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Troma High alumna
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Everything posted by Donatella

  1. Ugh I so loved that man. He's also not wrong. Uniballs are my shit.
  2. I took myself on a weekday date yesterday and caught The Revenant. I don't usually enjoy these types of films at all, but I'm convinced Alejandro Iñárritu (dir) is some sort of movie-making wizard. I adored Birdman because of its small scope- how it appeared to be one long take, in one location. Revenant couldn't be more different and yet both films are just... spectacular. Revenant felt really immersive. Probably helped that the theater was FREEZING so I really felt like I was alongside Leo as he crawled through the snow. I read an article before going that called this movie "pain porn" and went as far as to compare it to videos released by Isis. Yes, it's pretty violent from the start, often startlingly so, but I didn't think it was gratuitous for the subject matter. That bear scene was something else, but probably not even the most violent thing in the film, surprisingly. Leo's performance is pretty amazing, but I felt Tom Hardy blew him out of the water. Thankfully they're nominated in different categories for the Oscar or I'd be on Team Hardy all the way. Also, I MUST have an Iñárritufest soon where I watch Babel and Biutiful. I loved Amores Perros and feel like he's quickly becoming one of my favorite directors!
  3. I started watching Broadchurch, a British crime drama, after a friend recommended it. I'm six episodes in and loving it. I love murder mysteries like The Killing, Secrets and Lies, and I guess Twin Peaks counts there too! Broadchurch has great performances and is shot beautifully! It's on Netflix so totally binge-able.
  4. Yeah the show and the case are interesting but it's definitely MAJORLY drawn out. I fast forwarded through much of the last few episodes just to get to the verdict.
  5. Deadpool appearing in iconic photographs.
  6. Second graders are 7, going on 8. Your childhood sounds much like mine! I was raised on horror films and it was fine! But I do have friends who were traumatized by movies at that age (Stephen King's It fucked up so many of my friends!). Definitely depends on the kid. I think I'd trust parents to know what their kids can handle. Deadpool being an action/comedy somehow makes it seem much more innocuous to me.
  7. I felt the same way when I saw a family (with four kids who looked to be 6-12 years old) at Django Unchained!
  8. Hmm. Not sure how to feel about the petition. One of my students (2nd grade) LOVES Deadpool and I know his dad, who's a friend of mine, plans on taking him to see the rated R version. His dad told me that he doesn't mind the kid seeing violence as long as it's not extreme and that they always have a talk about bad words and how they shouldn't be used outside the house. I wonder how I'd feel if I had a kid around this age. I saw on IG that my boo Ivy Doomkitty saw it at a screening as well and loved it. I'm hyped about the positive reviews so far! Dammit, I'm running out of time to read more of the comics!
  9. Damn I only read the first issue of this! I enjoyed it, just don't have much free time during the school year. Now I have a fire under my butt to read more!
  10. Yes! I enjoyed Phone Booth much more than I thought I would! And I feel the same way about Buried. Interesting concept, pretty well executed but I couldn't watch it again. Yeah I'm not sure I even understand the "spiritual" tie-in here. Might help if I could actually finish Cloverfield. I enjoyed what little I saw of it! Maybe seeing it on a smaller screen wouldn't make me so sick.
  11. Agreed! I enjoy when stories have limitations like taking place in a single day or location. It doesn't always work, but sometimes it's quite fascinating the way writers and actors work within the restrictions. Hmm. Trying to think of some good examples! I enjoyed Rear Window, 12 Angry Men, 127 Hours, and Panic Room for their creative use of limited space/actors!
  12. I had to leave the theater during the first Cloverfield because I got terrible motion sickness from the shaky camera. So I'm not too familiar with it, but this trailer seems like it has little to do with the original. Is that accurate? Hmm. Looking at the Wiki page they're calling it a "spiritual sequel." Interesting.
  13. Couldn't wait! Found Dogma online and I'm watching while lesson planning!
  14. I always forget he's in Dogma! I haven't seen it in years, but I loved it. I'm gonna rewatch that one soon too!
  15. What. the. fuck. did I just witness? Haha!! Wow. I love Genesis and love that song. I can't believe I'd never seen that video! As a kid I imagine that would have really messed me up. Now it's just impressively bizarre. So many puppets! The ending is awesome too.
  16. NZA and Panch and I just watched Die Hard for Christmas! This really bummed me out this morning. I adored him as Snape, Gruber and in Love Actually. :( Gonna miss
  17. Kevin Smith to Direct Episode of The Flash (source)
  18. He was such a delightful weirdo... Cancer sucks.
  19. Loved this movie so much! It was exhilarating and it's always fun when a movie makes the audience clap and cheer out loud! I didn't expect to be so moved by it. I cried more than once. I loved seeing Stallone win the Golden Globe for Creed last night! I felt it was much deserved, and he seemed so humbled and grateful for it. Also happy to see Michael B. Jordan enjoying more success! Loved him as Wallace on the Wire and he was fantastic in Fruitvale Station.
  20. I know I'm overreacting but Tales from the Crypt was one of my favorite shows growing up!! I used to watch it before bed every night! I am holding out hope that "producing and curating" means he won't be injecting his tired ideas into it. Looking forward to seeing who they get to direct some episodes. And what the new Cryptkeeper will look like!
  21. So worth the watch, especially for Mark Ruffalo's performance. But it will make you angry. And very sad.
  22. YEAH NICK. Also, I forgot Straight Outta Compton! I saw that one twice!
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