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DC comics gets 2 new bosses


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So there's been a shakeup at DC:





I can't say much about this until I know exactly what the publisher DOES compared to the Editor in Chief and the Chief Creative Officer.


Because of me not having internet for a while, I haven't read enough of Johns to say much, but people seem to think that he respects the medium and the DC universe, so I'll let that be.


Dan Didio is an ass and my first reaction was OH GOD NO, dont give him more power. But then I heard someone comment on the io9 site that Publishers don't have any creative input. If that's true, I'll be jumping for joy.


Jim Lee... A man with very good ideas. I enjoyed Wildstorm's characters and worldbuilding quite a bit from the get go. He just seems to be unfocused very often. Not a good man for multi tasking and the long run. Maybe I'm wrong about that, but I can't say more til I have a better idea what the publisher does.

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...ok, so past these watchmen 2 rumors, why the Dido hate? i dont know much of the guy, fill me in here.


also, Johns moving up makes since, he's one of the few high profile DC exclusives theyve locked in, and he's done great for Green Lantern & Flash, though his showing on Blackest Night so far has me reminiscent of early Bendis who'd not fair well on big events either.

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Dan Dildo, he's a bald guy w/ a baritone voice and a bad goatee. He's interviewed a lot in the bonus features on the DC superhero film DVDs. I don't like the guy for some reason I can't recall, and it's not the Watchmen prequel/sequel rumors either...


I also find it ironic Jim Lee was one of the golden boys of the indie-age of the 90s when he co-founded Image Comics. Now he's at the top of one of the Big-Two corporations. But maybe this is a good thing to have a (relatively) creative guy in the top spot. It's seemed to do wonders for Marvel after they put Joey Q. in the big chair.

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