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Mr. Sexy Hat

Sr. Hondonian
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Everything posted by Mr. Sexy Hat

  1. If i breed my Shiva Motorcycle with my Huge Flying Castle thing do I gets a Golden Chocobo and proceed to get Knights of the Round Summon Materia?
  2. Squaresoft knows your shit at ARRPG's so it defaults to auto battle. Because they didn't just spend millions of dollars on cinematics and music for you just to fuck it up and game over on battles. Now just put a rubber band over the A button and sit back and enjoy the 15 hour movie.
  3. Was the chair lift level in 1 or 2? because that was awesome fun.
  4. The Island is one giant reality TV show.
  5. I know I might lose some cred for this but My Super Sweet 16 is a funny show. spoilt brats going ape shit over things is just awseome to watch.
  6. Biggest Loser for the win! Nothing is as fun as watching fat people trying to exercise.
  7. I could totally dig a Parasite Eve 3 or a remake.
  8. No wai! Instant mash is the shit! mmmm
  9. Maybe they will release some of the old virtual boy games, hopefully with a graphical make over. So when will Sony annouce the PSP Light Go 3D Hyper Turbo Championship Edition?
  10. Oporto Its an Oz burger fast food chain they take 15 to 20 minutes to make a burger then its either cold or tastes like arse. fuck you Oporto fuck you hard.
  11. He said that the 2nd half of the game was good. But that does not make the whole game good. But i am interested in seeing that bra and panties fight sequence and the strip or die part. spending $100 on wank material.
  12. And then Iron Sheik can play Red Skull. Old reddy would look good with a moustache and a towel on his head.
  13. I would love to see Yahtzee review this one. Because you know how much he loves J-ARRPG's.
  14. If the story isn't drawn out its not an ARRRPG. Also I hate Lightning she reminds me of Squall that poxy moody motherfucker. There is only 2 things I like about FF8 #1 The card game #2 Odin (Because he rocks up when ever the fuck he wants, kills everything and the fucks back off again.) and do you know what really grinds my gears, that fucking Shiva motorcycle thing I know after 20 years of FF games the ideas bucket might be running a bit dry but come on... Just take the Namco approch, less clothes more boobage. Nothing wins more than High Def mystical tits.
  15. Im still at the crystal lake place I gots distracted by Left 4 Dead again.......
  16. Yeah I love the tatical combat. ITS GRRRRRRRRATE! I thought the level up system was the one from FF10 but thankfully its not.
  17. The black dude has the best menu portarit I also like how they repalced his afro comb with a Chocobo.
  18. I just finished the 1st chapter of FF13 and Its not bad really. The battle system is ok a bit boring but boss battles are good. Ok just did 1st battle of chapter 2 and it is getting more interesting now. Already found reference to F77 opening and cliffhanger (you'll know it when you see it) Story is pretty interesting at the moment too so far so good
  19. The remake of 3 on the DS is quite faithfull even though they add a shitty story line that isn't necessary. Bunch of kids find crystal, get super powers, kill lots of evil things, save world, the end. good enough story for me.
  20. What? Metal Gear on the NES is the big soft bun. Metal Gear Solid 1 and 3 are the big slabs of beef and bacon. Metal Gear: Solid Snake on the MSX is the big slices of tastey cheese. Metal Gear Solid on the GameBoy Colour is the heavenly sauce. and Metal Gear Solid 2 and 4 are the big long ginger hairs in my otherwise tastey Big Chief Mega Burger. damn, I'm hungry now...............
  21. Oz copies tend to burn and shrivel up after you finish them. It's in the PAL coding. I just finished work and i'm on my way to JB Hi-Fi to pick up my copy now 3 was an exelent game it had a nice difficulty curve with an awesome class list and was overall fun to play.
  22. I think we are due for another Snake Plissken movie Escape From Forida Retirement Village. It would be like Metal Gear Solid 4 but accually good.
  23. FF13 comes out tomorrow here. I think im just excieted because I get a new game to play. Ill update at the 10 hour mark.
  24. Wow your LE sucks. We get a Music CD, Hard Cover Art Book, Unique Decal, Collectable Art Prints. OZ Collectors Edition and there is also a preorder bonus too 3 A4 high quatity lithographs cool pitcures! So yeah even if the game is arse atleast I still get some cool stuff
  25. I got to play FF13 today and I must say they really took a butchers knife to the FF fromula. It seems like FF10 just wont fucking die, I miss my world maps. My girl friend pre ordered the collectors edition for me on Valentines Day so now im stuck between a rock and a hard place. I'll have to try my best to enjoy it. Maybe I just need to let go of my love for FF3, 6, 7 and 9 and try to embrace change.
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