IguanaDon? Posted September 3, 2006 Posted September 3, 2006 I gotta [e-enfknifhfe. And I got like, my nob. AHAHhahah! Nah, though..I would like some fucking remington revolvers or something ! Like... some kinda fucking... Clint Eastwood nutter... with ym sdcigar and that.
IguanaDon? Posted September 3, 2006 Posted September 3, 2006 with clinging cowboy boots, cling, clinb, cling,c lcin YEP!
Signal08 Posted September 3, 2006 Author Posted September 3, 2006 If any of you ever want new, or slightly used guns I have a buddy who buys sells and trades them all day long. He always has a remington or some sort of wheel gun for sale. He's got a colt AR in great shape for 800 even with extra mags and a case. also dont know the brand, but a .308 rifle for 300 with scope and all on it. a .380 knock off of the sig's version for under 200 and a remington in good shape for 200 i think. He can also get his hands on anything you request... IC, I will check it out.
The NZA Posted September 3, 2006 Posted September 3, 2006 thats crazy; last gun show i went to (while back) colts and the like were big collector's items, way pricey. ask your friend what a standard glock 9 goes for these days, used is fine if its in good condition, laser sight kit installed beneath the barrel a plus. it wont be anytime soon, but again, once hired on im interested.
Signal08 Posted September 3, 2006 Author Posted September 3, 2006 I can get my hands on a brand new glock any caliber (i'd recommend 40 or 45 or 357 just not a 9mm) for 400 even (law enf price) the laser in the rail pin is gonna cost you another 300. The light rail laser the m3 i think its call or mebbe the m6.. is like 200.
The NZA Posted September 3, 2006 Posted September 3, 2006 's the differnce with the lasers? you know i mean the mounted/installed one, right? and why not a 9? I was firing that last time, seemed like a good piece. the 45 cal honestly didnt feel that differnet, for some reason.
Signal08 Posted September 3, 2006 Author Posted September 3, 2006 if the .45 doesnt feel that different for you.. then wouldnt you want the bigger round for defense purposes? 9's litterally ricochet off windshields n shit. 2 of our deputies shot a guy 4 times with their 9's and he lived to tell about it. He was sitting up when I got there... 9's are good for small concealment weapons but for a primary full size defense weapon...40 or 45 caliber with hydroshocks, powerball or gold dot rounds. Do not use full metal jackets (FMJ) for defense rounds. FMJ's are good and cheap for target practice. Always fire a box or two of your defense rounds though The laser grips are nice b/c it hads a very soft yet durable rubber grip to your gun and has a finger activation for the laser on the hand grip itself so it only turns on when you naturally grip the gun. The laser itself rests on the side of the grip against the slide railing. pretty nice.. goes for about 250 after tax. The light rail M3 or M6 lights are in the 200's and very easily removable. they are pretty accurate for being slide/slip on's. Think the M3 is the light only and the M6 is the light and laser...and the light is bright as the sun... nearly. The laser in the guide rail which is what IC is talking about is the most accurate ref its a laser built in the actual railing of the gun. It is about 350 bucks after the install. It is a pain thought b/c its the hardest to install or remove or even replace the battery... and you have to turn on the small switch to activate it, yet most other lasers turn on when you naturally grab the gun. In my opinion, lasers are only good for precission shooting in a sniping type setting. Like someone is holding a hostage in front of them and you are looking for that definate shot... but in a fire fight, you cant see that red laser for shit, let alone if you are out in the day time.
Ganny McVagflaps Posted September 3, 2006 Posted September 3, 2006 Guns are for pussies that can't use their fists! :runs away very fast: [size=1]P.S. Hey Sig, how ya doing?[/size]
Signal08 Posted September 3, 2006 Author Posted September 3, 2006 whats your opinion on tazers then 2T? within 21 feet! p.s. Im tired, working overtime right now... but I'm good. Back on the cycle (brought it into work today)
Ganny McVagflaps Posted September 3, 2006 Posted September 3, 2006 Uhm...tazers are for pussies too! Good to see you on, man. Long time. Hope you're feeling better.
The NZA Posted September 3, 2006 Posted September 3, 2006 Yeah, i heard bout the battery thing with the kit, cant be that difficult or often...im thinking this is for nighttime defense around the house as a last resort, with my good-but-not-perfect depth perception, i though it a good idea, not to mention the idea that putting a dot on someone, i think, says something without even having to unload on them. I guess i havnet heard similar complaints on the weakness of 9mm rounds, those 2 deputies might notve killed the guy, but ulness he was some PCP monster, i bet they brought him under control...you make em sound like its a 22! but ive thought about the 40 cal, i guess id just have to take it firing and see how i fetl then. How much would that run, anyway? fists are for pussies that cant use their...guns. shit.
Signal08 Posted September 3, 2006 Author Posted September 3, 2006 Well there is a definate different between the calibers. A .380 is the same size slug as a 9mm and a .38. The .380 is a shorter shell casing (less gun powder) , the .38 has a longer casing than the 9 (alot of gun power but its a revolver round) and the 9mm is the standard semi auto round. 9mm/.380/.38 works sure, but its the smallest recommend carry round. Why go the smallest when you can go middle of the road or bigger for pretty much the same price? I have fired all of the calibers in question and I would recommend the .40 for someone looking for a good caliber. its middle of the road. For someone wanting supreme up close and personal fuck off or die ... the .45 and no other. the hydroshocks or hollow point rounds almost double in size after they expand when they make contact with the body. there is a big diff when you look into the size of a double 9 vs a double .45. The hollowpoint is just a round that mushrooms out/splits when it penetraits. The hydroshock is the same thing, except it has an added filler in the hollowed out area, the breaks off and continue to penetraits the body. So it is a much nastier round. Either or is a great defense round. The power ball round has a polymer tip which makes it a much smoother round and is recommended for new to newer guns who havent cycled that many rounds. It allows for smoother movement/gliding for the rounds and mags when new guns tend to stick. Your gun isnt broken in until atleast 200 rounds fired through it. FMJ's are good for target practice only. They arnet so cool for defense. They tend to penetrait right thru the body or walls liek they are nothing. Not so cool if you are a bad shot or if you hit all flesh and someone precious is behind them... The glock law enf guns are all the same price... for 9mm 40 45 and the 357... all like 410 bucks out the door with the high capacity mags too. usually 13 plus rounds.
Signal08 Posted December 31, 2007 Author Posted December 31, 2007 *coughskeetercough* just a bump in thread here.
Jables Posted January 2, 2008 Posted January 2, 2008 that was three pages of awesomeness. Another downpoint of the land downunder is our heavy-crazy gun-laws. I know civvies can't legally own sidearms or anything like that, but a quick look at wiki confirmed noone can own shit unless they have serious pest issues or it's completely/comprehensively deactivated(that's anything larger than a .38- and they're only allowed for proffesional shooters). Self-defence isn't acceptable as a cause for ownership. And it sucks 'cause I love guns(or the aesthetic value anyways-never actually fired anything bigger than an air rifle which is illegal as well-yay gun control) but can gets a-nothin'.
Signal08 Posted January 2, 2008 Author Posted January 2, 2008 I had no idea that Aussie had such strict gun laws. I guess I was brainwashed with the whole crco dundee shit that due to the wild and open lands and all that you coulda strapped on open carry hand gun on your hip or whatnot. Things you learn. Sucks that you arent able to justify self defense and get a conceal carry permit. Thats just harsh, but then again, our right to bear arms doesnt apply to aussie nation. Hmm... damn, I just thought the whole down under thing meant like everyone had effing guns and napalm! I know you have major cities there that are populated like around here, melbourne and all, but you still get that mental picture ya know?! I'll get ya an all polymer gun so you can sneak it past metal detectors, how about that mate? Do you have a strict knife policy?
Jables Posted January 4, 2008 Posted January 4, 2008 That'd be tiptop man!!! Yeah Knife policy here's pretty standard. Anything with a sharpened blade period is considered a concealed weapon and misdemeanor in court. Can't keep weapons like sharpened swords, sais, nunchukas & the like without a valid martial arts' membership(though my mate tommy went to Japan recently and found a loophole on that- didn't actually bring a sharpened back but apparently had the option), sword filed blunt are fine(I lucked out on my Sword of the daywalker replica- found it in a dinky pawnshop wasn't aware/didn't really care about applicable law) for collecting purposes.
Signal08 Posted January 4, 2008 Author Posted January 4, 2008 Well collectables should be kept as is, and generally collectable swords are the real deal and true swords arent generally 'sharp' if you are talking knight era. Ninja and military era, they do use sharpened blades. Replicas from the flea market are lowest bidder items and I doubt their value lessens or increases if the blade is sharpened. I am still kinda wow'ed that Australia is so strict on private use of weapons. A country that doesnt even allow conceal carry wtf?! What if you are a banker or transporter, can you have an occupational conceal carry license?
Jables Posted January 4, 2008 Posted January 4, 2008 Banker as in bank guard? Or stereotypically the fat man that carries around bags of money in hessian bags with big dollar signs on them, may or may not walk like a penguin with optional top hat? Obviously armed forces, police, bank transporters and the like get guns, the defence thing doesn't shake out with civvies is all, and that's mostly thanks to Martin Bryant & the Port Arthur Massacre. Not sure if Oz was a gun-toting utopia before that, but I remember there being a huge bugger-around and arguement about gun control straight after, and here we are. Fucking Martin Bryant. It's funny though, we had like, one big fuck-up and the gov't just snapped on down, I don't think Columbine had even happened yet so there wasn't a 'let's not turn into the states' vibe going on, and you guys have a big gun massacre near-on every couple of years and it's still an open issue. Be thankful and count your guns while you still can, sig.
Signal08 Posted January 4, 2008 Author Posted January 4, 2008 I think you should know... none of my guns are registered. Have a nice day.
Jables Posted January 4, 2008 Posted January 4, 2008 Bold move, stating that over the internet and all that. You should really create trolls for bold admissions like that.
Signal08 Posted January 4, 2008 Author Posted January 4, 2008 no need. not required by law to have a registered gun. To purchase one from a gun shop automatically registers you... from an independant owner, not required by law. Most people think it is however.
Jables Posted January 4, 2008 Posted January 4, 2008 Goddamnit I am so freakin' jealous. I wants GUN goddamnit!! I'm guessing there'd still be provisions for immigrants caucasion and otherwise though huh?
Signal08 Posted January 4, 2008 Author Posted January 4, 2008 I dont believe you are allowed to have a concealment carry license while you are not a citizen... unsure about a visa, though I still dont think they qualify. BUT it isnt illegal to own a gun in your home if you live here in the states. You can still purchase a gun from a store, but you have to do the whole 3 day wait, background check and all that jazz. So you can still get your hands on them. You can buy a long gun (rifle or shot gun) the day of the sale, but any hand gun must have a 3 day wait to purchase and take home while they do the background check. unless of course you have a concealment carry license. Being a concealment carry license holder, you are allowed to purchase a hand gun right then and there and walk out of the store with it. The license is basically your background check since you go through a much more thurough background check when you apply for one. In fact, if you apply for a CCW, an actual investigator for the state ATF agency actually does follow up on you and all. researches you, checks in with your local authorties and all. So the state allows you to buy guns on the spot if you have a CCW. Cops even have to wait the 3 day waiting period unless they have a CCW. It is sort of weird.
Jables Posted January 4, 2008 Posted January 4, 2008 That's crazy that cops don't get that kinda scrutiny when they join the force(do they?), but then is Michael Moore telling the truth that your military recruiters have resorted to hanging out at malls to recruit kids and shit? Here it's a fucker of a proccess just to join the army let alone the RAAF(which is where I was headed but lost interest when I saw all the shit in store for me selection criteria-wise). I mean, it's not off the cards completely, I could still go career and get my pension at 47, but having bought this house I'm really keen to set taproots from my arse as opposed to possibly moving to a new base every two years.
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