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Seeing that I've been lacking in my moderator duties again. Here's a fun topic for everyone to go wild on.

Just got back from seeing this one and all I'm going to say is that I loved every second of it. Yes, every second from start to end. I dont' want to spoil anything, so I suggest you go see it first. Then come back here and tell us what you think. I'll come up with more clever things to say about it after I see some feedback.


Well, saw this one yesterday. Lots of fun. Important note: If you go see this one, take EXTRA care to make sure you see the very beginning! Those who've seen it will probably argee with me in that it was one of the best, if not the best part of the movie. Unbelievable the cameo star power an Austin Powers movie can draw in! I wonder if the next one will stay fateful to the ending this one created. I mean, they can always find a way to completely undo the ending, like the did in the second one by making Liz Hurley a femmebot. Somehow I doubt the fourth one might be interesting if they didn't go back to the old setup. But perhaps I've said too much for those who haven't seen it. Just like to say that each AP movie has had a bigger scope than the previous one, but how much bigger could it get for the sequel?



two thumbs up from me.. I haveto say I love the fact that Micheal Kain was in the movie.. and the mini me thing was way too funny... I wish I could go into detail damn it....



it was funny as hell though there wasn't one moment where I wasn't cracking up..


Beyonce was a dissapointment I can't believe she they had to cut out that many scene's


Foxxy Cleopatra was something of a nothing character, the lamest of the bunch. Even the mole was more interesting that her. OK, i'm going to try what they do on star wars sites and other similar type site with spoiler info. Highlight the following to read:


Tom Cruise as austion, that was brilliant! I was thinking to myself before they showed it was him "Man, this is a funny spoof of M:I2" They I was Tom Cruise's face and I cracked up. Paltrow was funny too, as was Spacey, Devito, and Speilberg (I think my little friend here disagrees) when he does the summersolts. The opening scene was really good. Not sure if it topped the second movie's, but only becasue the second movie's was SOOO great. The entire 'Everyone is happy and turns to the goods side (except Seth Green)' ending reminded my of Wayne's World's final ending (after the horrible ending and after the Scooby-Doo ending). Was kinda sad to not see Rob Lowe make an appearance as the younger No. 2, but that was OK.


Pretty cool film, and the opening sequence is just genius, although the film uses (and improves) a lot of the gags from the first two, it is definately worth seeing, just for the pure hilarity of it!


And Goldmember himself, is a rather daft character but hes funny so there u go!


two thumbs way up!! :approve:


Ok, finally watched this one (on bootleg no less) so missed a few jokes here & there...funny shit, definitely had its moments. The opening was indeed impressive, also enjoyed the prison scene.

Rehashed jokes, but enough original stuff to make it viewable (is it me, or are these things gettin more disgustin as they go along?).

If youve got time & want entertainment, give it a go, if even by bootleg.


Ok, so Jack might have an idea while im tryin to get the

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
Austin was fun, viewable.

Viewable! No there's a backhanded complement if I ever heard one. "It didn't reck of feces as much as I thought it would!" "I went to see it on a dare, and wow, it didn't completely blow!"


:D hahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha



ya bunch of bored dorks... now you even got me doing this! dang it... anyways I have to agree that Godzilla scene was too funny.. and the hole boob thing was funny to w/Ozzie in it too.. hahahaha

Guest Yahve

finished watching that same bootleg IrishC watched. A vhs tape of a DVD asian pirate of a subtitled flick. Ive never been a really big fan of Austin powers but the flick did manage to not concentrate as much on austin and evil as before. that was a nice touch.


*Spoiler ahead*

The Goldmember character sucked ASS. Why is he in this movie? what did they do to scott?? they neutered his character !! he d better become the god of all evil in the next flick or else this chars is dead as well, nr 2 shd have been milked more as well as gadgets. oh well, it was kind of ok at the end of it all. yea i agree AP 2 was pretty much the best one so far




Eh, i only disagree that 2 was the best; none of em had me laugh like 1 did, tho admittedly most of that was for Dr Evil. Even the opening of 1 was fun, as i recall.

"..and Johnson? Feed my goldfish."


The thing I noticed that separated 1 from 2, and now 1 from 2 & 3, is that in the first one there was a whole 'fish out of water' element. Austin was being reintrouced to society and all the stuff in the 90's was a shock to him. Hate to sound like I'm disecting the movie like it's Citizen Kane or something, but that gave the movie alot of charm, and parts 2 and 3 are missing that. Still, it certainly wasn't a waste of 90 minutes. Hell, the opening sequence was worth the $5.75 I payed.


I saw it both times for free.. hehe first time was on a Date w/Ed and the second was on a date w/sharon (my best friend for those of you that have other things on there minds) and I have to agree w/the goldmember thing though.. but you have to remember the movie is based on Goldmemeber being the bad guy....

I do however looovvvee when Mini me becomes a good guy. then he and austin fight... and if you were there to watch what was at the end that whole scene w/brittany "Can I give you my Cell number?" that was too funny.. and John Travolta as Gold member.. Priceless.. but the whole eating of the dead skin thing was creapy!


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