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Preacher's Divinity
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Everything posted by Jont

  1. Which series was that from? They're in prison uniforms so that's long after Red Dwarf stopped being Red Dwarf from what I could tell, but it seems they brought back Rimmer. Did it get any better?
  2. I closed it because it was offensive to women, offensive to me and it should be offensive to anybody who's not a pig or an idiot. But that's just my opinion, dont let me sway you.
  3. Well they're not. They're pretty, pretty movies that are just begging to be made into games.
  4. not by choice It should be added that I hate turn based strategy games, actually I'd go as far to say that Final Fantasy and the like aren't even games. The concept of fallout intrigues me, and I want to see where it goes, but all Fallout wants me to do is die. And what fucking hateful bastard designed the interface.
  5. Having just downloaded the original Fallout, I can only asume these roots you speak of involve spending ages in a dark cave kicking rats before escaping to the outside to be killed by giant rats. This is all there is to the game, shock ending I know.
  6. Please tell me that was a team-up, but don't tell me who won.
  7. What else do you think I do with my spare time? Mental note, stop falling in love with girls on the internet.
  8. I hate the idea. It's the test-audience mentality gone mad. When I sit down to watch Heroes its because I trust the writers and I want to be entertained, I don't want any input on the show, I just want to keep on being entertained by the same people who've been making the show since the start (or at least a couple of the people, that's how things are in television) It's all a racket to get revenue from phone-ins, mark my words.
  9. That dear sweet, fragile little thing transforms into a kitten and a missile base.
  10. Hmm, you wouldn't happen to have that London Olympic Committee promotional video that gives seizures? Epilepsy: My anti-drug.
  11. Found this in a rather respected gallery in in Manchester, England, not an art piece but a mixed media presentation on how other cultures live, you know for kids. Sometimes casual non-ironic racism is worse than blatant non-ironic racism.
  12. Sometime today I realised I had the name for the greatest sitcom ever, it will be called That's My Testes!
  13. Just a thought, but were they looking at this? compare cheeks. and its so dubious I shouldn't even dignify this with a response, but Jude Law as Ozymandias? No. Keanu Reeves as DrManhatten? No fucking way. Some random as Night-Owl, sure, I'm all for random unknowns, in my dream version of Watchmen the most famous actor would be David Carruso.
  14. Those trailers still don't show me enough of the game to get excited about. What does have me excited is that the game is being helmed by the team that made the Prince of Persia: Sands of Time trilogy and is very billed as a sequel to those games in everything but name.
  15. I'm not sure the world needs more Rambo, but he's back and ready for a bit of the old ultra-violence. Really, the violence, fucking hell. You'll see what I mean.
  16. Its the only one of his movies that I have seen. Dead Man's Shoes has been screaming from the DVD rack in every shop I go to, shouting, "hey, I'm a british movie, and I'm probably not shit!" but I still haven't got round to watching it. Fun fact, the main character in This Is England is called Shaun Meadows, names have been changed to protect the innocent, but only just.
  17. This Is England, not a perfect movie, but highly recomended. It's a skinhead movie, and it does have its moments of extreme violence, but it also gives a great sense of how much fun they were having (even after the gang splits and the story follows the extreme Nationalist side). You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll throw up a little in your mouth, and at the end of it all you'll have caught a very personal glimpse of a culture that usually only observed from the outside. Probably deserves it's own thread, but it is late and I am lazy.
  18. Sorry, but if my super power was harvesting large quantaties of weed, I'd be quite happy.
  19. Lostpedia is a pretty good resource, its a fan run Wiki that's pretty concise and reliable, they have some wild crackpot theories like some of the shit I've come up with in this thread, but it's clearly marked as speculation and separated from the "facts" of the story.
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