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Eternal Usagi-Chan

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Everything posted by Eternal Usagi-Chan

  1. I agree with the . You never know it might not be that bad. I thought they were going to do a horrible job with Resident Evil (I know it has nothing to do with anime) but it came out really well. You have to give it a chance. It's not even out yet! :plain: I say give it a chance :p
  2. Well sorry little miss i know everything about anime!!! ;) j/k Like I was saying to you before I have't seen much of it to ge all of their names right, ( Could you imagine how long it took me to learn all the names from Fushi??)
  3. What kind of name is Grappler Baki???? I'm telling you, the Japanese come out with some weird titles sometimes. Oh well, but it does sound interesting!!
  4. Can we please stick to the subject? If you want to complain about subs, there is a topic just for that!!!! Thank you and have a nice day
  5. Everything about Inuyasha part 3 is still in the air. No news as of now. Sango... lend it to me!!!
  6. Hey Benny have you heard anything recent about it? It would be really interesting to watch He-man on tv...
  7. My preference is to listen to my own language, but I don't mind watching it in Japanese. Sometimes I watch it with both English Dubbed and the subtitles just to see where they messed up on the translation.
  8. I love this anime for the simple fact that is almost every other episode atleast one character needs to know what kind of animal underwear Momiji (the main character) is wearing. It's actually really funny how Sango and I found out about this anime. I had seen it at the store and she saw the preview but she didn't like it. Then we decided to rent it and our first impression of just the first 4 episodes was " AAAHHHAAAHHHH". All they do in the beginning is scream. But it's a really good story line and I highly recommend it. * Espeically because of the Omake theaters!!!
  9. I believe it's the suspense is what drives a person to become a freak. The only reason why I say this is because I observe those that don't like anime and that are forced to watch it by their peers. I know someone that doesn't like anime and yet everytime we sit down to watch something like Ranma or Fushi she is constently asking " Who is he", Why is he doing this", " Where did he come from?" Or I start hearing comments like " damn he's hot". Or the occasional " As long as it has boobs, I'll watch it". Eventhough they don't like to watch it , they are intrigued by the way the exclamation marks come out of their foreheads when they get hit by some one or how a drop of water comes out when ever they are tired. Even if you are watching something like X or 3X3 eyes, you sit on the edge of you seat wondering what is going to happen next. I believe that it's the little details that normal cartoons fail to show you that anime isn't ashamed of hiding.
  10. Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been really busy. Anyway I just wanted to say I'm sorry If I've made anyone feel uncomfortable with the anime section. It's not my intention of making this just a girlie thing. But some also have to realize just because a topic isn't up doesn't mean that you can't put it up yoursself. For example this topic. I'm actually glad this topic is up. I love all kinds of anime, I'm not concentrated on one in specific. And this is another reason why the made me moderator. So if you guys eveer have any complaints in the future, I would really appreciate it if you would pm me about it. I understand that some people take things to heart so there are some comments that shouldn't be said out in the open. I don't want to sugarcoat anything either, but it would help if everyone would work with me hear. And I mean eveeryone including Super, P-chan... anyone. I just wanted to add that Akira rocks and so does Dark Stalkers. ( Morrigan is my bitch)
  11. I don't even have to click on the link to know what it is... an let me tell you that I was surprised the first two times I saw it from someone else!!!
  12. I couldn't agree with you more snake eyes. My friends at work trip out on that one line. And I love imitating the squirrel!!
  13. thanks benny, I forgot it was called she-ra!!
  14. Alrighty then, what got me hooked on anime?? Well when I was small (back when nintendo was the best system out there) I played the Ranma 1/2 combat game with my sis Super. Then when I was in Middle school I like Sailor Moon. ( what girl didn't like it) But the one anime that made me an official anime freak was..... BATTLE ANGEL ALITA!!! I have it on tape, but I'm dying to get it n dvd. Its really hard though because in the stores and ebay you would have to by it for $40. It's so rare to find now a days.
  15. :p Can't we all just get along??
  16. I own akira!! And I love 3x3 eyes. I want to get the dvd set!! Eva isn't a chick flick! :p And I've never had the opportunity to watch Vampire Hunter D. But I always get good ratings from it so it does interest me in a way.
  17. There you go Sango!! Problem fixed I haven't seen too much of the series yet to say who is my favorite character. But so far I think I would have to say... Sanske( I forget how to spell and pronounce his name) And I bought the movie of Samurai X. It really rocks. Mulan and I were watching it one night. I fell a sleep but I saw it again by myself :p
  18. I can't believe that He-man is coming back!! I'm so happy!! Then again it's only a rumor. It would be kind of cool to see it again. I used to watch it so much when I was little. And I remember she-woman too!! Brings back memories!!
  19. Marmalade boy is really cool!! Don't say that!!! Anyway, Ceres is really kick ass!! I don't have much time to talk right now so talk to all of you later
  20. After what happened with beauty and the beast isabel, I sould think she would want it back...
  21. It is an animated movie. Like I said before just because it's not japanese doesn't mean it's not anime... And you know what... I didn't even start this topic and I didn't move it into this section :p
  22. Even if I wasn't a moderator, someone would have started the topic. And the only difference between moderator and non-moderator is the fact that a moderator can move and delete topics. Big fucking deal! And so far I don't know if you've noticed but you are the only one complaining. Stop whining!! :p
  23. Anime doesn't necessarily mean Japanese Animation. An anime is any regular cartoon. Disney is also animation. So why can't Ice age be under this topic??
  24. Stop picking fights... go back to your little fight club and pick on someone else...
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