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alive she cried

The Doors Of Perception
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Everything posted by alive she cried

  1. Notice superman's gun, it's already fired, meaning he's just killed this poor girl
  2. I know, i know, but you it could be worse, i could be an emo
  3. There are some great bands today, just not enough of them are in the charts. Nearly every blues band or artist over the years took bits and pieces from other people's songs. Led Zeppelin took the blues sound to the next level, few people can say that. Oh and i have actually said "kids these day's" before
  4. i just upload my pics to bebo, and then link from there. the fuckin' thing finally has a use
  5. You see this is one of the reasons i dislike them so. People saying, at least they play their own instruments and write their own songs, but whether you play your own instruments or not if the song is'nt good then it does'nt matter. At least people like westlife are open about the fact that they're shite and are just in it for the money. It annoys me when people say rock is back and then reference bands like the GD, Franz Ferdinand & The Kings Of Leon as prime examples. Yes they're rock but their just doing piss-poor version of older bands sounds (GD would'nt be guilty of this really, they're just imo opinion crap). It's akin to what's going on in the movie world right now, If your movie is'nt a badly made remake of a popular film of old it won't be released, either that or a superhero movie. It's happening everywhere you look, on t.v. it's hard to flick through the channels without finding some crap reality t.v. show that is a copy of a show that's popular on another channel. The mentality today seems to be, to make as much money as possible with the least amount of effort, thought and originality, and i'm more than just a little bit sick of it a t this stage.
  6. I've only heard the title track, but my god is it terrible. I get it Green Day, you heard Bu$hleaguer and wanted to jump on the anti-bush bandwagon, but try to pretend you're anything but a critically acclaimed Blink 182, is delusional. Few bands have made me want to kill them after i heard their "music" but Green Day are right up there, just behind Will Young fuckin Doors fuckupering little bastard
  7. I've no idea what a silver snitch is, to me it looks like a bowling ball psychedelicisised, which makes me think the dude
  8. It looks like a mixture between Agent Smith, Jimmy Savile and The Dude I've no idea
  9. yeah, they're developed in under water farms. Ye don't have those in america? must be just this side of the atlantic

  10. visually a country coming out of a woman's snatch is a little obscure.
  11. you're right there man, a great fuckin' song. i'm listenin' to the noise of the dishwasher
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