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The Jersy Chronicles


19 members have voted

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I'm going for clerks too.  I'd say it was the funniest, and I just love the fact that a great script, a dozen credit credit cards, a comic book collection and a whole lotta balls made such a great movie.  After Smith, imagine how many other indie directors took inspiration and put all of their films on credit?  And imagine how they all failed miserably and are now begging you for change as you drive past them....

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This, for me, has been a three-way tied between Clerks, Amy and Dogma since Dogma came out. I love Clerks for the comedy, Amy for the sense of truth about our emotions, and Dogma for the theological implications. In the end, havign gone to Catholic school for a few years and having gone through the Christian to Disenfranchised Christian to Athesist to Agnostic, I guess I found Dogma the most entertaining.


Frankly, I find the Clerks Animated Series to not fit in this poll. I love it, but it's a completely different animal being a series and not a movie. It's like "Which is your favorite: Apples, Oranges, Bananas, Peaches, Mangos or Sofas?" Sofas are great for sitting on, and Mangos are great for eating, but how can you compare them?

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Chasing Amy here.  Theyre all solid - i just wished there was more of Bishop Carlin in Dogma.  I think the Clerks series is relevant, and for what its worth, i think Jay & Bob strike back might very well be my 2nd pick. :jay: :bob:

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Well, you have the Dogma special edition, you have a ll teh cut Carlin you want. And he was a Cardinal, not a Bishop (his name was Cardinal Glick).


Ok, take you favorite TV series (let's say it's the Simpsons, I'm sure that can't be too far from the truth) and your favorite movie (let's say Fight Club, maybe it's some western like Unforgiven, but whatever, this is for the sake of argument). How do you begin to compare the two?

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Well, I'd say the series fits. Because it's about the characters. Kevin Smith's movies are completely character driven. It's about witty, or weird, or just plain stoned, dialogue-heavy characters. It doesn't matter whether they're in a 2 hour long semi-serious movie or a half-hour long slapstick cartoon, you can still compare them. It'd be like comparing the upcoming Scooby Doo movie to the original cartoon. Why not compare them - they're about the same thing.


On top of that, who gives a shit. If I have a strong preference for sofas over mangos, I'll pick sofas.


By the way, Dogma for me, too. Sans shit demon.

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Cheers on the Shit Demon call there Bob! that was by far the low-poitn and ultimate damper in an otehrwise brilliantly entertainly film. They should have cut it to make room for more Glick and the Fat Albert scene :D


PS Are you putting down Mangos! I'll take you down! Representin mangos right here!

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Heh, no, nuthin' against mangos. 'S just, sometimes, even a mango can't beat a nice comfy sofa.


And yeah, god I wish they had kept the Fat Albert scene in. It's classic. And Glick's scene towards the end where Jay is behind the screen, using his hat like the fin on Jaws. Brilliant. Ah, good times.

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Did Kevin Smith think this to himself while on the set?:


"gee, this is going to be a pretty damn good movie! Oh know, what if it's so good, people expect me to make only extrordinary and flawless movies from now on? I don't want that pressure! I don't want those expectations! What can I do? OK, calm down, think, think! I got it, I'll put a shit demon in the movie somehow!"


That's my suspision.

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Coulda been. Or maybe he just wanted to be the only filmmaker to ever have a shit demon in his movie. Or maybe the whole bad idea was just fuel for that one "knocks strong odors out" joke. You have the Special Edition, right? Did you watch that deleted scene where the shit demon comes back? ::Shudder:: Oh god, it was hoooorrible!

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Well, I've given it some thought, and I've decide that The Jersy Chronicles thread shall have the honor of being graced with my 1000th post. As I've suspected, the vots have been equally split between Clerks, Chasing Amy and Dogma. Told y'all! :D Not that anyone really told me otherwise! :D

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Guest Yahve

They are all pretty good and highly entertaining.  my favourites would be chasing amy and clerks.  a tie pretty much.  the tie breaker would be my mood.  today, clerks won my vote

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Artistc woulda voted for Mallrats; im suprised there's no love for Jay & Bob tho. Otherwise, yeah, straight down the middle...odd.  I thought Chasing Amy was the most popular of the lot.

There' love for J&SBSB, but I don't think too many people love it more than at least one of the others. Chasin Amy is very popular, but like I said, I think the popularity is split straight down the middle with those three. But now Clerks has a third vote. If it gets more, we'll see which way they sway (I'm a poet and I didn't even know it! I make a rhyme every time!)

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  • 2 months later...

I've introduced about 4 or 5 people to Chasing Amy, by that I mean that they'd never seen it, and in some cases never heard of it, and I sat them down to see it with them. Why is it that every one of them always goes "So why is it called 'Chasing Amy'?" at the exact same part of the movie? Right when Holden's sitting at the booth in the resturant eating cereal, right before Jay and Silent Bob come in (Look that this moarse mother fucker right here, Silent Bob. Somebody must have shit in his cereal). They look at the DVD cover and assume Amy is Joey Lauren Adams. When Joey Lauren Adams is introduced as Alyssa Jones, nobody questions it. They watch the movie then Holden adn Alyssa break up, and Holden at the booth munching away at the fucking cereal. That's when they ask me. "Why is this movie called 'Chasing Amy'?" "Who's Amy?" Damnit! Over an hour into the movie and they always ask two minutes before you find out! What the fuck is up with that? Anyone else experience this? IC, Silent Bob, I'm sure you've both introduced tons of people to Chasing Amy. This ever happen to you?

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  • 3 years later...

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