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Troma High alumna
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Everything posted by Donatella

  1. I remember there being a KFC buffet here! It was really cheap though and was mostly side dishes. There were also a few Wendy's with a salad/baked potato bar. The salad was so good!
  3. Darker and more layered than Daredevil?? Positive reviews for Krysten Ritter (who I normally can't stand)? This actually sounds like it could be great. I've been reading Torso, but I think I'll put that one aside and read all of Alias before the show airs! There needs to be more hours in a day. Stupid job and life getting in the way of my comics!
  4. Cosplayer Thomas DePetrillo from Extreme Costumes blew the crowds away when he showed off his 9.5-foot-tall Iron Man Hulkbuster costume. VIDEO OF THE HULKBUSTER HERE! This site also has a ton more NYCC cosplay pictures! I love a lot of these, but my favorite has to be Barf! I have always wanted to see someone cosplay this and this guy nailed it! There's even fur coming out of his Chucks!
  5. This happens to me only on my tablet. On my laptop it's usually fine!
  6. Apparently there is a less-cool-looking Mikey coming that will have ice cream kitty! Sadly.no smoke bombs!
  7. I absolutely love this series! It has so many little nods to the original comics and series, without feeling like it's pandering. And it's fun catching ALL the easter eggs, while NZA catches none. I also love that it's building an entirely new fanbase of turtle fans. I get a little giddy when my students show up with TMNT backpaks, pencil cases, shirts, etc. Even the girls are into it! They all love Mikey (give me time, I'll turn them on to Donnie). The first two seasons were great.
  8. Super hero flicks are my jam. I think I was the only person in the theater who cheered when they showed Lloyd in the Kyln! I'm a HUGE fan of James Gunn from his days at Troma. And the stuff he did after was great! Slither and Super are two of my favorite movies. If you haven't seen either, you MUST! Especially Super. It's SO dark. These are awesome! Now I want to have Troma-thon...
  9. Tell me one of them is One Day at HorrorLand!! That was my JAM. That's so cool! I LOVE Troma and Lloyd Kaufman. I met him in 2010 at San Diego Comic Con... And ever since then, I try to catch him at Supercon or Megacon any time I go. If you haven't seen one of his Troma panels, they are worth checking out! Have to share one more! Here he is signing my Tale of Two Toxies poster! WHAAAAT. I loved Demon Knight! Gonna have to pick that up next month! And Sleepaway Camp 2 is another classic! I've actually never met anyone else who'd seen one, so this is pretty awesome.
  10. That's my DUDE. Never understood why people idolize idiots like Chuck Norris when Bruce Lee exists (well, existed ).
  11. These two brothers have been exchanging the same birthday card since 1973!
  12. Donatella

    Taco Bell

    I must be starving because this looks delicious! I would destroy most of that. Then it would destroy me. :(
  13. It looks like the kind of movie that might be fun even it's awful. I wonder why M. Night chose to go with a tired found-footage formula, but I'm intrigued by the "horror comedy" billing. I just get kinda tired of seeing writers struggle to explain why someone's lugging around a camera during the more intense scenes. If anyone does watch it, I'd appreciate knowing just how shaky the handheld footage is since I'm super sensitive to that.
  14. Yep! I enjoyed it so much I became obsessed with horror. I'd read R.L. Stine and Christopher Pike even some Stephen King in elementary school. I watched Tales from the Crypt every night before I went to sleep! And there was a video rental spot across the street that would rent me rated R horror movies for a dollar so I became obsessed with Elm Street, Friday the 13th, and weird little cult ones like Sleepaway Camp and The Toxic Avenger. Ahh...memories....
  15. It's taken me a bit to accept that this happened. Wes Craven gave me my love for horror films ever since a neglectful babysitter sat six-or-seven-year-old me down in front of A Nightmare on Elm Street so she could go for a joy ride with her boyfriend. That could've been traumatic but I LOVED it! Time to pick a few of his best to marathon! This could get difficult.
  16. Horror is my favorite genre, but it's been a few years since I've seen anything really unique (Cabin in the Woods was probably the last). Then earlier this year I watched It Follows. Like Cabin, it pays homage to the horror films that came before it but does it in a completely new and interesting way. I've been calling it an arthouse horror film (and like most artsy films, critics loved it more than the general public did). It's beautifully shot and really, really creepy. It has potential to be a love it or hate it kinda movie (edited this to add I JUST saw Axel's comment about this movie! Haha!). But I'm standing by my recommendation. I'm just glad it's finally on DVD/streaming so people can see it! Been gushing about it for months! The trailer is . Posting a link because I can't seem to embed video, dammit.
  17. This is a guide horse. For the visually impaired who may be allergic to or uncomfortable around dogs.
  18. As a true crime buff, I am so hyped for this!! I've been fascinated by Holmes ever since I saw "H.H. Holmes: America's First Serial Killer" on Netflix (not the most well-produced documentary, but interesting as hell). I will have to read Larson's book ASAP! I'm also excited that it's Scorcese and Leo making it! There are some director/actor pairings I'm tired of seeing (Burton/Depp), but I think these guys have still got it. Their movies are always, at the very least, beautiful to look at and brilliantly acted. Hmm. I wonder who will play Benjamin Pitezel...
  19. I used to run the IG for a media company and I remember having to log in and out between their acct and my personal acct. A mild annoyance, really. And one I can't believe they haven't remedied, from what I can tell. I am looking at it on my phone now. I just clicked on the Sign Up option and it looks like you can register with an email OR facebook, so maybe it wouldn't be too difficult. If no one else wants to tackle it, I'd totally help you out. Even though I'm still a newbie around these parts.
  20. Thanks for the detailed response! I think I'll go with Vol. 2 to start. And maybe tackle the older stuff Nick mentioned over Christmas break when my tolerance is higher. I'd like to see the origin of some of those characters before the movie comes out!
  21. I would honestly miss the humor if they got rid of it completely! But I'm on board with it being MUCH more disturbing. When it gets too silly, it also gets less scary.
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