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Preacher's Divinity
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Everything posted by Jont

  1. Man, I feel like I'm sabotaging the hot guys thread so I'll have to take these outside. Manel-Toe! I thank you.
  2. Remember these? You can still make them, but I'm sure any old ones have dissapeared between the cracks. http://mm.dfilm.com/mm2s/mm_route.php?id=2274023
  3. Too... much time on hot guys thread ..... ....feeling ..... ....confused.....
  4. You couldn't, you'd be totally wrong. Not men, man, or man-thing at the very least. And I gave kudos to the other three, they're some handsom fellows. Peace.
  5. Kelly Jones, too ugly for sheep or me, two of natures least picky species. Back to the wheel of man-flesh. It is one of histories greatest mistakes that this man.... ...is rembered like this: and yes, that guy does have a camel toe.
  6. Kelly Jones what a minger. The other three okay in my book. Give me a couple of drinks and I probably wouldn't say no. These dudes I'd do sober.
  7. Lunch? http://www.petitdejeuner.be/
  8. Or Scrapyard Challenge. Still beats the shit out of the two last two Batman movies. How can a director called Schumacher have such shit cars in a movie.
  9. Et un autre zoom sur Tom Cruise tant qu'on y est !
  10. So you've seen it bob? I've read mostly heard good things about it. I think that since Constantine is a character that's been defined by lots of different writers that it's kind of okay to rip around with the set up to make it fit with the movie, wether it's actually any good that's another matter. I'm still looking foward to this one, with a little trepidation, but I'm still optimistic.
  11. "I used to get high on life, untill I built up a tollerence."
  12. Really? It looks like they got a picture of a hot chick and then stuck a big old man head on the photo. But I don't think she looks too bad in Joey. Isn't that wierd.
  13. Not in my view, I think they missed enough opportunities in the first movie to leave plenty of material for a second one. My dream version would have the russian returning (they did that Halloween here one sedond, gone the next with his body, so I'm guessing he's still knocking about.) hopefully talking this time. I think Travoltas wife should return from the dead limbless and fill that Ma Gnucci shaped hole in the movie. Of course, if the same people are behind the sequel it'll probably turn out pants no matter what.
  14. Warrenellis.com is posting some mint stuff at the moment.
  15. Shit dolph lungren. If they ever make a Gary Barlow movie he's the guy for the job.
  16. I think I'm on both of those, but I don't realy use em and my profile is starting to look lonley. jontkeappock@eircom.net if any one is so inclined.
  17. I have a confesion to make, I spend a lot of my time reading other people's flame wars on IMDB. Like the raging debates over just what counts as being transformers Generation 1 or not, whatever that means [ OMFG yuo dont KNOW, I cant't belive you call your self a Transformers fan FUCK YOU!!] Or just recently I went looking for details on Ghostbusters and ended up on the Electra Board where someone started a thread saying he saw the movie, and it sucked, and it probably does. An argument ensued. But at least some good soul interjected with some sound advice. "clearly, on the interweb is the place to take it out your anger. buy a hooker like the rest of us, dude." By the way, freaky fact, the guy who did the voice for Bill Murray's character in the Ghostbusters cartoon also did the Voice for Garfield, who was later voiced by Bill Murray. Is that Bill reclaiming his voice or becoming an imatiation of himself, I'll let you decide.
  18. Looks good. Has anyone seen that comic adaptation of Joe R Lansdale's Drive-In? That's some freaky shit, but I can't seem to find the later issues.
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