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Meant to ask too- what're your laws in regards to airguns and slingshots/shanghais and the like? As stated, here airguns are illegal, and shanghais are considered a weapon and aren't quite illegal, but are considered a concealed weapon.

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Well the law gets you with wording... it isnt a conceal carry firearms/gun license. It is a conceal carry weapons license. Weapons in general. I can carry anything concealed weapon wise. I am not limited to a gun, for I can carry large knives, or hell, even a sword under a coat. So that is where the laws really get people. Concealing a weapon is a nono w/o a license to do so. I can carry just about whatever I want except for explosives, and that is just with a license. You cant carry jack, well that is about all you can carry, is a jack knife. Even a taser concealed in a purse / handbag, or a baton or asp concealed, is illegal. Its all in terms used in the law books. As far as airsoft type 'toy and target' guns, they are legal to be owned, but it is touchy in the manner if you conceal it. Was it concealed 'AS' a weapon, or b/c you slipped it in your trousers as you went from your car to your house? It is all in how the law enforcer describes the incident if it in fact becomes an incident. If someone wants to screw with you, they can arrest you pretty easily, but getting to hold in court is the tricky part.

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It's funny though. Priceless actually. New Year's Eve my mate and i did a pie run before the countdown and I decided to bring along my newly-obtained(but ill-gotten) slingshot. So picture me, drunk as a skunk on one knee picking up rocks out of a pothole in the road with the obvious intention of firing them out of the big-fuckin'-slingshot sticking outta the back of my shorts, Cop drives along and sees this? I'm barely standing and she asks us 'what're you guys up to?' the only thing in my head that seemed like a sane & sober response(and to try and gloss over the illegal weapon she saw in my pants) was to scream 'PIE RUN!!' to which she replies, have a nice night.

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well yea, the pulley system on the sling shot too, I saw one, and damn it could fire a pebble into the depths of someones skull for sure. Kinda pimp to be honest.


-man pulls out knife- Ima cut ya!


-you pull out pulley system sling shot-


-man w/ kinfe- bwuahahahahaaaaa, brought a sling shot to a knife fight!


-you- THWACK!


-man w/ knife- ......................

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i fuckin' love shooting, i don't have any guns but a friend of mine has a remington 870 pump action shotgun, he also has a rifle but i can't remember the make.


i go shooting at his place pretty regular, he has a clay pigeon trap in his back for the shotgun

and there's an abandoned quarry near his house where we shoot the rifle, usually targets from a 100 yards or so.

it really is loads of fun.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 10 months later...

I sold all of my guns and yesterday I purchased a new gun with the combo of defense purpose and concealment carry in mind


I bring to you the Springfield XD .40 caliber sub-compact






It resembles the glock, but it clearly isnt a glock. I personall hate glocks. This gun has a trigger and a handle safety. This also has a loaded chamber indicator at the top of the slide, which you can see, and even feel if it were dark. My fav feature is that it has a cocked indicator as well, by a silver pin that protrudes a tad on the rear of the slide (where the hammer normally is for hammer visible guns), this indicator can be seen since its silver against the black (bleu) finish and can be felt as well if its dark.


As you can tell, its rather small, so I added a Pearce grip extender which looks like this seen at the bottom of this weapon, aka the pinky extender. (this is the XD9 but same frame as the 40)






this gun also comes with a half holster , mag carrying holster, and a speed loader. Gun also includes a high capacity mag which holds 12 rounds in the mag, and has a extender piece as seen in the gun itself in this pic, I dont like it, which is why I use the Pearce grip extender in my 9 round mag.






It also comes with a light rail, which means I can add a light and or laser to it, looking like this... and I prolly wont, but can.



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quick ammo talk...


This is an FMJ aka full metal jacket



DO NOT!!!! use FMJ for self defense. FMJ are mainly for target practice with effective back drops and for carbine weapons. FMJs will penetrait the bad guy you are trying to kill, the guy behind him, the wall behind him, the window, the car, and into the baby stroller rolling past the scene. FMJ is a solid round that continues onward, works on velocity, and those of you that dont know, guns pack lots of it.


FMJ is for target shooting bc its the cheapest ammo out there. Carbines use these bc well... carbines are meant to jack shit up.




this is a hollow point / hydrashock aka nasty shit





DO!!!! use this round. This type of ammo mushrooms/pouts at the tip upon hitting/making entry. This allows for maximum damage due to diameter and allows to help the bullet to slow down upon entry as well. A 40 cal round just turned into a 55 caliber in width due to the mushroom effect. These rarely exit the body causing exit wounds. If you shoot a limp or neck or something you mind have an exit wound, but if you hit center mass, these rounds generally stay in your target, making for a safer round, not killing the baby in the stroller behind the target.


Slightly more expensive ammo, but its defense rounds... spend the extra 3 bucks.

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how...did i miss this thread?

I just purchased this,



right before christmas. Shoots nice, a bit to the left.


Up next, maybe in August, we'll see.







decisions...what is a girl to do?


heh, if only i could get this bad boy.



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I'll be doing a shoot later this very afternoon. I will hopefully get some good pics! :D

You can still purchase a gun from a store, but you have to do the whole 3 day wait, background check and all that jazz. So you can still get your hands on them. You can buy a long gun (rifle or shot gun) the day of the sale, but any hand gun must have a 3 day wait to purchase and take home while they do the background check.
3 days??? pffft. 10 minutes from where I sit.
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If you have a conceal permit its 10 min. I have one and I got my gun in and out in about 10 min. In the state of Florida, you cant purchase a handgun for 3 days, unless you have a permit. Even cops have to wait 3 days, unless they are a permit holder of course.


All shotguns and rifles are same day purchases however.

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