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300 prequel 'Xerxes' planned by Miller.


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Since I'm posting from my phone, I've just shared the link. Sorry I couldn't just quote it and save y'all from reading the whole damn thing, but whatever. Y'all like to read anyways. There's more news like Sin City 2 plans and shit so shouldn't be too bad. Discuss!

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That whole article(in pictures) clips DKSA, Batman Allstars, the Spirt Movie, then movies onto SC2 and Xerxes. Are the words something to the effect of 'You're a terrible fucking man and we'll never listen to you again no matter how cool that shot of SC2 looks'?


Seriously, I gotta read trhe words @ some point but that whole article looks like a giant roast.

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Xerxes is old news, I heard about it and even saw some art that Frank had done for the book over a year ago. It sounds interesting, apparently not just a prequel but a book about Xerxes' whole run as emperor. If Frank exaggerates things in Xerxes' favor like he did in Leonidas (makes the Greeks look more barbaric and monstrous like he did with the Persians) I'd be onboard.


I'm also glad to see Frank outright say in so many words that Dark Knight Strikes back was just trolling, which I kinda figured it was. I mean his version of The Question was pretty much outright mocking Rorschach as well as the original version of the character.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nah, and most of the time I'm of the same mentality. I was against revealing the origin of Wolvie though, and look how that turned out. I guess I'd just like to see Miller kick wholesale arse one more time before his legacy's ruined by a flood of tripe. I mean, what was the last thing he did that we paid attention to? 300?

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I mean, if this HAS TO get done then I fear it might go the route of DKR2 or the Goddamn Batman. He's just capitalizing on the success of 300... like 3 years later! I'm not happy. What's gonna end up happening is it's gonna suck. Snyder will refuse to make the film. It'll still get made by some hack and THE WORLD WILL ASSPLODE!!! Oh the humanity...

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really outta let that sack of rocks go, bro. the world adores spidey 1-2, doesnt mean 3 wasnt ass on film, doesnt mean we all collectively hate raimi and want a relaunch neither


i thought panch would be down for this somehow, glad he's also not...i mean, hey, it could be good, weirder things have happened...but i agree, it's totally got DK2 written all over it.

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