whole thing at once if you are gonna do that every episode.
  9. "Gamora makes a splash" too soon
  10. Just don't get disappointed when Alf gets fired for saying the N word and they have to rebrand the show starring just the family. If we're spending money on puppets, let's bring back Dinosaurs!
  11. Movie pass is FUCKED Limiting users to 3 movies a month They are uncancelling accounts.
  12. I thought we had a We Happy Few thread. This game looks fuuuuucked.
  13. Better advertising? You'd think they wouldn't need it, but throwing up an ad or trailer before a big comic book movie would be cool. I dunno alot about this industry stuff, but when dealing with these used comics I have come to see how fucking expensive this shit is.
  14. God, The Raid movies would fucking kill if they were considered for stunts.
  15. Now just gimme that Mob Psycho 100 S2 release date.
  16. Yeah it's literally just their streaming stuff. I havent had any problems using it.
  17. I really need to work on my pun defending thread.
  18. Ive got netflix, hulu, amazon, funimation and shudder. I rarely use amazon though. And Im probably gonna cancel shudder soon. @The NZA you have the amazon app on your ps4?
  19. God you think this is bad? I work with a girl that has bought 100+ of these things from our store alone. She insists on keeping them in their boxes. Her stash is always full of pop boxes. A Carnage came into the store once. I wanted that thing so bad. He was in my stash for a month. But even I couldnt justify spending 30 bucks on him, so I gave it up to her. She bought it two days later with no hesitation. I hate to think the hoarders we enable, whether they work there or shop there.
  20. Snagged these and got Venom Hulk incoming. Venom Loki is a damn Target exclusive and I want Carnage blades, but dunno where that one is.
  21. I can't see the vid (my phone is hrottling my net) but Im just gonna assume that it looks amazing. Got my days at work requested off just for this. I can't wait!
  22. So call this guy whenever you need a hip, sarcastic voiceover to be done. Dude's already playing Spider-Man, one of the ducktales and Leonardo. I'm keeping my eyes peeled for that Poochie reboot.
  23. That's the trap. Now that cable is becoming less and less prominent, people are getting multiple streaming services and end up paying what they did before. We have Netflix, hulu, and funimation. I think Im paying for shudder also... I think they are nice alts though because cancelling is USUALLY hassle free. You can always jump in and out. But yeah, it's becoming ridiculous with the amount of services that have been coming out as of late.
  24. This sucks. After coolrom took down their Nintendo games, this became my go to. Can't blame them though. Guess there are always torrents for this
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