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Isn’t this what YOU all wanted? Calling for a “Civil War”? Come on MM, please get thicker skin so we can insult you, degrade you and then bitch when you bite back…


Oh what... it's not fun anymore?


It’s the bed you all made, now lie in it or lobby to ban my ass…


Ay yo Vagrant

what I tell you?

I didn’t have even have to say shit

they did it




monkey see monkey do

don’t ever make the first move

just let em' come to you

cause they always gonna see and do what the other Misfit do

so let em' come to MM

the rest of the monkeys will follow them

And follow suit

monkey see monkey do


if they really want it bad enough well then they gonna come

now here they come as I expected now we just set em' up

check-mate motherfucker

games over

I won




it doesn’t take much

for me to raise such a stink up

when motherfuckers hate your guts

you ain't even gotta say much

for me to shit on Panch isn’t out of line

Back in Jersey, check the papers

The bitch did time

this game’s too easy; I don’t have to flaunt

any more photoshops of lovers Panch and Jont

And it isn’t just my thoughts that seem out of whack

its a whole combination of things

it takes all these morons in a stack

and I'm not afraid to raise the stakes up

I have nothing to lose

to anybody who gets on the track and speaks up

I'm patiently waiting for the day

I'm anxious

to see the look on ya fake mugs

when you this shit dies out

ya druggers

ya aint tough

whatever you drank musta just turned ya into some gangstas

this is me talking motherfucker

this aint household cleaner drugs

you wanna pop, shit wake-up, then make-up


its too late chump now face up

Monkey see monkey do

don’t ever make the first move

just let em' come to you

cause they always gonna see and do what the other one do

so let em' come to MM

the rest of the monkeys will follow them

And follow suit

monkey see monkey do


if they really want it bad enough well then they gonna come

now here they come as I expected now we just set em' up

check-mate motherfucker

games over

I won






I pray for the day that someone who spits with the caliber that Vag and Arch does

opens up his jaw to say something or rattle my name off

or rattle the first thing from the top of his brain off

so I can blow the fuckin dust off of this board

and give him the surgery that he came for

till I pull the photo shops off


Bitches blaring, screaming and shit,

Crying to the Cowboy on every insult, name call and quip

the only thing I have to wait for

is day that I don’t gotta deal with your jealous asses

cause I’m a give ya all the reason to hate more

cause I've been holding my tongue till I got a sprained jaw

a lot of posters on my list that’s the spread

and I'm a read that motherfucker off from this fucking dumb thread

you pussies think I went soft since the Civil War

when I come back ill be shooting more and more

trust me, Fuck all you mother fucking Misfits




monkey see monkey do

don’t ever make the first move

just let em' come to you

cause they always gonna see and do what the other Misfit do

so let em' come to you

the rest of us follow suit

monkey see monkey do


if they really want it bad enough well then they gonna come

now here they come as we expected now we just set em' up

check-mate motherfucker

games over

we won




fuckin dummies

this aint chess

ya playin motherfuckin checkers

this shit is all day,

man its too easy

we playin chess- you idiots are playin checkers

you bout to get ya motherfuckin asses thumped

fucking punks

and by the way

I ain’t just talking to one person

I’m talking to every-motherfucking-body who wants to bring it cause, I’m here and bringin it to anybody who wants to bring it…


So come on Rio

bring it


don’t pick up the ball if you don’t wanna play man…


That’s what I thought.

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*YAWN* MM, learn a rythm. You make the rest've us whiteys look bad. Was it you I told? I'm not playing for postcounts. I started out just generally miffed at your presence & that's escalated to a righteous crusade to see you kill your therapist & fuck off grieving over the horrible little creature you are, spending some time away from Hondos to figure out what's real & what's not. Are you dying of a rare form of blood-Cancer, too sick to work, & facing the problem of piling medical bills & being a burden to your newly minted wife, or are you a single & lovin' it P.I.M.P EMT blazing trails across Boston & holding down the realness? Seriously, you've more continuity flaws than a mid-90's Image comic. Figure it out & get back to us.

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haha...props to MM, i didnt even think he'd drop in here after the return, but he proved me wrong, good work man (was the last one a freestyle or covering any particular song?)


skeet - cmon now, the hate's supposed to be lyrical here. make it rhyme, or take it to fight club.


MH - ...that was about the funniest reply ive seen in a while, thank you for making me glad i saw that movie.

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Roll Outkast- B.O.B


1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4-Yeah. Inslumnational he's a wank/ no need to thank, take that to the bank/ Like a rectal itch he thinks he's sick/ but just chuggin' on his father's dick/ Who want some don't come unprepared/ I'll be there but he'll run off scared/ better bring a can of mace, 'cause i'm gonna blow all over your face/ so you're sittin' in a hospital broke @ spent/ lookin' for the nursery but you forget/ hittin' on kids without parents/ but then you see your mum & you pretend/ 0-9-2-5 in Boston anything goes/ be what you wanna be as long the Texan's perception/ is based on your penis extension/ too hot to post in Blargh/ too lame for Zombie King you'll just get fucked/ Get a sock now they on sale/ then I'll just fuck it as well/ look at your shit gettin' stale/ and your wife is gettin' hammered/ by me while Panch tries to Slam'er/ so hit this while we bring the drama/ Stacks of questions with no answers/ Cure for cancer, cure for aids/ makin' people think you're gettin' play/ but some think,somethin' stinks/ and then we see that you're just turnin' tricks/ so you're the Boston whore that lives for pity/ get no love & you'll get shitty/ Exit an' git a life for real/ an' take your fuckin' sock.


I will finish this, but I'm aways to piss.


Hell, Panch, feel free to do Big Boi's bit for me.

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:???: Outkast is new to this forum, props to Skeet for rocking the mic to Andre 3000.


let's keep it lyrical, people - this thread's bout some of the best stuff to come from the tension as of late, and some of the harshest shit since Jont took out benny in the old thread. let's see if da cap'n replies...

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