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Sr. Hondonian
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Everything posted by Visitant

  1. Movie Highlights: Dad jokes. 'cause he's a dad.
  2. I'm glad to see there's still some kind of anti-scientology shit still going on these days. It seemed for so long that it was like a huge deal and then quietly just went away. I'm really hoping more and more of this shit gets to come out and show how fucked up it is. I guess on the other side of it, the places wanting to show this stuff are shows and I can't imagine getting a series like this greenlit in Hollywood is easy.
  3. Saw it over the weekend, kept hearing "best since empire" thrown around. I don't know where I would fit it in terms of love just yet but I will say I went in and got an amazing non-jedi-centric SW film which ultimately was what I wanted from it. Hopefully this encourages them to want to make more non-jedi-centric films in said universe.
  4. Secret Santa got me the "Secret History of Twin Peaks" book that just came out. It's basically this huge lore book with "newspaper" articles, and bios, and medical reports from the town from its inception to kinda where the show kicks off. Worth picking up if you're a fan.
  5. Yeah, that's the thing. The articles I went over, it sounds very...polite, like face-saving polite. "hey bro, so things are not looking good here why don't you say you're...working on other movies and we will try and fix this". Might be wishful thinking, but that's my theory.
  6. Snyder is "taking a break" from DC. They've tried to make it sound very nice "he's got other projects to work on etc" but it really does sound like Johns and the crew very politely asked him to take a step back from DC for a while.
  7. RE7 Demo is amazing (even if I haven't played since the last 2 updates), so that's on my radar. Persona...yep. I think my golden save is up to 100 hours now? I've got like 2 trophies left? I foresee another loss of 100 hours in my future.
  8. Downside, you have to play an Assassin's Creed game.
  9. Aw yis, generic FF thread. SO let's discuss somethings: 1.) SE has really turned things around in the last few years. They have taken a few risks which have paid off. One of the biggest deals is essentially making a "secret society" that makes all the large scale decisions for the brand. (instead of just shitting games out, the counsel debates - votes etc). They may or may not dress as org XIII members for meetings. But is it their influence helping the brand to succeed or is it just the fans who miss the brand? 2.) FF7 while fun, was a pos in terms of story, which was confirmed by SE. (too many teams working on it etc). We know we are getting a FF7 remaster, but do people HONESTLY believe it's going to be a 1 to 1 remake? (sure, we want to spend all our time making art assets for cloud in drag). If you believe it's not, won't that fundamentally divide the FF7 user base into the traditionalists and those who believe the remake is superior? 3.) FF7 remake. Cash grab or no? Personally I say yes. SE has said over and over they didn't want to do the remake yet. I think they are doing it now as a cash grab and to finally just shut people up. (thus the episodic content). 4.) FFXIV was remade and is still going strong. How the fuck did they pull off the impossible? (remake an MMO from the ground up and relaunch it so successfully) I have some theories but would like to hear yours first. 5.) We need a new, actual sequel to FFT. Not a question, more a statement of fact. 6.) What's your fav ff game?
  10. So this is the beginning of the new Universal "expanded" universe. Dracula Untold or whatever was supposed to be the first of the titles that would link all the movies together but I guess it performed so badly, they kicked that idea.
  11. I've been listening to the legacy of the force and whatever series is after that on audiobook but mostly because they are more like a radio drama (sound effects music etc) than your typical audiobook. It's had it's highs I think (Caedus was interesting if nothing else) but for the most part - you're right. There's a lot of fanfiction in there. Even if Lucas did have to 'approve' a lot of it (he really didn't he just set rules for them which towards the end he through out, which is why they dropped a fucking moon on Chewie.) I think we're better off with what we have moving forward. Also, would recommend https://www.amazon.com/How-Star-Wars-Conquered-Universe/dp/0465049893 even if the author is a little pretentious.
  12. We re-watched it last night to get in the seasonal mood. Yeah, it's perfect.
  13. Considering that foresight could have (possibly) increased ratings (cause advertising)? Nope. you wanted the show to make it on its own merits and THEN drop that bomb. Huge balls.
  14. Anyone check out the Anonymous Documentary? It's not too bad I don't think and it was interesting to see how it's all kind of evolved, even if they are not up to as much these days. I was mostly listening to it while I was gaming but one of the times I looked over I saw footage from a rally I was at. good times.
  15. Finished ep 6 last night. It's surprising how well they managed to turn this into a series. Rarely do I audibly go WTF during a show but when they got to that twist, even before they said it I was going "no fucking way. no. no fucking way they are doing that".
  16. Isn't there an ongoing doc series right now about Scientology?
  17. MvC4. Hm. So, first off. It's possible that the X-troop isn't off the table. We don't know what the contract for Marvel/Capcom look like. If the X-troop is off the table, I suspect you're going to see the new lineup of characters from things like netflix, having a similar power/moveset to the characters we lost. Let's talk about that title real fast. No, not the Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite title... The Marvel vs Capcom 4 one. I know this is a minor gripe, but really this is less of a sequel of Marvel vs Capcom in some ways and more of a sequel to the Marvel Super Heroes game. Or at the very least, a mashup of the two. We've gotten our first hints that the infinity gems play a role in how the flow of combat works from that trailer. The Marvel Super Heroes fighting game was much more based around that concept. How one gem could turn the tide of battle. How that's integrated into this iteration? I guess we will have to wait and see.
  18. There's truth here. During (I think) the same interview, he said he had no interest in doing a shot for shot re-make. Basically the original is perfect and he wants to make his own twist on it. ...That being said - it's going to be hard, in my mind, to top how amazing Shadow of the Vampire was. ......that being said, this remake needs 100% more black Phillip.
  19. Yeah this is going to have to be an opening night kinda thing for me I think.
  20. All things considered, P.T if nothing else gave us one hell of a legacy. In a lot of ways it's reshaped the way horror games are approached now, and it's also revitalized true horror games. Just look at the new RE or Allison Road or any of the other games we have in the pipeline. People played and loved P.T and I think we're going to be feeling it's impact for years to come. ...strange to think that the one Kojima game that might inspire future game developers the most is a game that never truly got released.
  21. Isn't it free or did I read that wrong?
  22. i think the baby imagery is intentional, a representation of rebirth into the games world after what he went through. that sounds pretentious but thats the line kojima walks
  23. Now with Kojima and Mads (I've got shit in my eyes in everything now) Mikkelson. ...keep waiting for that release date tho.
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