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New Tokyo Jungle


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In order to unlock the first dinosaur, I have to do a challenge with the lion.\


Man, FUCK lions. First off, when you have offspring you start as a cub,, then you have to take over territory as the cub and sleep to become a lion. And lions aren't that fucking great anyway. They aren't that fast and they have shit stamina. I have to kill a deinonychus, and they can two shot me and there's no way in hell I can out run em. Once my stamina is out, I'm fucked.

I guess I have to just get lucky and not get swarmed.

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Damn you're barreling through this. I've only just unlocked the pig and am at the Hyena story. I get burnt out after one survival run. Once I get in a groove though, it's with a shitty animal I don't wanna play with (fuck you gazelle!) Like you said earlier, this has a lot of missed multiplayer potential I'd actually wanna play around with.

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Hey...wait...there's no platinum trophy?!? There are games that don't have platinum trophies? Oh FUCK you PS3. This trophy system is retarded. If they're going to do it like this, then every game should have a trophy for getting all the other trophies.


Buncha fuckin horseshit.

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Yeah, but even if an arcade game is only 400 points, I still get credit for "completing" it. It goes on my list of games I've "plat"ed, gotten every achievement for.


This whole trophy thing still just seems so rushed and clumsy. Like it's tacked on as an afterthought. There are no standards or consistency.


They better put some fucking thought into this shit next gen.


I still haven't unlocked everything. I went all the way up the predator tree to get the second Dino, then leveled the shit out of it to make it past the century mark.


I don't have the Giant Moa, Mastadon or either of the (story related spoiler)




robot dogs




So I aint done quite yet. Lookin better on the leader board now.

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This whole trophy thing still just seems so rushed and clumsy. Like it's tacked on as an afterthought. There are no standards or consistency.


cause it was, haha. they've tried to integrate it better, but the fact you still have to synch them, load when using XMB in game, etc...i hear all this is fixed by the Vita: OS properly allotted for a greater amount of RAM, etc. yeah, i expect PS4 to be smooth like that, hopefully.



swear to god if they dont bring custom soundtracks, ima be mad. i don't wanna hear bout party chat, i want my music in game!


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