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I finally saw Amelie, and my search for an Amelie thread yeilded no results. There's the simple pleasures thread, but no page to review the actually movie. So here it is.


Here's a movie only the french could have made. And I used to think I was an introvert. This was a great movie. Crazy visual sillinesses, like Amelie turning into water and spilling all over the ground and photographs talking to people. While this script was incredible, it could have been a preetty mediocre film if the Amelie character wasn't properly cast. She was cute and adorable and so easy to love and so sad, but more than anything, has these fuckign incredibly hypnotic eyes. Those Amelie eyes are incredible and had me fixated on them on all her close-ups. It was creep how big and strange and beautiful there are. I'm babbling on about this hot actress' eyes, but they really fucking made the movie for me. It's on my list of movies to buy.

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before i saw this movie, leah was like come on this movie is really cute. i was like umm... yeah... too bad when she showed it to my friend maria and me we instantly fell in love with it. it's so cute and makes you realize that it's all the small things that make life so great.

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