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Food and Drink Nostalgia


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For the last few months I've been on a food and drink nostalgia kick! The re-releasing of things from my childhood definitely helps! I hope it's a trend that continues!



It started in December when NZA bought me Dunkaroos, which I haven't seen here in YEARS! But they sell them in Canada and you can get them on Amazon. They taste pretty much the same but they have a couple big cookies instead of a handful of small ones and it's not a good change. Also, the vanilla will always be better than chocolate!



Of course I had to get this when it was re-released! It also tastes exactly the same. Like Pepsi...only clear. It confuses my brain but I like it anyway!



I used to get these from the ice cream truck that drove around my 'hood as a kid!! They were my favorite (besides Chipwhiches), even if the gumballs at the bottom were rock hard and crumbled in your mouth! I found these at this little convenience store in NZA's apartment complex and was giddy!



I was ECSTATIC when I heard they were releasing Ecto Coolers again. Especially since NZA's never had it and I wanted to share them with him. I haven't found them in any store down here, but I just snagged it on eBay! It's coming in a week!



What foods or drinks from your childhood would you love to find again?

Edited by Donatella
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This is an interesting thread. I hadn't thought about foods that I have nostalgic feelings for in a long time. The foods that I have nostalgic feelings are Arby's curly fries, Arby's roast beef sandwiches, roast turkey sandwiches from Jewish delis, dirty-water hotdogs, and Dairy Queen soft serve vanilla ice cream cones. I also miss Coke and Sunkist soda in a glass bottle.


Fortunately, all of these foods are still available, although I haven't had any of them in quite some time, mostly because they aren't the healthiest of foods (maybe with the exception of the roast turkey sandwich on rye). My tastebuds have changed a lot since I was a kid too.

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This is an interesting thread. I hadn't thought about foods that I have nostalgic feelings for in a long time. The foods that I have nostalgic feelings are Arby's curly fries, Arby's roast beef sandwiches, roast turkey sandwiches from Jewish delis, dirty-water hotdogs, and Dairy Queen soft serve vanilla ice cream cones. I also miss Coke and Sunkist soda in a glass bottle.


Fortunately, all of these foods are still available, although I haven't had any of them in quite some time, mostly because they aren't the healthiest of foods (maybe with the exception of the roast turkey sandwich on rye). My tastebuds have changed a lot since I was a kid too.


Oh man, that all sounds good, but also kinda painful! Haha! I can't eat the way I did as a kid without paying a price anymore. I love sodas in glass bottles, though. Somehow it makes them taste better. Have you had Mexican Coke in the glass bottle? It's made with cane sugar instead of syrup and it's really good! I don't know if you ever indulge, but it's worth it every so often!

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I'm familiar with Mexican coke and I have heard good things about it. I stopped drinking soda about 8 years ago. My taste buds have really changed when it comes to sugar. I don't even drink sugar in my coffee these days. I might drink a soda every year or two, but I find that I have trouble finishing it. It is too sweet for me now.


If I ate the way that I did as a kid, I would totally pay for it as well. I suppose I could eat the stuff that I listed once in a while without noticing any problems, but if I went two days eating that way, I don't think I would feel good at all.

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i believe i may be the last remaining holdout of the Nutrament defense force, love that stuff


also looking forward to ecto cooler!


Ugh you and your Nutraments. I can't talk since Ensure saved my life when I was sick earlier this year, and Nutrament is pretty much the same thing. Maybe it's the can that grosses me out. It just looks like it's been sitting on a shelf since the 70s. And it smells like tetanus.



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Oh man, Dunkaroos were such a fucking let down for a chocoholic fat kid like me. Anytime I got those as a kid was a bittersweet moment because the fat kid in me loves chocolate frosting and could not NOT eat it, but the Dunkaroos frosting was just sub par at best and sweetened dog turd at its worst. Cookies were also dry and flavorless as I recall. You can keep that shit, Canada!

Edited by Mr. Hakujin
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Oh man, Dunkaroos were such a fucking let down for a chocoholic fat kid like me. Anytime I got those as a kid was a bittersweet moment because the fat kid in me loves chocolate frosting and could not NOT eat it, but the Dunkaroos frosting was just sub par at best and sweetened dog turd at its worst. Cookies were also dry and flavorless as I recall. You can keep that shit, Canada!



As a fellow chocoholic, I concur on the chocolate frosting. It was pretty gross. But the vanilla is my jam!! I found a recipe online for the frosting and I wanna see if I can recreate it at home!


Without mayo



Are the Snackers they have now at all like the Chicken Littles? And I don't remember them having nuggets! That's interesting. I'd probably still opt for the strips but I bet their nuggets beat out McDs (BK isn't even the running as theirs are inedible).

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The Snackers are nothing like the OG Chicken Littles.

The nuggets were so damn amazing that I couldn't eat/tolerate the nuggets from McDs.


I remember grabbing a few Chicken Littles/fries and a drink for less then $4

Every Friday I'll grab 20pcs order of nuggets,large fries and a drink and I was in heaven.

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