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Everything posted by Donatella

  1. Oh, right!! I think NZA actually put some Afterlife with Archie on my tablet and I just haven't had time to read any of it (can't wait till summer vacation!). I can get down with a darker Archie if it works!
  2. Can't put my finger on why but this trailer did nothing for me, which is disappointing since I'm really looking forward to the movie!
  3. Definitely gonna give this a shot, but I'm wondering what kinda take this is gonna be. I'm a little concerned with the dark terrible secrets, Adderall addictions and prison scandals. Is it going to completely lose the lighthearted feel of the comics? I guess I'm talking about the original comics I grew up reading because I haven't seen much of the newer stuff. Does the recent stuff have a lot of "darkness and weirdness bubbling beneath Riverdale’s wholesome facade?"
  4. My vinyl collection is small but growing! My favorite recent purchases are The Strokes "Is This It," Amy Winehouse's "Back to Black" and Adele's "21." Also, NZA bought me Floyd's "The Wall" for Christmas and we're waiting for the perfect time to listen to it in its entirety!
  5. This is an interesting way of calculating this. It's not critiquing their performances, per se, but rather the reviews of their films as a whole. I wonder how much of this falls on the writers/directors, though. Like, would Salma Hayek or Cameron Diaz be in a better position if they were offered better roles in better films? Hmm. The best actor/actress lists are on point, though. Lots of talent there!
  6. I was really bummed there was so much shaky-cam during the fight sequences in Raid 2. I got so nauseated watching it, I had to stop a little less than halfway through. But what I saw was incredibly brutal and awesome! These movies are just so damn entertaining! I think I prefer the first Raid because of the creativity in having it contained to one building (and 'cause I could sit through the entire thing with no vertigo!).
  7. NZA and my first attempt at meal planning!! So what we were hoping to accomplish with planning our meals was to eat more vegetables (NZA), less red meat (me), and just generally eat better foods. Neither one of us is really looking to lose weight. Looking around online, I noticed most people make the same thing for all five days but I tire of the same foods very quickly so I needed at least two options. We went with tilapia and chicken. I marinated the tilapia in a "zesty seafood" sauce and we used a stir fry for the chicken. This was a challenge! I tried making everything at the same time, which meant I was darting around the kitchen steaming veggies, stir-frying chicken, checking on the baked fish, etc. It was a workout! The only near-mishap was us thinking we could make four cups of rice in his rice cooker and it boiling over for a bit! Other than that, I think we did OK for our first pass! I tried little bites here and there and everything seemed to taste good! Lunchtime today will be the real test!
  8. Oh for you and Panch? No it's cool. No one else is a Pac fan round here.
  9. Yay! NZA and I have been shopping for our first meal prep today and I'm hoping it's not a complete disaster!
  10. 1 solid meal a day?! I would be such a nightmare! I'm just THE WORST when my blood sugar is low. Haha. NZA says I have to eat every 3 hours or I die. Tell me you at least snack or graze during the day?
  11. A little backstory...last year I got pretty sick. My body stopped properly processing food and I lost close to 40lbs without trying (in fact I tried hard to stop it when I realized it was uncontrolled, but noting worked). It was pretty terrifying. There were SO many doctors visits, blood tests, invasive medical procedures, and a three-day hospital stay after I passed out twice from dehydration. I only recently got a diagnosis and have started to feel better. I had to journal everything I ate to identify patterns of food that made my stomach issues worse, so it's forced me to eat much healthier. No fried foods, no dairy, etc. Before getting sick I had been seeing a personal trainer and although I wasn't losing much weight, I was getting very strong! But while I was sick, I couldn't exercise at all. I would get winded just getting dressed in the morning or walking across a room. I was very weak and depressed that all my hard work was just fading away. Now that I'm getting better, I've been committed to my health! My issues are exacerbated by stress, so I've been focusing on stress management by doing yoga, meditation and the "relaxation response" deep breathing technique. I try to work out most days. I do exercise videos, light cardio and I'm on day 19 of a squat challenge that's had pretty nice results so far! Nick (NZA) and I also go to the gym on weekends (his work schedule won't allow it during the week, sadly). I do the stationary bike or treadmill for 15 minutes and then another 15-30 minutes of weights. Nick recently started spotting me doing weighted squats and I did 85lbs on my first go! (not much, I know, but coming from a place where I would get lightheaded just getting up off the couch, I'm pretty proud of myself!) Food's been the toughest thing to get under control, which is why we want to start the meal prep thing this weekend! I'll be sure to document our progress with that so we can ask for tips/swap ideas! Thanks for making this thread!
  12. If I'd have known people would pick apart my wording like this I might've reconsidered this whole forum business. Geez.
  13. Wow! Looking even better than the mock-ups that came out last year that had everyone hyped! I can't wait for this!
  14. Hmm. That's a tough one. It has been a few years since he's done anything spectacularly awful, but he just has so much to come back from. "Moral good" was never my reasoning here. He ruined his movies for me because now I just look at his face and think about the things he's said/done and it makes me angry. So I don't enjoy them as much as I could.
  15. Hitting his wife while she's holding their child. Breaking her teeth. Admitting to it. Telling her she "fucking deserved it." Threatening to kill her. Warning her he's "capable of it." etc. etc. etc. Feelin' pretty good about calling him a monster and you having friends/family who are worse doesn't change that for me. I mean, there are infinitely worse monsters in the world- murderers, rapists, etc. None of this diminishes how awful I think he is for the things he has said and done. So...agree to disagree.
  16. He also said this to the mother of his child about the way she dresses, "You look like a fucking bitch in heat, and if you get raped by a pack of n*****s it’ll be your fault." Sooooo.....yeah..... (in case anyone needs reminding what an absolute monster this man is)
  17. Ugh. I just can't do it. Can't watch him in anything new and he's ruined his older movies for me too. Sucks because Braveheart and the Lethal Weapons were always favorites...bleh. Such an asshole...
  18. A friend posted this on FB and I wanted to love it since the original Blackstreet version is one of my all-time favorite songs. But this version's just a little too slow and boring for me. Passing it along in case anyone else might be into it!
  19. Hmm. I wonder if this is only referring to streaming titles. I'm still waiting for Netflix to ditch DVDs and offer the new releases on their streaming services as soon as they come out!
  20. All these recent horror movies tend to run together in my mind. If you asked me to differentiate between this, Insidious and Sinister, I probably couldn't. But I know I enjoyed them all, so I'm down for this one too!
  21. I'm usually really frustrated when shitty movies make a ton of money. But this time I'm hoping it means the studio will have confidence the other DC movies in the works. I'm really excited for an Affleck-directed Batman flick. After the last few movies he directed, I trust him. And his Batman was the least troublesome thing in BvS. I'm just hoping the abysmal BvS reviews don't scare him off the solo project. He HAS to know he can do better than Zack fucking Snyder. Speaking of reviews, is it silly to hope that this shitshow of a movie will finally convince the powers-that-be to take Snyder off Justice League? Every time I see that project on his IMDB page, I die a little inside.
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