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I got to go to a sneak preview of this today and I thought it was great. M. Night Shyamalan is definately up there on my list of awesome new directors that are gonna become the greats of the future. It's sort of like his other two movies (Sixth sense and unbreakable) in that he gets a tired topic (aliens/crop circles this time around) and makes something great out of it. What I really like about him is that he has a great distinctive style. You can tell who's directing just by glancing at a minute or so of film.


It's shot perfectly, every single shot is unique in some way, either in the angle, or how the camera moves during the shot, or how the characters move in relation to the camera, it's hard to describe, but this guy knows where to put the camera. I thought this movie was actually genuinely scary. There were a couple of "BOO!" scares, but mostly I mean tension. Holy shit this movie gets really fucking tense and suspenseful at points. Out of all these new directors I'd say Shyamalan identifies most with hitchcock, at least visually. He takes the "Less is more" approach, and it works great. What you can't see is definately what scares you. There are just some absolutely great moments that make me want to see this guy do more thrillers, or maybe even straight up horror.


Acting was cool too, Gibson played a fairly different character I think, flawed, unsure of himself. The kids were great, and Joaquin Phoenix did a cool job being a sort of halfway point between the kids and the father. It was actually funnier than I expected it to be, the humor is pretty good, it breaks up the tension well, so the movie's fairly well-paced.


It did have it's flaws, but I'd have to spoil a lot to mention them, basically, it certainly wasnt perfect, but there were lots of moments where I was on the edge of my seat thinking "This is AWESOME" so I still say I loved it.

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Junker also likes Virtua Fighter 4, so i dunno... ???

Heh. He knows full well I barely read a word of that post; ive been hyped since the trailer. Might try to catch it this weekend.

Hey, while were on the topic of M. Night Shamalekamekahighlekahideeho, anyone know anythin more bout Unbreakable 2?

PS ill drop more relevant comments here once ive seen it. Though i warn you, if Mel dont shout "freedom!" anywhere, it's shit!

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yes, go see it! I want to be able to talk about stuff other than vague general statements! That spoiler button add-on would be great right now (hint hint admins) I read a quick interview with Shyamalan and he said what I think is a perfect description of what he does "I like taking B-subjects and treating them with A-ethics. An A-approach, an A-crew, and an a-cast.”


But the latest I've read on Unbreakable 2 is that he'd do one, but there wasn't "enough love" Basically he thought the movie was underappreciated so he doesnt know about the sequel. I understand this, I mean, if nobody's watching it, a sequel is just cinematic masterbation. Here's the story, he sums up the movie pretty well. no love!

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Will do, might see this weekend. Spoiler tags soon too as well, just gotta get Yahven sobered up long enough to code...


...you whores! Why is M. S. here not feelin the love?! Go, go buy the DVD again if need be, but i wanna see him work with Bruce again on what was a really intelligent comic film! Look at this:


"I would have, but I just didn't feel enough love,that's the true answer. Most people won't give you the true answer. I just didn't feel enough love. I was mostly surprised at the lack of the acknowledgment of what at least we aspired to do, was to do the classy, non-fighting [Green] Goblins-on-the-roof version [of a comic-book story]. Spider-Man was the goblins on the roof. I liked Spider-Man a lot. And my favorite part of it was the first hour, again, becoming Spider-Man. That's what I like, and that's what I wanted to make a movie of. And yeah, I have other ideas for Mr. Glass [samuel L. Jackson] and Bruce's character, but ... I guess there is a little cult thing going on...I don't know. I don't know. Maybe."


Oh, but Men in Black II, that got your love...whores! :angry:

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anyone know anythin more bout Unbreakable 2?

Was listening to Howard Stern yesterday morning, Night was on the show. He said the Unbreakable sequel is in the air because of the "split reaction" to it, and that's all he said. 36 hours ago. Is that "latest news" enough for you, IC? :D


yes, go see it! I want to be able to talk about stuff other than vague general statements!


Yeah, what assholes we've been to not have seen it already even though it hasn't come out yet? We all need to be more considerate to Junker and his film conversational needs. Everyone into the time machine with me, hurry hurry, Junker's waiting! Sorry about that, Junker. We can be really self-centered at times. :D

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I've seen it! I own it! Dammit, I've got lotsa love for Unbreakable! Make another! I actually heard that M Night....uh...whatsisname...(I really can spell it but not at 2 in the morning) originally wrote the Unbreakable story three times longer. It was a standard comic movie type plot in three parts. The hero's origin, the hero and the villain meeting, the final battle. He says he scrapped the idea because he found just the first third to be the more interesting. But he still liked what he had for the others. So...c'mon...if he realizes there's some Unbreakable love out there, maybe he'll even make a trilogy...

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That shit was cool. Dont wanna spoil anythin for folks, but i love this guy's camera angles, the suspense is great even when lil to nothin is bein shown. This guy's really got potential to be one of the great directors, and Gibson's just as likable as always, great fuckin actor.

Seriously, if youre lookin for great quality suspense, you shoud really catch this one while its in theatres. Junker says it just dethroned Austin Powers 3, glad to hear Shamalyan's gettin some of that well-deserved love he's talkin about. Cant wait to see more from this guy.

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Well, finally saw this puppy last night. Good stuff. Had a very ET feel to it, as much as a moive this different in tone from ET can feel anyway. I can totally see where all this "The next speilberg" bullshit is coming from, but it still ain't valid in my book. Hope it doesn't as well as it deserves.


By the way, I walked in late. Please highlight if you've already seen it:


I came in when Mel and the lady cop were in the field checking out the crop cirlce, right before they found the dog and the son by him.


What did I miss?

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Eh...some setup with the characters, that's really when it got on its feet, ya didnt miss much at all.

Junker's right, isnt this director more like Hitchcock? I like how he takes simple stories - aliens, ghosts, superheroes - and makes em interesting. This guy's just become one of those directors i follow around, even if the movie dont look so good.

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This is why i dont listen to critics much...Spy Kids 2 & Austin Powers beatin Signs out...even Martin's stand-up and XXX win? Austin was kinda fun, and i might see Martin's standup on video or somethin, but cmon.

Spiffy, seriously, you should go see this flick when ya can, i think youd like it.

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Well, this is why you dont just pay attention to random reviews, E! online?.... Yeah they're fucking brilliant... I dont even know what "Slate" is, citysearch sounds like deco drive in print.. they took a few random sources an tallied it up. I do consistently read ebert's stuff and he rated it higher than any of the other stuff. If you want a decent sumamry of how a film did amongst critics, got to www.rottentomatoes.com. It grabs reviews from over a hundred places and gives you a percent letting you know what percent of the reviews were good.


Signs got 78% good reviews, XXX got 46% good reviews, martin laurence got 38%, Austin got 55%, road to perdition got 82%. This is actually a realistic representation of how the critics liked it, not a random grabbing of 5 magazines. Either way, scores dont matter much, reading the reviews and seeing why people liked or didnt like it is good cause you can usually tell when you's agree with them and when you wouldn't.

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Well put Junker. I think i've honed my movie instincts pretty well. If I think a movie isn't worth my time, I aviod it, and I have proven myself right when under certain circumstances I am forced to see one of these types of movies. If I have a good feelign abotut he movie, I'll go see it and generally I'll like it was much as I expected to like it. Obvious exceptions for the better include: Fight Club, Spy Kids. Obvious exceptions for the worse include: Episode I.


And since you didn't mention it Spy Kids 2 got 69% on www.rottentomatoes.com, placing it above XXX, Run Tel Dat, Austin, Blood Work, MIB 2, The Country Bears, Master Of Disguise (with 1%, ouch!) but below Signs, R2P, and Stuart Little 2 (actually higher than R2P). Except for the Stuart Little 2 thing, that's sounds about right to me.

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Fuck critics, ill see what soudns/looks interestin, and Spy Kids aint it. If idve listened to critics, i wouldntve seen Fight Club, Boondock Saints, Waking LIfe, Micheal Collins, or Breaker Morant, and it turned out i love all those ones.

Spiffy, for instance, is a huge fan of movies like MI2, The 13th Floor, Strange Days, and many others the critics crap on, but he really likes em anyway. Ill look at reviews of CD's, games, movies etc but im not sure how much they sway my opinion at all, to be honest. Who's to say what ill go for? Junker has a shot 'cause he's seen most of the movies i own, that's botu it. Fuck critics, if they had real talent they'd put somethin of their own out there, and let their work speak for em.

:D 53%? Did you people not see Clint in that movie..?

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I havent, yet. But its got Clint, by god! Not Vin Weasel, Clint! Its gotta be gold.

Seriously tho, Signs was really good, might go see this one again with a friend o' mine soon; Spiffy, try to catch this one (without Chi-chan, wouldnt be her thing) if ya can, i know ya liked Sixth Sense anyway.

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There you go! I know I'm not a Clint Eastwood fan, but you can't assume something is gold and saying how great it is without seeing it. I mean, go ahead and be excited about it all you want, but saying a movie you haven't seen (Bloodwork) is better than a movie you've never seen (Spy Kids 1 or 2) is just bullshit. Back in May when I was all trying to pimp the new Rush album before it came out, don't you think I'd already heard the whole album more than a month prior to that? Don't make your credibility and my opinion of you go straight to shit by endorsing somethign you've never seen. A stupid opinion is still better than an uninformed one.

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Let's try this again...


I havent, yet. But its got Clint, by god! Not Vin Weasel, Clint! Its gotta be gold.

Seriously, tho...


Dont pay any attention to such humorous notes as potshots on Vin or the "Seriously tho" comment underneath it. Just fly off the handle, now youre cookin with gas.


If I think a movie isn't worth my time, I aviod it, and I have proven myself right when under certain circumstances I am forced to see one of these types of movies.
but saying a movie you haven't seen (Bloodwork) is better than a movie you've never seen (Spy Kids 1 or 2) is just bullshit.


So, wait...so others cant make the same judgement calls on a book's cover as you can? Oh, alright, just wanted to make sure.


Don't make your credibility and my opinion of you go straight to shit by endorsing somethign you've never seen.


I assure you, youre free to do what ya will with my credibility & opinion, may others closer to me have em too and i dont much listen to them, either. No hard feelings, i just think too many people live their lives like everyone's watching and that's supposed to matter somehow.


A stupid opinion is still better than an uninformed one.


...ive read eastern philosophy that made more sense to me that that 'n. You lost me there.

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Sigh...Ok, when i said


If I think a movie isn't worth my time, I aviod it, and I have proven myself right when under certain circumstances I am forced to see one of these types of movies.


I simply said I avioded them. I never said I declare them to be bad movies. I have never said a movie I've never seen is bad (well, maybe I have, but if i did, i was wrong).


And what I meant by


A stupid opinion is still better than an uninformed one.


Is that, for example, I have respect for some one that say "I've seen Fight Club and it I thought it sucked" the someone who says "I didn't see Fight Club, I'm sure it sucked." It better to have opinion based on something, even if the opinion is lame, then to have an opinion based on nothing. You claim a movie you've never seen is better than another movie you've never seen. Come on! With what kind of logic does that make any sense?

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