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Everything posted by The NZA

  1. 2nd-to-last episode down (with finale on hold for shulk tonight) again, this shit is so good. teri's not yet read a page of it but is all about it too
  2. https://www.instagram.com/p/ChU7UKwrYWM/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= had a few more shots if you scroll over
  3. Meet the New Addams Family From Tim Burton’s ‘Wednesday’ close enough? thoughts?
  4. we finished ep 6 last night and...damn. i was worried about this for decades, but they actually pulled it off so far literally can't wait to see if s2 is season of mists at this point
  5. An alternate ending to 'The Predator (2018)' was filmed which would've revealed Ripley or Newt as the Predator Killer, after they failed to get Arnold absolutely bonkers, i was told this film was already a mess as it was
  6. first on set look of dominique thorne as riri!
  7. mind blown here! a hidden 2 player mode
  8. hearing really good stuff about this one, gonna try to watch it when i'm off next week
  9. i've always thought cremation was the way to go, but this has me reconsidering
  10. on one hand, sequel/etc books don't usually go well...but, this is gaiman
  11. been meaning to make a thread about classic popeye (and why i think he's due for a ducktales type series relaunch) but apparently the 2013 3D movie kinda leaked online, so check it out before it's gone!
  12. honestly if the tone is more comedic like byrne/slott runs ill dig this i'm telling you the cg artists were told to not make her bulky, so i'm guessing that means zero chance of actually having someone with say chyna'd (rip) etc build here. might've been cool though! somewhat related: she wasn't a great actress, but still a shame gina corano turned out so shitty
  13. honestly, i swear i saw her bulkier in earlier shots & thought it looked a bit better? saw something on twitter about the cg team constantly being told to slim her down, which is a shame if true
  14. listening to tim rogers' 25th anniversary tribute to FFVI at work today #yolo
  15. yeah that's the one i ordered, just waiting on it - i know the resolution + art style is jarring (even if they're going for more toriyama designs) but it's a neat option along with the originals on everdrive/etc
  16. restarting sonic adventure 2 on a high note
  17. tim rodgers is one of those older reviewers i've had recommended over the years & slept on, had some time today and he definitely made me wanna get back to DQXI sometime also still waiting on a switch copy of DQ 1+2+3, because why not keep this jrpg backlog endless
  18. getting excited for frontiers, decided to finally finish the dreamcast adventure series - i got the full ending for SA1 and really ended up liking it more than i did in the day - hyped to go through 2 (played a lot of multi with it back then) but had to share this video about the quirks of 1 honestly now that i'm finally getting a GDEMU (play from SD card) setup and sorting an adapter to get saves/DLC from online, looking forward to revisiting the US dreamcast launch event on 9/9, heh also here's like an hour long thing for me to watch later
  19. damn, this is an impressive fan mod of a great game right here
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