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Everything posted by Drifter

  1. isn't SHIELD also actively recruiting supervillians to start hunting down anyone who doesn't register? That cannot end well. How is Peter going to react when Norman Osborn shows up with a squad of SHIELD special ops there to "back him up?"
  2. But they do get away with actual death on the show, which is refreshing
  3. The newest TMNT cartoon seems to follow the comics pretty well
  4. TF Classic is what it's called now, I can just remember huge cluster fucks, grenades going off everywhere, Snipers trying to drop the heavy weapons before they could trash soldiers, soldiers trying to blow up sentry guns before they mowed down medics who were poisoning spys who were backstabbing the snipers, ah, good times, good times.
  5. I also remember Team Fortress back in the day right before CS got popular, fun Spy stories for that one.
  6. Just say when and where and I'm there
  7. What about Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back? It was good to see some actual character developement for those two, to see how their unique wisdom is used for their own purposes, and the collection of cameo's was awesome.
  8. Deedlit from Record of Lodoss War... I'd tap that Elf.
  9. I've played and beaten 1 and 3, started 2 but never finished, and have only seen promos for 4, and I have to say that is is some of the funnyest shit on the planet... and after seeing Pirates of the Carribbean movies I suspect most of the Disney staff played the games too.
  10. another problem with Endgame was all the re-editing and re-shoots... hell, look at some of the promo videos, in some cuts the main badguy splits into two and both Duncan and Connor are fighting one... that thankfully got changed, at least in the version I saw
  11. another really fucked up one is Dark, again, this one is about school kids doing fucked up things.
  12. wow, a year and a half dead and suddenly resurection from out of the blue. I use to watch this show all the time, seen all the movies, even caught the piss poor spin-off, Highlander: Raven. Favourite character for me was Methos.
  13. I heard MC2 was ending, but also, in MC2 they never mentioned spiderwoman's origins beyond simply saying she was "the daughter of spiderman and MJ," nothing was said about "and then as a baby I was held in the hymalayas by a doomsday cult for several years." So, you're all saying nothing has been mentioned in the current comics about little baby May? Oh, and Peter and MJ have already been seperated for a year or so but that didn't sell comics well so they got back together, and while that was going on Peter and his powers have already been "changed" with some sort of Inca warrior spider right of something... there's some old dude with spider powers out there who is Peter's Guru and talks about Myan pyramids and how Peter's spider powers were "mystical" in nature and not the true product of some radioactive spider bite... that's pretty much when I got fed up with it a couple of years ago...
  14. Back when Aunt May was still dead, before, Peter and MJ had a daughter they named May that was "taken," what ever happened to her?
  15. I heard they were going for "historical acuracy" since the boom and gold rush of deadwood happened only in the first three years and afterward settled down to a crawl until a huge fire swept through six years after that. Those were pretty much the only interesting times of the town.
  16. Um, not to go all freudian on you Jax but it's spelled Arc, not Arch...
  17. I have some fond Quake II memories from days of yore.
  18. there's always bit-torrent.
  19. Ultimate Showdow of Ultimate Destiny!
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