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The Slingers
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Everything posted by Panch

  1. Fuckin' Scrooge McDuck has 266 issues, Nick!
  2. I don't think we have anything to worry about. At the rate that this thread 'dies' Toxin will have issues in the triple digits.
  3. Last of the Living - New Zealand's latest zombie flick almost does it, but comes just short. With a little bit of every successful zombie movie thrown in, you'd think that they couldn't go wrong...? Nope. They shoulda just gone all the way overboard and just hired the Wayans brothers and named it 'Zombie Movie'. I get the feeling people will still like it, though... but it's not for me. Does have some laughs... Chick: 'There's gotta be a cure!' Dude: 'Damn right there's a cure. KARATE!!! *flails his arms around*'
  4. Give the ICP fans credit... they're loyal. Can you even tell me who made the Laffy Taffy song without looking it up? Just like some folks don't get our Wu obsession... we just don't get their ICP obsession. Now, having compared the apples to oranges, I'm gonna take a scolding hot shower as punishment.
  5. 1) Man, that 'Tribe' sound died in the 90s, son. JK. Nice (if I smoked weed). 2) Feelin' it. 3) Man, I can't like a Canadian rapper cause I hate on Drake so much..., but damn Shad is tight.
  6. Now that's what I'm talkin' about! Still, does a dust cloud have to come up with each step Sonic takes? Sheesh.
  7. Having said all that... I still think the movie went further than movies tend to go.
  8. We get the 'Exclusive Lindsay Brown Review' right here, right?
  9. I'm just gonna keep this going myself... HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!
  10. That's why we keep you around, Ly. Cause you're the logical one. Baytor! I need your take on Deadgirl! That movies too crazy to not talk about. Careful with spoilers... or really just the one OBVIOUS spoiler.
  11. Wish I had just bought the trailer. Now I'm stuck with the whole movie.
  12. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! (channeled my inner vintage MH)
  13. Can we say this is from an Anime in the works, please? I just need hear it. Even if it's not true. Which it is.
  14. Ok, so I picked this up at Best Buy the other day and was semi-excited about the idea of this flick. The name alone had me at hello. Although, once I got it going... I was a little disappointed. the potential was there, but it sadly fell short. It had it's moments, don't get me wrong, but still not good enough (in my opinion) to make 'Panch's Varsity Squad of Zombie Flicks'. STILL, having said all that... it still deserves a look see. Even if it's just for the female lead... Hot!
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