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You guys know what else happened over the last year?



Soooo if you're on my FB you know I have a problem. Babymetal has picked up steam as a really bizarre Metal meets J-pop act. Most either love or hate them. The hate them group seem to really believe that they are taking themselves insanely seriously as a metal act when obviously they totally fucking aren't.




here's an NPR article on them


And here's a really interesting article on the musicians who write the songs. This one is especially good as it gives an in depth look at who writes the music and their background in the music scene in Japan.


It’s also important to consider how the music scene and industry works in Japan. Probably more so than any other country, the gap between mainstream popular music and underground music is massive. This has created a pop scene that’s very sugarcoated and manufactured, and an underground scene that’s very avant-garde and isolated. In this musical landscape, it’s difficult for underground musicians to break into the mainstream or make a living playing music. Some have bridged the gap for themselves by having their own band with a core but limited fan base, and at the same provide music for more famous pop singers and of course, idol groups.


It then goes on to introduce a number of musicians with backgrounds in pure metal to techno and pop.


And then of course there is the actual music, while cutesy as hell, is also insanely catchy and really not that bad.



This one is probably my favorite cause it's like an insane amalgam of metal, techno and pop. Plus those dancing skellies



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Gimme Chocolate is an amazingly fun song, with cuteness overload. I'm with you Sen their dancing just makes work all the better.

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