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So here's an interesting movie that I found in IMDb's Coming Soon section. Underworld - A movie about a war between the race of vampires and the race of werewolves.


(From IMDb) Selene (Beckinsale), a beautiful vampire warrior, is entrenched in a war between the vampire and werewolf races. Although she is aligned with the vampires, she falls in love with Michael (Speedman), a werewolf who longs for the war to end.


Now I've heard of some farely original re-tellings of Romeo and Juliet, but this one seems to take the cake. Looks pretty badass, though. Seems kinda ambitious for a first time director whose only other credits are as props assistants for ID4 and Stargate. Still...






Can't argue with Kate Beckinsale in black leather.

Edited by Silent Bob
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Its like Ed Wood meets Shakespear....i guess im curious tho. There's like this whole clientel (mostly chicks i suspect) who are down for watching anythin with vampires in it, so it might do well either way, but yeah, throw out more details as they come....

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