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Everything posted by TulipO

  1. Well, the play Pygmalion was basically the non-musical version of My Fair Lady, but the story of Pygmalion is as follows: Pygmlion was an Ancient Greek, and a cranky fucker at that. He hated women, well, maybe he didn't HATE them, he just found them to be pretty ridiculous. he could find fault with any woman you put in front of him, no matter what her virtues. As it turns out, this guy was also a sculptor. So one day, he starts a new project. As he's carving, his work begins to take the shape of a woman. So he goes with it. When he's finished, he has created the perfect woman...for Pygmalion. He falls madly in love with his own work and names her Galatea. He goes to pay homage to Aphrodite, and begs her to make his creation real. So she does, and they live happily ever after. Until she decides she has a mind of her own and is NOT in love with Pygmalion. Then she leaves him heart broken. However, it is that strength and lack of silliness with which he endowed her that makes him love her most. ironic.
  2. Ouch...my marrow is low No, there is no hope for me.
  3. I love Social Distortion. When I was like 14 I wanted to marry Mike Ness. Love the tatoos. Love the surly attitude. Love the voice. Love the music. I need a punk boyfriend.
  4. So waht's the deal man? Deal? the CHILD on the bedroom???!!!
  5. "Want a beer" "No thanks.." "How about some ether?" "What?!" "Nevermind..."
  6. I forgot about Donnie Brasco!! He was great in that too.
  7. I love method actors. A superior breed. And the damn thing is telling me I already voted, which I did, but it isn't showing up...most upsetting.
  8. Did a great accent...Essex i think...or maybe Sussex, I can't remember which my friend Mathew was from, but that particular region pronounces their th's as f's. (i.e Caflics=Catholics, Froat=throat) It's more subtle than that, but that's the general idea..
  9. had to go with 12 Monkeys. although my favorite with him is True Romance. No, he didn't star in the film ,but his character was essential to the plot. Do realize that if Floyd didn't exist it would have had a completely different ending (the pigs would have won!) I voted 12 monkeys because he did a great job at being insane
  10. What about From Hell? Or Benny and Joon? As far as Depp's mvies go, it's not about the quality of the film overall, but the quality of his performance. Which is nothing short of stellar. I did go for Fear and Loathing, I mean, he (as well as Benicio Del Toro) did a fucking fantastic job! And it was funny as hell...better than Where the Buffolo Roam, and it stuck real close to the book. There's nothing worse than reading a fantastic book, and then having Hollywood make a fucking terrible film based on it.
  11. This had to happen. Honestly one of the best lyricists of our time. I'm a sucker for imagery though. personal favorite: Tangled Up In Blue. Someday the world will realize that song was about me.
  12. " Did you see what GOD just did to us man?!" "God didn't do that YOU did it! You're a fucking narcotics agent, I knew it!"
  13. "There's no point in looking back. Fuck no. not today, thank ya kindly"
  14. that would be cool uh huh huh huh...huh huh huh
  15. "We were headed towards Barstow, somewhere on the edge of the desert, when the drugs began to take hold...I remember saying something like 'I feel kinda light headed...maybe you should drive..."
  16. "...pardon the wild crazy thing I just said...I'm just not the same since there's rain in my head."
  17. Not a problem dear..although i did like the way The Maxx said "CRAP!" Good stuff...None of that fun shit is on anymore.
  18. yeah, I had to go with B&B myself. I mean, I loved Sifle and Ollie, but beavis and Butthead was on so much more. I especially like the Christmas episode when the only thing on their TV was the burning log. It was like an entire episode of them sitting on the couch laughing. Funny shit after a few beers...
  19. In the land of the BLind, the one-eyed man is king.
  20. Going to find new cigarette............
  21. "I like you toys...Mine are all sticky" >>
  22. Not a song, but in the Monty Python vein "NOBODY expects the Sapnish Inquisition!"
  23. Price of cigarettes in NYC: $7.50...incredible
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