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Ghost Rider: Spirits of Vengeance


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i dont know how to feel about this


someone tell me how to feel about this



okay so 1) who wanted another one? 2) is this gonna be like x3/spidey 3 where i had a better time with the trailer than the movie 3) why ghosty gets to go on but my DD relaunch = nowhere THERE IS NO JUSTICE


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I'm a big fan of recognizing history to avoid repeating it and all that. I'm cold and calculated about most things.


That said, there is NO FUCKING LOGICAL REASON why I should want to see that movie, but I do.


Unfortunately, I had the same reaction to the trailer.


I'm not digging the new charred suit look in the least. Bike also seems rather underwhelming. But damnit, if I'm not a sucker for aesthetic of the character. Maybe this won't suck as hard as it could, ya know like the last Punisher film. :blink:

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Quick question: I never sat down and watched the first one, I just had it playing at work a few times, does Cage play Johnny Blaze or Danny Ketch?




Unfortunately, I had the same reaction to the trailer.


I'm not digging the new charred suit look in the least. Bike also seems rather underwhelming. But damnit, if I'm not a sucker for aesthetic of the character. Maybe this won't suck as hard as it could, ya know like the last Punisher film. :blink:


Agreed on the suit. The chain's badass, though.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 5 months later...

I hate myself for watching this steaming horse shit of a movie.

Sadly, I can empathize. I wanted to see it in 3D in the theater, but the gf abstained. So I caught a matinee. There were a few really cool scenes that popped in 3D, but not enought o make me feel like I spent my money wisely. I even started playing on my cell phone at one point. Don't throw stones--the only other people in the theater were sat a few rows in front of me. The overall pacing and plot was pretty bad. I went in expecting a fun "B-movie." But I got a C- movie at best. :???:

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